Displaying 1513 - 1548 of 1602 results



Speak when you're spoken to, dear. Or put the kettle on.

Call me naïve, but I think we in the UK are pretty inclusive; more so than other nations. Granted, discrimination in the workplace does still exist on various levels - and much more in some industries than others. Banking, I hear, is one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


AOL makes bold strides in advertising revenue with programmatic trading

Though it might have been overtaken by Google as the most visible name in online industry many years ago, AOL (America Online) is still going strong and has recently posted 4th quarter figures for 2013 that point to its most successful year in over a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 10 Creativepool Companies of 2013

2013 is nearly over, and hasn't it flown! We have had a great year and thought we would take a moment to showcase our Top 10 companies of the year. These are the companies with the most views and follows. Some award winning, talented and awesome...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why your brand or marketing agency should be using Vine

In the world of the marketing agency, 2013 won't just be the year of the Snake. It'll be the year the number of mobile devices exceeds the human population. I'm knocking at your proverbial door to spread the word of Vine. Have you heard about the...

Posted by: FindGood


We're being spied upon. But then, we made it so easy.

The most surprising aspect of the Edward Snowden case and the revelations about GCHQ is that anyone is surprised. Did we really imagine our 'lords and masters' had such respect for our privacy and dignity that they would resist the temptation to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A shot in the dark. Is The Guardian wise to open a cafe?

When it comes to digital media The Guardian is certainly adventurous. Indeed, behind those doors at King's Place there's a policy/philosophy called 'digital first' - essentially a prioritisation of the newspaper's online activity, from podcasts to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my coronary

“Normal or diet?” The standard question you ask when you’re going to the bar and someone orders a Coke. I haven’t counted, but in my experience, I would guestimate that eight times out of ten, the answer will be diet...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The world's smallest movie: A Boy and His Atom

Big is beautiful but small can also be mightily impressive - including when it comes to design, illustration or animation on a tiny scale. And I'm not talking about those people on Brighton Pier who write your name on a grain of rice. No, I'm talking...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Crafts aren't creative – they're, well, erm...

Earlier this month, there was widespread consternation and outrage that the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) is going to exclude the 'crafts' as a category under the banner of 'creative industries'. Having done some work on a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Technology makes me boring

By Ashley Morrison Considering that words and the effective use of them takes up pretty much my whole working life, I don’t read enough of them. No, cancel that - I do read enough of them, just not the right ones. Last night, I found a largely...

Posted by: Creativepool


ASDA's comms guy says websites are dead. Is he right?

At yesterday's Social Media World Forum, Dominic Burch - Head of Communications and Social Media for ASDA - said “Stop thinking about websites - they’re dead - just think about the content and getting that right for mobile. As reported...

Posted by: Creativepool


Phil Swan - Erskine Design

What do you actually do? An average day might involve building a prototype for a web application, brainstorming ideas for a Facebook campaign or sifting through shed loads of data, trying to devise a logical architecture. I'm lucky as I get to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Mike Watkins - Freelance Graphic Designer

- View Mike's Creativepool profile ‘Don't just hold out for the cool ad or design agencies - there are thousands of other companies out there that have marketing/design departments' Describe your work in one sentence. Creative pixel...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... James Temple - R/GA

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? I'm the Executive Creative Director at R/GA in London. With the team, I create digital experiences. What does that involve? Leading, Learning, Understanding, Inspiring and Executing. I'm...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Work from home effectively

by Ashley Morrison. One of the perks of being a freelancer is the ability to work from home. I love it. No arduous daily commute (and related expenses, obviously), no noisy work colleagues, and seriously good coffee on tap when I want it. But in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thinking outside the corporate box.

by Ashley Morrison. As a copywriter, a major part of the job revolves around using the right words to convey the right message in the most effective and persuasive way possible. If you're selling a product, you want the customer to read the copy and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who really won at the Olympics? Nike vs Adidas

Nike may not have been a headline sponsor, but insight from Socialbakers’ CheerMeter tool today revealed that Nike was top of the podium for sporting social engagement during the London Olympics. From the 27th of July to the 2nd of August,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Unliked. Is the sheen coming off Facebook?

by Magnus Shaw When discussing Facebook, different rules apply. In Facebook's world, audiences, members, revenues and profits are measured on a macro-scale that dwarfs the figures bandied around in banking circles. A few statistics: -Users upload...

Posted by: Creativepool


The best and worst jobs of 2012 - where does yours place?

Careercast.com is a website owned by Adicio inc. and has just drawn up a list of the best and worst US jobs for 2012. There are 200 jobs in the list and it's compiled from data from the Bureau Of Labour Statistics, takings aspects such as work...

Posted by: Creativepool


Snap decision - why Facebook bought Instagram

Last Sunday Facebook surprised the world. Without waiting for their market flotation later this week - and like a big shot investment banker casually ordering the 1900 Cristal Brut - the social network laid down $1b in cash and stock to acquire...

Posted by: Creativepool


Facebook Vs. CVs - is it ok for employers to stalk applicants?

As Facebook timeline is being pushed upon us more and more forcefully from the powers that be, you might want to stop and ponder the implications of opting to have your entire Facebook past accessible to all. Click on 2008 and photos of a stag night...

Posted by: Creativepool


Take your pick. Why consumer choice is not always a good thing.

Social media is currently the marketing Holy Grail. Formerly sceptical clients are now convinced that, properly leveraged, Facebook and twitter will open up a treasure trove of commerce. Against this backdrop, Dutch airline KLM is offering its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Hard pressed.

How much do you imagine a quarter page, black and white advertisement in the London edition of Metro (the free commuter newspaper) costs? A few hundred quid? A bit more? The answer is £6,636. Perhaps I'm terribly naive or getting a bit old, but...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stay healthy. Get a tattoo.

If I started talking about epidermal electronics, you might well click away from this post because you think I'm going to blind you with science. But if I referred instead to electronic tattoos, you might be able to have a reasonable guess at what...

Posted by: Creativepool


Improving market will improve recruitment standards

Source This month’s CP Career comes from Source - a specialist recruitment business, dedicated to the digital, integrated and traditional creative communications industry. They work to support the needs of advertising, marketing and design...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Graham Fink - Creative Director at M&C Saatchi

What does being a CD at M&C Saatchi really mean? I think they refer to it as spinning plates these days. But pretty much everything involving helping write strategies to pushing the creative teams to get the best out of them and then in some cases...

Posted by: Creativepool


#MemberSpotlight on Creative Director John-Louis West

With a background in print design and advertising, John-Louis West has over 20 years of experience as a design consultant, which places him at the intersection of business, digital, graphic design, and motion graphics. We caught up with him this week...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


AI will eat your job. Or will it?

Argggghhhh. AI is coming and it’s going to eat your job and then maybe your head. Have you been hearing this lately? Freelancers have seen less interest and income since the launch of ChatGPT as the FT and Chamath highlighted the other...

Posted by: Multivitamin Studio


How to Hire a Project Designer

When it comes to executing successful projects, hiring the right professionals is crucial. A project designer plays a vital role in shaping and bringing ideas to life. This article aims to guide you through the process of hiring a project designer,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Using AI For Creativity Without Losing Ourselves

Unless you've been hidden away with your head down editing, animating, creating or filming, then you'll of seen the outpouring of mind-blowing creative AI tools across all of your social feeds, inboxes and events. At Tilt, we're very aware of how...

Posted by: We Are Tilt

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