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5 minutes with... Edward Lloyd-Williams - CScape


*Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for?
I am the Creative Director of cScape

What does that involve?
Looking after the creative and UX needs of our clients. Meeting clients and presenting work.

How did you get started in the industry?
Graduated in the early 90's and applied for a job as a "interactive designer"...this was before the web, so started designing things like British Airways first in-flight entertainment system and CD ROM's!...(remember them?) 

What would you be doing if you weren't doing that?
Probably have a cheese and wine bar.

What's your all-time favourite piece of creative work?
There were some scrolls done by some unknown Chinese Empire court artists. Truly fantastic.

What do you love about your job?
The challenge

What do you hate about your job?
Difficult one to answer

Tell us your favourite website
I hate that question, I always think it is like asking someone what is your favourite movie?. It all depends on what you want or a looking for, facts, fiction, fun... but if you really want to push me TED.

If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?
To thy own self be true

Where can people follow you online?
Twitter: @edwardglw
LinkedIn: /edward-lloyd-williams
Visit my blog
Visit my website
Visit company's website


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