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Displaying 505 - 540 of 585 results



Firing up the creative brains with Božo Kaurić

We'd pay our own weight in gold coins to have Božo Kaurić's brains. Working daily to juggle his busy life with a little baby and an endless love for design, this talented 3D artist and visualiser has little time to waste in the concept phase, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Embracing improvisation with Nike ISPA and Builders Club

Have you heard of Nike's ISPA design philosophy? If we had to summarise it in just two words, we would say 'being different'. ISPA stands for improvise, scavenge, protect and adapt, and it is a philosophy embracing non-conventional experimentation,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Typographic storytelling in the Gay Times campaign

"In the western world we have preconceived notions on what it's like to be queer in certain countries". The story behind Emma and Ryan is particularly interesting in itself. Two creative professionals uniting to change the world with their craft. No...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Dashing Digitally with BT and Wunderman Thompson UK

You may agree to disagree, but digital skills have never been more relevant than they are today. The COVID pandemic has shown us all how important it is to stay up to date with modern technologies, cultivating digital skills that we all can use...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking Deeper with Paul Gawman and Ogilvy Health

Have you ever heard of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension? Neither did we, until we read the interview with Paul Gawman below. And that is precisely the problem. According to Paul, who has worked with Ogilvy Health to craft the 3D illustration below,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creating the Planet's Great Reset with Iris

Picture the blank page, staring at you right before a new drawing, story or project. Scary, isn't it? The big blank page can be daunting. It is up to creatives to fill it with all the amazing ideas we are known and paid for, driving change with our...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Making better worlds together, with UNICEF and VaynerMedia

On World Refugee Day (20th June) UNICEF launched a campaign to encourage people to think differently about refugee and migrant children, to focus on what the adoptive communities gain. Created by VaynerMedia, its team of senior art director Lianne...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Art Direction in Isolation with Great State

Who said you need a full crew and exotic locations to make a successful social campaign? What started as a bet with Great State's MD quickly turned into one of the funniest and most creative projects we've seen during lockdown. Using nothing but...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What if holding a candy bar could get you killed?

Implicit racial bias is deadly. "A black person is three times more likely to be killed by the police in America, too often when armed with nothing more than a candy bar." It sadly comes to the surprise of no one that there is an implicit bias in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Scarring #Wombstories by Chelsea Pictures, Bodyform & AMVBBDO

When we first looked at #Wombstories and how many incredible names went into creating it, we instantly thought: "damn, this is good. Like, Award-good." Having a male magazine editor doesn't help with saying this, so we'll borrow a few words from the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The brilliant self-campaign of London Advertising

Turns out advertising agencies are not the best folks when it comes to following their own advice. Constantly helping brands cut through with some witty voice or compelling storytelling, they tend to forget to do the same about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Gotham Reads... For the smile of a child

"There is something about storytelling that expands the heart and soul of a child." This is how Andrew Geller from 1stAveMachine talks about the heartwarming Gotham Reads initiative, a YouTube channel gathering top celebrities, authors and creatives...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Bursting Delicacy of Nayeli Lavanderos

It's hard to find a spot that feels out of place in Nayeli Lavanderos' works. Nayeli's style somehow feels delicate and punchy at the same time, striking that perfect balance between fragility and confidence which makes her art so attractive to the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Let's bring some "Happimess" with Regina Blitz and Five by Five

How do you pull off a social campaign with a few pennies and tons of creative energy? Independent agency Five by Five certainly has something to say about that. Despite having a limited campaign budget, the agency has crafted a campaign for Regina...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Falling in love with running all over again with ASICS's Run to Feel

Back when this lockdown mess started, several countries all over the world tackled restrictions in different ways. One of the unexpected results of social distancing is that people started taking real advantage of their 'allocated' exercise hour,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Fighting the Rise in LGBTQ Abuse with The Gate London

Not all the consequences of COVID-19 make the headlines. A simple sentence, enough to have us focus in on one of the unspoken issues of the pandemic. LGBTQ abuse has risen tremendously during lockdown, and social distancing has pulled off the plug...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Driving the Mental Health Conversation with Movember and Matta

