Displaying 3385 - 3420 of 3516 results



On the near future of wearables

The current state of wearables is segmented, run (Nike+ Fuelband, Fitbit Force), sleep (Jawbone Up), watches (pebble, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Sony SmartWatch, metawatch)…, some of them like pebble offer a great amount of customisation, yet it...

Posted by: Deltobran


Space for silicon

Anyone who works around the Silicon Roundabout is familiar with the noise of building work. It’s happening all around and the amount of old buildings coming down and new ones rising up is accelerating fast. One of the reasons for the surge in...

Posted by: Every Interaction


The not-so-beautiful game: the sickly world of beauty pageants

These days, we’re by no means strangers to the phenomenon that is reality TV. It permeates every channel, every genre and every demographic. We laugh at the modern Victorian freak show that is X Factor, with their hopelessly deluded, fragile...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Hey, sugar. Is John Lewis' Christmas ad too treacly?

Could they have been the most expensive two minutes in advertising history? Well, if they weren’t, they certainly weren’t far off. Last Saturday during X Factor - and therefore requiring the sign-off from pop mogul Simon Cowell himself -...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Facing facts. Are Tesco's ad screens really as sinister as we fear?

Say what you like about Tesco, but they know how to create a fuss. A couple of days ago, the digital, broadcast and print media fell on a story about the retail giant and its latest advertising wheeze. As a plethora of reports rushed to tell us,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Awesome and Imaginative Food Packaging

In today’s market, brands and designers have to find increasingly innovative ways of staying ahead of the competition and making us buy their product. One great way to out do your competitors is through packaging. Generally we’re all used...

Posted by: Creativepool


Photoshop Fail. Ads And Magazine Covers To Make You Cringe

We love Photoshop because it's one of the design industry's best tool and friend. Nowadays with the never ending supply of tutorials, apps and YouTube videos, anyone can be a designer, photographer and retoucher. With some fair amount of knowledge,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Tooth well told. Why the Corsodyl campaign is a touch of brilliance.

I tried Corsodyl once. My mum had a bottle in her bathroom cabinet and, as it said it was a mouthwash, I took a liberal swig. It was very much like rinsing with floor polish and Polo mints. But it is a 'medicine' and the worse a medicine tastes, the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Finger Painting Goes To The Next Level On App ArtStudio.

While most of us kill time on our commute by crushing some candy, listening to music or reading a book, one Japanese office worker takes it to a whole new level. Enter Seikou Yamaoka. He uses his iPhone to create incredible finger painting portraits...

Posted by: Creativepool


McCann Manchester's new Haunt (the prize that goes bump in the night)

As prizes go, having your own pub built is quite a nice thing to win. But so it was when McCann Manchester was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. Having won the award this year, the Manchester-based communications...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Working from home: a rod for your own back?

Over the summer, I was working for a client in southeast London. I’ll be honest: the travel was a pain in the butt. We were in that ridiculously hot stretch of the summer where it was hotter in London than in most of Europe. The tube was...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison



Hashtags are a funny old thing which seem to have sprouted up from nowhere and now run people's jobs, businesses and even lives. I have been pondering this phenomenon on two occasions in the past week - once when my mother asked me what a hashtag was...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Bad reception. Why the worst thing about DAB isn't the advertising.

'Share the love!' says a one and half foot, massive headed, dead-eyed creature in a white jump-suit. Ordinarily the shock of this vision would wake you from your nightmare. You'd slope off for a wee and crawl back into bed. But this isn't a bad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Is 'AdBlock' software unfair to the advertising industry?

You know 'Mozilla', don't you? The people who make the Firefox web browser? Well, it turns out they also make a thing called 'AdBlock Plus'. And, if you're using it, you're getting right up the noses of some advertising big-wigs. For the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The RA Summer Exhibition: "I could do that - but I've got talent"

You've got a little less than a week to get yourself down to the Royal Academy to marvel at the wonders of the Summer Exhibition. Or do I mean wonder at the marvels? Or neither? Do I mean marvel at the lack of talent - or the extraordinary choices of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Harmless fun? Violence against women in advertising

Last week saw the much publicised divorce of Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi. The first the world at large knew of the situation was following the release of “that photo” - the one where Saatchi was snapped grabbing Lawson by the neck...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


When is the best time to Tweet?

