Displaying 37 - 72 of 99 results


Job Description: Design Manager

A design manager is employed to lead numerous design-related tasks. These may include web design, product development, advertising or general creative roles. These individuals can be employed in construction, in graphic design firms, in the...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Creative Director

Design guru. Master mediator. Highly skilled multitasker and delegator. A good Creative Director is all these things and more. They are the calm head on top of the creative shoulders that bring focus and identity to a company. Job description,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Pursuing a healthy work-life balance - #MemberSpotlight

Being a creative professional isn't a job - it's a life commitment. We think creative, work creative, dream creative and sometimes even entertain us with creative hobbies. It's like a curse, but one we're much happy to have. Yet when Designer & Art...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Best Brands of 2020

The best and most inspiring brands that made this 2020 more enjoyable. Thinking about the 12 months that just passed, I bet few actually realise how lucky we are to live in the era of brand purpose. With most brands now focused on making a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Being a creative woman in Covid times

To us men, sitting at a desk and sipping hot drinks from our favourite mug, this pandemic sure felt a bit strange. No more taking the Tube to go to work, no more spending huge chunks of our day to commute and so on. So much time saved. Most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What is the fuel of endless inspiration?

When you are just starting out, you can easily get caught in a storm of passion, ambition and motivation for everything related to your craft. Some people lose that, or become disillusioned with time. You shouldn't. Senior Graphic Designer Stuart...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Breaking your creative patterns

Curiosity brings knowledge. Knowledge brings experience. Experience brings confidence. You are hardly going to make it as a creative if you don't open your mind to new inputs and experiences. We know we babble about that a lot, but the more members...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Think like a hoover

It's hard to imagine being inspired while only focusing on your own art. That is the fastest way to lead your creativity to stall - to stop looking at fellow creatives, and to become too self-absorbed into your own works. Instead, you should try to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: 3D Artist

The third dimension has been enticing artists for decades, but it’s only in relatively recent years that some incredibly talented creatives have been able to truly utilise the flexibility, the depth, the power and the potential of 3D artistry....

Posted by: Creativepool


The industry’s mental health is in bad shape, but there's hope

With the COVID-19 outbreak showing no signs of giving up, more and more professionals in the creative industry have been struggling with mental health, with 67% of people feeling now more anxious than ever, according to Anxiety UK. The mental health...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Patola Figueroa on being a woman in the creative industry

There are plenty of words we could write about Isobar Mexico VP, Patola Figueroa. There is plenty of time we could spend trying to capture her essence, her strength, her attitude to leadership and all of her personal backstory. But in truth, there...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning from Failures with Oliver Fuselier

Few people make their way in your heart like Great Guns USA managing director Oliver Fuselier does. Reading him as he tells stories of his remote and recent past is heartwarming and enough to paint a beautiful, comprehensive picture of an ambitious...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Member Spotlight: The Indisputable Rules of Art with Laszlo Ary

Laszlo Ary believes that rules are there for a reason, and all of his art exists to show as much. Careful composition, attention to the principles of art and crazy regard for details are all features of Laszlo's work, who moved from a simple passion...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Three tips on how to write through the crisis

In a crisis, good communication matters more than ever. From supermarkets to airlines, brands are having to find the right words to set out their position and help customers make sense of the world right now. As a copywriter, I know how quickly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Maturation of the Startup - A guide to starting your own agency

So you want to start your own creative agency? Well, good luck! If building a business is like raising a child, then nurturing a team of passionate, sensitive creatives is like being a first-time father or mother and caring for a sick infant....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The copywriter’s toolkit - part 3: How to get paid

Let’s look at an all-too-familiar scenario. The deadline - which was already tight - got moved up. The brief that you’d agreed to got changed as their client added more aspects to it. But in the interests of professionalism you cut all...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Why winning new business is difficult, misunderstood and vital

It may surprise some of you to learn that the job of creating new business opportunities within an agency, or any company for that matter, is the most difficult, misunderstood and vital. Here are three reasons why. Winning new business is...

Posted by: David Alexander


Behind the Idea: evian drinks in The Baby Bare Necessities

The evian babies are back in a new campaign through BETC Paris that sees more cute characters return to revive its Live Young ethos. In a world of constant swiping, notifications and social media updates, the lead ad (bottom) reminds us of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Mike Sharpe's top tips for 3D designers

The demand for skilled 3D designers has increased in the past few years thanks to tighter budgets and shorter delivery times. Technology now plays a significant part in cost-cutting on shoots and computer-generated work is key to delivering a project...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Industry Influencers: Javier Suso

Javier Suso, CEO of VCCP Spain, talks about increased competition for ad agencies and what his company is doing to combat that threat in this industry influencer interview. He also outlines the importance of company culture, how his former bosses...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

How to Approach Humour Across Cultures

Four years ago this November, I was on a date with a lovely Japanese businesswoman in downtown Shibuya, Tokyo. Desperate to impress, and wary about breaking some sort of cultural taboo, I started chatting about humour in different languages. I tried...

Posted by: Textappeal


Design Trends 2018: Bold moments, glitches, layers and diversity

I'm not a designer, lacking both the patience and the creative impulse (at least when it comes to images), but design is something I, and almost everyone else on this planet, appreciate on a very primal level. It's the first thing we notice in almost...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Beach Meets : Patrick Savile

We first came across Patrick’s work many, many moons ago when he showed at the gallery at a People of Print exhibition - maybe back in 2011. But his recent show at Shoreditch mainstay Dream Bags Jaguar Shoes really blew us away. Get down there...

Posted by: Beach London


Our Biggest Build to Date: Behind the Scenes of Amy.com

12 months, 79 spreadsheets, 85.6GB worth of page designs, 90 design templates, 682.75 hours of coding, 137 Google Hangouts and four flights across 34,000 kilometers later and Amys.com was born. Find out how we did it here. This post reflects on our...

Posted by: Superrb


Top 10 Ads of the Week

Smörgåsbord - Visit Wales Welsh actor Luke Evans, who will star as Gaston in the new Disney remake of Beauty and the Beast, is starring in an atmospheric new TV ad for Visit Wales, designed to promote the country’s 2017 Year of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cheil create a children’s book that teaches life lessons through golf

Cheil Worldwide has created a golf-themed children’s book to help teach the virtues of life. The book will be used in an educational program called “Golf Daddy Class,” which is sponsored by Korean golf distributor Orient Golf. The program and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Does having a specialism make you more employable?

Creatives are getting very mixed messages at the moment. While perfecting one skill makes you an appealing hire, nowadays agencies want multidisciplinary talents who have a variety of skills. We recently took the debate to the people in the know,...

Posted by: Cogs Agency


What is Pokémon GO & how to get it right now

If you're even remotely interested in the wonderful world of Pokémon (and why wouldn't you be?) then you're probably aware of the mega-hyped Pokémon Go smartphone game, which essentially uses AR technology to allow fans to catch...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Cannes Lions 2016: Tuesday's Instagram Highlights

On the second day of Cannes Lions, it is all about catching up with friends in the industry with much fun and laughter, lovely sea view that makes you wish that you did not miss the Festival, and inspirational talks from thought leaders. And of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brew Dog release the keys to the kingdom with DIY Dog

In a move that most conventional marketers would chastise as throwing the baby out with the bathwater, the craft brewing king pins at Brew Dog have thrown open the floodgates with a remarkable, and daring new initiative. The craft beer company, which...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 10 Hires of the Week

Start Group Mac Macdonald, the President and Partner at Sid Lee Amsterdam, has been appointed the Group CEO at Start Group, the independent global network formerly known as Start JudgeGill. Based in London, he will focus initially on developing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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