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Have Obama supporters created the most insulting ad of all time?


by John Fountain.


Reading the comments, it seems that quite a few people think the Obama ad that repeats the line 'Wake the Fuck Up' is pretty funny. Many are saying that for the first time someone has made a political ad that they get, and like, and this one really hits home.

The ad is a pastiche of Adam Mansbach's adult-oriented childen's book 'Go the Fuck to Sleep'. This spot, featuring Samuel L. Jackson is another bedtime story penned by Mansbach but entitled "Wake the Fuck Up."

It's not a cheap spot. They've chucked some serious money into the production. Unfortunately, for me, it's a cheap shot.

Now I agree that most political advertising is pretty awful. But I'm not so sure that shouting into somebody's face that they should "˜Wake the Fuck Up" is the answer. Perhaps I'm missing something. Perhaps I'm old school. Perhaps I'm a father trying to raise his daughter as best I can. But we can do without all that kind of bollocks, thank you very much.

Mind you, there are many that think I'm wrong. They say that this is everyday life now, it's accepted and part of the culture. They say that this is the kind of message that we need if we want to get people to act.

I disagree. And for Obama I'm feeling it will do more harm than good.

At the end, the video states that the message was not approved or authorized by any candidate (the group behind the ad did not reach out to the Obama camp regarding the video, they just went and made it themselves.)

In an interview, the writer said, "My hopes are that the video helps remind people of Obama's accomplishments and the stakes of this election, and galvanize people to get out and get active," He adds. "Not just to vote, but to volunteer and organize."

Which is just plain stupid because I seriously doubt the large majority of people will lift a finger. If they're anything like me they will simply sigh in disappointment and walk away.

Because as Benetton found to their cost, shock tactics never work.


John Fountain is a write and creative director.
Twitter: @fountainjohn


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