One can only imagine which wonders a global pandemic has made to those who suffer from mental health issues. If engaging in conversations about mental health was harsh before being locked up at home for months, it's discouraging to think what has...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The value of simplicity with Nescafé and Publicis Italy

We've spent months hearing about a deadly virus bending the world to its will. It is no surprise people may be looking for more positivity after months of heavy mental stress. With their latest campaign, Nescafé and Publicis Italy are doing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Overwhelming Team Motivation of Yolo Films

Sven Lehmann first approached the wonders technology with a PC with a 45-megabytes hard drive. He used to play DuckTales on it. Now Sven and his company, yolo films, are shooting films from remote, without the need for the crew to be physically...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Abusers Always Work from Home, and Wunderman Thompson wants to stop them

We've heard it, we've seen it around - reports of domestic abuse have gone up tremendously during the UK lockdown. The victims are stuck with perpetrators with little to no chance of escaping the loop, a problem which is very much alive as we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: How to Seize the Awkward with Droga5 and the Ad Council

We've just wrapped up Mental Health Awareness Month and we've seen some incredible works from all across the creative industry to fight the stigma of talking about your mental health, whoever you are and wherever you are from. With suicide as the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Company Spotlight: Finding Inspiration with Vivid Flow Studio

Inspiration can come from a variety of different sources. For Marcin Roszkowski and his small company, Vivid Flow Studio, inspiration comes from looking at the world. Marcin wishes for a better world, one in which we start respecting our planet as...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Snarling Neon with We Hunt Together and UKTV

Some underestimate the impact of title sequences on viewers, but the truth is these sequences can largely contribute to strengthen a solid tv show's brand. From Game of Thrones to Penny Dreadful, from Breaking Bad to Westworld, having memorable...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Wear and Share support with Perq Studio

The team at Perq Studio is not one to stay put while the world is in danger. Designers and creatives are not key workers, and for the strongest spirits out there, it must be suffocating to be forced to stay home with no way to make a difference....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: AI-powered fun from Avantgarde's Motivator

Aside from post-apocalyptic thoughts related to Skynet and the Matrix, the rise of AI anticipates a future of big data, digital and progress. Countless are the already available uses of AI, from the most primordial forms in game programming to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: finding simplicity in Guinness Night Football

Expanding the reach of a brand to a new segment of audience can be a tricky challenge to overcome, as it is arguably easy to make false steps and set yourself off to an unpleasant start. It is also just as easy to overshoot and aim for too much...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Wunderman Thompson's not-so-beautiful game

We've been trying to downplay and defuse the COVID-19 pandemic in our intros lately. Sadly, there are some related issues we just can't play with. The BBC has reported that domestic abuse calls have gone up 25% since the beginning of the lockdown....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: switching character with Schweppes & Publicis Italy

We all remember the moment we suddenly realised we had stepped straight into adulthood. Whether it was the first bill, salary, set of responsibilities or the unexpected realisation that the world out there is a harsh place - a part of us felt...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Automotive Designer

Automotive Designers are the minds behind the machines that have to understand not only what looks good aesthetically but how it’s going to work mechanically. It’s a very specific skillset and it’s one that is always going to be in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Behind the Idea: Committing to Europe in a post-Brexit world

The Guardian recently launched a new dedicated series entitled "This is Europe" which pledges its ongoing commitment to Europe in the wake of Brexit. To support This is Europe, the Guardian is running a multi-layered marketing campaign in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Spamming your boss for equality

9 out of 10 men believe that men and women should take time out to care for their family, whereas only 2% of parents take this up. The Shared Parental Leave policy introduced by the Government is complicated and often only offers men statutory pay,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Behind the Idea: Faking Royalty with loyalkaspar for CNN

Creative branding agency loyalkaspar recently created a series of live-action spots to promote the new CNN documentary series, “The Windsors: Inside the Royal Dynasty,” which uses archival footage and interviews with insiders and experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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