Displaying 73 - 99 of 99 results



The Latest Highlights and Trends in Tech

First off the bat, let me take this opportunity to wish all my fellow Creativepoolers a happy and prosperous new year! 2015 was certainly an exciting one in the tech world, but with a 2016 looking to herald the dawn of mainstream virtual reality, the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Spotlight: Adobe Edge Animate for Flash users

Adobe Edge is a suite of web development tools developed by Adobe Systems. Edge Animate has been developed as an alternative method of creating browser-delivered content. You can use Edge Animate to build interactive, responsive, animations based on...

Posted by: Academy Class


Shenmue 3 breaks Kickstarter

Whilst some might say that Kickstarter is little more than an unnecessary middle-man, many others have argued that it has revolutionised the way in which the creative industry interacts with its fans by effectively bridging the gap between creator...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


98 isometric cubes of raw by Lernert & Sander

Raw food often gets a raw deal. OK, fair enough sushi has developed a fair few millions western fans in the last decade or so, but in general, raw food is seen by many of us as less exciting than its cooked or chilled brethren. The Dutch design...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


jelly London launch award-winning director Effie Pappa

This week, jelly London welcome award-winning animator, Effie Pappa, to their exclusive team of directors. Effie specialises in all ranges of Stop Motion as well as 2D animation. She is best known for her short film “My Stuffed Granny”,...

Posted by:


The gamers nightmare before (and after) Christmas

If you unwrapped and unboxed a brand spanking new Playstation 4 or Xbox One console on Christmas morning, only to be met with a barrage of error messages and broken dreams, you were certainly not the only one. Indeed, both Sony's Playstation Network...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The top ten business card designs

From the most intricate folding cardboard and metal cards to contact details printed on balloons, the humble business card has developed into an art form in itself. With different cards out there trying to stand out and grab your attention more so...

Posted by: Creativepool


Closed ears. How the music industry ruined itself.

In 1999 a website called Napster appeared on the internet. With little in the way of its own content, and certainly no means nor intention of producing or releasing music, it set a ball rolling that in 2013 tumbled most of HMV’s high street...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The internet - the staggering truth revealed.

The World Wide Web, it's a wonderful thing to be sure. You've got your social media for endless moaning and pictures of your holidays. You've got your YouTube for Little Mix videos and footage of other people's pets. And you've got your online...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


New Monopoly: for those with a short attention sp...

by Ashley Morrison It's a wet Sunday afternoon (no, not in summer 2013, obviously; that would be a sweltering Sunday afternoon), and there isn't much to keep the family occupied. Well, apart from the 200-odd TV channels now available. Or a DVD. Or...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Ten brilliant things

Whilst scouting about for juicy fodder for this week's blog I came across so many exciting new things happening in the world of art and design I have decided to dump ten of the best bits onto your screens. It must be the weather, a burst of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Should celebrities be plugging advertisers in interviews?

The old adage asserts, 'Word of mouth is the best advertising'. And there's a lot of truth in that. When a satisfied customer recommends a product or service to a potential customer, a form of potent and cost-free advertising has taken place and it's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


End of the roll - Rebecca Ward's amazing ways with cello-tape

Who say's that jaw-dropping art has to be complicated in terms of it's materials? Rebecca Ward is a Texas-born, Brooklyn-based artist with a love of tape, yards and yards of it in all it's multicoloured glory, spun all over columns, walls and floors...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sorry, you're too creative.

by John Fountain. A few months back I was helping a friend review some CVs for a copywriting position. There was the usual mix of applicants and all of them from different writing backgrounds including b2b, pharmaceutical, PR, blogging, journalism,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Spotlight - Thomas Knowler

- View Thomas's Creativepool profile here Twitter: @knowlerdraws Tumblr: knowlerdraws.tumblr.com Vimeo: vimeo.com/knowler Website: knowlerdraws.co.uk "British born, School of Visual Arts (NYC) trained Animator and Illustrator. Obsessed with space,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Clare Bishop

- View Clare's Creativepool profile here Website: clarelouisebishop.com "Clare is a creative retoucher based in London. Having for sometime worked for creative studios around London, both freelance and in-house, she made the daunting leap of starting...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A losing battle. Where now for bank advertising?

by Magnus Shaw When a kitchen is infested with cockroaches, the little beasts do their unpalatable work quite happily while the room is dark.But turn on a light and they scatter chaotically in all directions, scared and confused. There are many...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman

Turner Prize-winning artist and craftsman Grayson Perry is one of the most recognisable figures on today's art scene. Perhaps due to gaps in my knowledge and certain preconceptions (or misconceptions), I had never really taken to him before dressing...

Posted by: Creativepool

Meet Alex Bamford. Art director and photographer.

Alex has been working in advertising for over 25 years. Today he works on the Land Rover, Lloyds and Dell accounts for RKCR/Y&R. Not content with working in one of the best agencies around, he also spends much of his spare time stuck behind a tripod,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Do you have a client from hell?

We all know the overused retail mantra 'the customer is always right'. It's been rammed into our consciousness since we got our first Saturday shops as grumpy teenagers and began having to deal with The Great British Moron. In my experience, the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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