The information superhighway is so jam packed full of tweets it makes your brain hurt just trying to comprehend it. So how do you ensure that your business/company is tweeting in an optimum way to ensure it goes out at the right time and in the right...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Whatever happened to proper advertising?

Last week I wrote a piece for Creativepool, suggesting the role of the copywriter had become sidelined to the extent that designers were now the 'creatives'. I also wondered whether this wasn't just an attack of paranoia. Well, it wasn't. The column...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A shot in the dark. Is The Guardian wise to open a cafe?

When it comes to digital media The Guardian is certainly adventurous. Indeed, behind those doors at King's Place there's a policy/philosophy called 'digital first' - essentially a prioritisation of the newspaper's online activity, from podcasts to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Spotlight: Masafumi Inaba, Art Director at Thomas Manns & Company

"I'm a Japanese graphic designer specialized in branding, book design and editorial design. I'm also co-founder of Art Glossary Magazine and a founder of Sakura Front, a Japanese charity project." Masafumi Inaba Art Director Thomas Manss &...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight... Mirko Albertin, Fashion and Branding Graphic Designer

"I am an apparel and branding graphic designer with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of production methods, innovative techniques and application of graphics. I specialise in producing trend driven graphics and branding for the fashion...

Posted by: Creativepool


What do 'cargo cults' tell us about marketing psychology?

If advertising is about anything, it's about influence and persuasion. So allow me to tell you a tale which perfectly illustrates the strange and mysterious ways in which the human psyche is influenced and persuaded. This is the story of a man who...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Spotlight... Nick White, Digital Designer

"I'm a Middleweight Digital Designer with a specialism in all things mobile; be it apps, sites, ads or tablet stuff. I'm currently getting to grips with the responsive design trend that is taking over the world and am making a concerted effort to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight... Rob Pratt, Senior Designer & Art Director

Company Brand & Deliver Job title Design Director Social media Creativepool.com/robpratt Twitter: @prattrob Website: robprattdesign.co.uk Tell us a bit about what it is that you do I’ve worked across iOS apps, websites and digital...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to Beat Bullying at Work

According to a 2010 TUC survey, one third of safety representatives reported bullying at work as a problem. In addition, the Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development reports that bullying, harassment and victimisation are ongoing issues in UK...

Posted by: Source


Technology makes me boring

By Ashley Morrison Considering that words and the effective use of them takes up pretty much my whole working life, I don’t read enough of them. No, cancel that - I do read enough of them, just not the right ones. Last night, I found a largely...

Posted by: Creativepool


And the punch line is…

by Ashley Morrison. I love comedy. I love the craft of it. I love how a skilled performer can take you one way, only to throw you in a completely opposite direction - which is the one that gets the bigger laugh. Being a successful stand-up comedian...

Posted by: Creativepool


What did you just call me? The tricky art of naming brands.

By Magnus Shaw Have you used your Tripod today? How about your Mobi? There's a very good chance you have, but you knew it as your iPhone. It seems the obvious name for Apple's mobile handset doesn't it? After all, they already the iPod and its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Something for nothing

by Ashley Morrison. I never thought I’d say it, but I have some sympathy with guests on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Not that I sit around watching daytime TV all day, of course. Well, apart from a triple-bill of Frasier to get me going in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Jim'll Paint It.

By Jessica Hazel Despite the dodgy Savile parodies, Jim'll Paint It is the most exciting new thing on Tumblr. A couple of weeks ago, Jim came up with a novel way of filling up his lunch breaks, he asked friends for requests for things to draw and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Michael Wolf's Mega Cities

By Jessica Hazel Michael Wolf is a photographer who was born in Munich and now lives in Hong Kong. His life's work is focused on life in mega cities, inspired by the time he has spent in Hong Kong since moving there in 1994. From 1994-2001 Wolf...

Posted by: Creativepool


Can you hear me at the back? Five tips for better presentations.

Last week I gave a presentation in Lincolnshire. It's been a while since I did this (give a presentation I mean, not visit Lincolnshire) and I realised I might be a little rusty. So the night before, I ran through a few 'golden rules' - just a mental...

Posted by: Creativepool


Cor blimey David!

By Jessica Hazel Nothing is going to grab your attention quite like David Beckham tucking his bum cheek back in his boxers during an ad break. Well done H&M for paying whatever amount of money it takes to get the world's most lusted after man to get...

Posted by: Creativepool

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