
5 minutes with... Scott Bedford - Creative Director at Jigsaw


*What do you actually do?
My main focus at the moment is driving innovation and creativity within the business - so a lot of creative and strategic thinking, and an awful lot of pitches, especially for the North American market. Jigsaw is a very dynamic place, so it's a lot of fun, and I still get time to draw pretty pictures, so life is good.

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
I spend a lot of time making stuff, and then blogging about it (actually, I spend all my free time doing this). Check it out here. It recently won 2 Webby Awards, which I had the pleasure of collecting from New York. Interestingly, one of my blog posts How tweets are made was recently included in the Creative Review Illustration annual.


What's your current favourite piece of creative work at the moment?
It's a couple of months old, but I'll have to go for the Mini ‘Getaway' app. A real-time location based game (yes, all the boxes ticked) that changed people's behaviour in very visible and dramatic way. Check out the video.

What do you love about your job?
Nothing beats getting a new brief – I always see it as the next big creative opportunity. When you stop thinking like this it's probably time to move to the country.

If you could give one piece of advice for someone starting out, what would it be?
I know I spent too much of my early career following trends. I'd encourage creatives to bring more of ‘themselves' to their work.

If you have one Super power what would it be?
To control time – I need more of it.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What was your worst job and what did you learn from it?*
My first job, when I was 16, was as a ‘trolley boy' for Tesco – all my mates were ‘shelf stackers', I got to collect trolleys from the car park. I learnt to be humble.

You have already worked with some amazing brands, who would you like to work with next?
Tracy Emin

iPhone or Blackberry?

Your favourite app?
The iPad game - Casey's Contraptions (because that's what I used to do as a kid).

Too Cool for School or too School for Cool?
By process of elimination, the latter.

Facebook or Twitter?

Eat In or eat out?
Eat less

Follow Scott:
Twitter: @whatimade
Visit my blog 
Visit the website

   About Jigsaw
*"Digital Jigsaw is part of MIG (Mobile Interactive Group). It is a full-service digital solutions company that embraces web, mobile, social media and eCRM to deliver truly integrated campaigns."


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