Displaying 613 - 648 of 3447 results



#GettingToKnow the creative conscience of Chrissy Levett

Chrissy Levett trained as an illustrator and print maker before studying design + communications at the Royal Colleg​e of Art, in London. She is an accomplished creative director and founder of Creative Conscience, a global organisation that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


But it’s not…

How often do you find yourself having to explain that the thing you’re trying to create ‘isn’t’? As in ‘it’s not a timeshare, it’s a not-hotel’ (which is a real thing, or a not real thing. Possibly. I’m not sure.) The criteria for...

Posted by: Richard


All Roads Lead To Rome

For any business, there is only ONE reason to have a website. That reason is to make money - and even more critical... make profits. If your company has a website, and you cannot tangibly determine whether it is contributing to PROFITS, or COSTING...

Posted by: Tagmakers


10 side hustles that became hugely successful businesses

Whether it’s to pursue a passion project or to maximise your income, side hustles have become more popular than ever in the UK as people look for different ways to navigate situations such as the lockdowns and the cost-of-living crisis. Almost...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Missed the post

I missed posting yesterday after spending the weekend on a bicycle, with a camping stop between days (and Monday was a bit of a right-off {write-off?} as a result of all that physical effort.) Consequently my screen-time took a bit of a hit, for...

Posted by: Richard


Simplifying the overcomplicated with Suzuki | #BehindTheIdea

Car manufacturer Suzuki UK recently launched its new brand campaign, “Suzuki Good Different” to celebrate the perception that the brand and its cars are different from everything else on the market. The campaign was created by Iris and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow the special ops man born with mischief in his blood

Paul Mallon is a man who feels he was always a perfect fit for Lucky Generals as it’s an agency, like him, “born with mischief in their blood.” He came to LG after working at Paddy Power, who were the agency’s first client...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


"Optimism first, quality second" | #GettingToKnow SHARE ECD Alex Hill

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? I am the ECD and co-founder at SHARE Creative, and I am responsible our strategic and creative teams and their output, as well as overall agency growth and success. A typical day...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How has influencer marketing changed in the last five years?

Alicia Van der Meer, digital marketing manager of Monumental, explains the evolution of influencer marketing in the last five years, with insight into how brands can get it right. With personal accounts from today’s influencers, Alicia dissects...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brands built on purpose: Is purpose-driven marketing always a plus?

Purpose-driven marketing. Purpose-driven brands. Purpose-driven products. These days, it seems the industry is powered by purpose. Which is hardly a surprise, with poll after poll suggesting customers want to buy from brands that are more socially...

Posted by: Woven Agency


The magical world of animation: 15 different styles - Part 1

This article stemmed from a conversation in the studio, where we were looking at the multitude of ways we could tackle a project. As you’ll see from our site, we rarely have two projects the same. So, here we go with a three part blog, looking...

Posted by: Mighty Giant


Interrupting creatively - #GettingToKnow wannabe stuntman Dave Sullivan

Dave Sullivan is a Creative Director and Senior Creative with a copywriting background but a strong eye for design and art direction. During his 20+ year career he’s worked at top London agencies, won numerous awards at everything from D&AD...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Metaverse vs Makerverse: Who’s a pretty boy, then?

Today’s musing was spurred on from reading an article at the weekend by Alex Hern reviewing a new book (an interesting choice of channel to publish through) by Matthew Ball - The Metaverse: How It Will Revolutionize Everything. You likely know...

Posted by: Richard


The changing world of content marketing

The content marketing landscape is continuously transforming; since the digital revolution, the way we generate and consume content is evolving almost daily. The pandemic has also been a strong influence in recent years, advancing our interactions in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Designing our time - The case for R&D and a 4-day work week

An approach to doing better work We’re often asked about the way we work. New clients understandably want to look behind the curtain to better understand our approach, process and culture. They want to know when we’re available, and what...

Posted by: ELSE London


What do pixels taste like? - How to eat and drink the metaverse

You’ve likely already seen many articles touting the uncapped potential for brands in the metaverse. A visually and audibly rich interconnected 3D space with unlimited creativity is an obvious playground for marketers. Entry points are clearer...

Posted by: WMH&I


The picture-perfect downfall of Instagram… or not | #FutureMonth

Peter Watson, Social Media Expert and Managing Director of Digital Marketing Agency, Distract, takes us through his thoughts on how Instagram’s push to be “like everybody else” could end up beings its undoing. When it comes to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Shining the #MemberSpotlight on "that motion guy” George Hurrell

While he is more often than not simply referred to as "That motion guy", George Hurrell is actually a motion and animation specialist with a background in visual communication and design. With over 15 years of studio experience working...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why a very self-aware Gen Z is rejecting hustle culture

Speaking as someone that didn’t even realise they were a millennial until it was already too late (I’d already got heavily into the craft beer scene of my own volition), I honestly can’t say that I spared much thought for the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Jackdaw or magpie? Borrowing versus learning

When is someone else's good idea just too good to resist? Bad artists borrow, good artists steal. Or is it the other way around? Or are the best artists the ones who use the right tools or learn to make better ones? Corvids are great. And great...

Posted by: Richard


4 top tips for a successful creative job interview

Most people think they have interview preparation perfected, but you’d be surprised by how many people overlook basic elements, and some simple improvements, which can be key to your success. We’ve gathered the top 4 tips to make your...

Posted by: Hanover


Global creative calendar: July 2022

As our world continues to shapeshift, a growing list of world-famous gatherings are inviting us back in person. And still, the trend of innovative online events remains a massive learning opportunity, where access continues to surge. Simply by...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency



The average brand spends millions of dollars on marketing every year. For the big global brands, it's billions. "Half my advertising spend is wasted; the trouble is, I don't know which half" - US retail magnate John Wanamaker (1838-1922). These...

Posted by: Matt Batten

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