
Top 10 reasons to update your website

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If you're responsible for the website of your business or organisation, it can sometimes be a case of out of sight, out of mind once it's up and running… you may only look at or amend one or two pages from time to time until someone points something out.

We understand this – it’s human nature, after all. But it can be worth reminding yourself why you may want to look at making changes (from both a design and structure point of view) so hopefully this list of the top 10 reasons to update your website will be useful.

1. Your site’s security is out of date

Having a dated website can mean your site is vulnerable to hacking. At best it means potential clients will get a bad experience, at worse it means their personal details may be compromised.

2. Your site Links are broken or missing

Over time as information is added to your site links can break, making the site appear unloved and unprofessional. 

3. Calls to action!

Your website is there to invite clients to either buy or contact. Make it easy for them! Add a ‘click to call’ button to the mobile site for instance. 

4. Your content is outdated

Nothing puts a potential client off more than reading news from years ago!

5. Your site is difficult to update

Maybe the reason your news is so outdated is the content management system is so clunky and difficult to use!

6. Lack of engaging content

Your website is your 24/7 salesperson. Make sure your site is engaging, enlightening and giving users the same feel they’d get from you if you were with them face to face. 

7. Your SEO is not managed

Pretty much everything begins with a search! People often don’t bother clicking past the first page, so optimisation of your site is critical if you’re going to be easily found. A job worth doing every 6-12 months.

8. Your site has a bad user experience

How many times have you left a site without making a purchase or contact because the site’s difficult to navigate?

9. It isn’t mobile-friendly

Users may be looking at your site on a number of devises, users expect a seamless experience across desktop, tablet and mobile.

10. Good design

First impressions count! Make sure the website design reflects your brand. Remember it could be the first point at which clients interact with your brand. You wouldn’t put a plastic garden chair in your reception or turn up to a new business meeting in tatty clothes would you?How many of these reasons are affecting your current website? Do panic, just give us a call and we can talk you through the options which will work with your budget and your time scales.

If you have already decided you need to make changes to your website from a design and development perspective we’re sure you will find this blog post on How to write a website brief helpful.


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