Displaying 3853 - 3887 of 3887 results



J. Walter Thompson join the AI race with Pangaea

J. Walter Thompson today officially announced Pangaea, an internal AI solution that allows anyone in its global network to ask questions and get answers from any of their 12,000+ colleagues around the world. Built by J. Walter Thompson Worldwide,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Man builds bionic arm for his son using an Xbox and a 3D printer!

A Welsh father whose baby son’s arm had to be amputated has developed a custom bionic limb for baby Sol. Ben Ryan got the inspiration for the arm after studying the way spiders make their webs, and was prompted to develop it after being told...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Former Grey London chairman brews world's best compostable coffee

This week saw the launch of “Halo,” a challenger coffee brand which aims to give people the world’s best coffee, in a way they want it, that’s best for the world. Halo is the world’s first fully compostable coffee capsule filled with the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


One Last Chance to Enter The 21st Annual Webby Awards

Hailed by The New York Times as "the Internet's highest honor," The Webbys has been celebrating the best of the Internet since 1996 (in other words, since the days of dial-up). That includes everything from individual digital projects like Humans of...

Posted by: The Webby Awards


Inside The Mind of Ben Little, Co-Founder of Fearlessly Frank

What does it take to be a Founder of the next best tech company? Or the Director of a Fortune 500 Brand? A sensational appetite for learning is definitely one of them. Inside the Mind is a new series of interviews where we jump into the heads of...

Posted by: Alexandra Schott


Brand Case Studies: How Vinaya made wearable tech emotional

Vinaya is one-part design studio and one-part research lab, a brand cleverly positioned at the juncture between human experience and technology, interested in finding new ways to unite the two in a less absent-minded future. Kate Unsworth,...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Jelly London and RKCR/Y&R go 'Shwopping' with M&S

Commissioned by RKCR/Y&R, Jelly London’s in-house animation team; The Kitchen, has produced a series of quirky animations to promote Marks & Spencer's latest Shwopping campaign to raise money for Oxfam. Featuring Absolutely Fabulous star, Oxfam...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Coley Porter Bell celebrate Centenary anniversary for The RAF

To mark the centennial of the RAF, Coley Porter Bell has developed a new strategic and creative campaign proposition celebrating the oldest independent air force in the world. Primarily targeting millennials, the “RAF100” campaign was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Gwyneth Paltrow works with Gensler on members only Sunset Strip club

Oscar-winning actress and former 'Mrs Coldplay' Gwyneth Paltrow, is working with architecture firm Gensler to develop a branch of the private Arts Club on Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Paltrow and Arts Club chairman Gary Landesberg purchased the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design Thinkers Academy launches in UK

The Design Thinkers Academy is launching in the UK to offer design thinking training for leadership teams at large organisations. The academy was founded in Amsterdam in 2011, and has spent the last 5 years working with hundreds of organisations,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Finding The Best Creative Work: The Annual Shortlist Goes Live!

Buckle up! The shortlist for 2016's Creativepool Annual has just been announced. There's been eight times as many projects entered compared to last year’s Annual, which is staggering. In this year's shortlist we're shown an amazing reflection...

Posted by: Creativepool


Rebrand Roundup: From Laptop Chargers to Jimi Hendrix

Fuseproject - Zolt Fuseproject has developed the branding and industrial design of the new Zolt Laptop Charger Plus, which claims to be the smallest and lightest charger on the market. Zolt (a division of US electronics product developers Avogy)...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


TH_NK Selected to Design the Bank of the Future.

We're proud to be partnering with Atom, the Durham-based firm applying to be the first bank designed for digital. Atom ran a detailed competitive process to find a partner capable of merging functional innovation and personal security with an...

Posted by: TH_NK


The Brave Brands of 2014

The brand spanking new year gives us a chance to look back at our Brave Brands of 2014. Exclusive and prestigious, Brave Brand status is given to the brands that successfully break through the white noise to make a statement. It’s about stepping...

Posted by: bluemarlin


Grey Singapore is awarded for 'human calligraphy'

At this year's New York Festival Global Awards, the plate was swept almost clean by Grey Group Singapore, with the Asia Pacific branch of the international advertising agency taking home five Global awards, three finalist certificates and the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Winners of The 4th Annual Lovie Awards Are…

If you appreciate creative, inspiring online work, get ready to cheer: After a long and thrilling season, marked by nearly 1,500 entries from all across Europe, The Lovie Awards has officially announced this year's winners. And we're proud to share...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


TEN Collection S3 Interview with Nik Ainley

What's super intriguing about Nik Ainley, half of July’s TEN design duo, is his background. Unlike the majority of those in the creative industry Nik was studying for a degree in physics when he discovered Photoshop, and quickly was hooked,...

Posted by: Fotolia


Digital desire. Will humans ever fall in love with robots?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Depending on your point of view, this is the point in the year when you make a special effort to show your affection and appreciation for the significant person in your life; or a cynical exercise in consumerism, carried...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


“It's the [bad] taste.” Farewell to the last of the PG Tips chimps.

Growing up in the '80s, there were only four TV channels. Consequently, when we got to school, it was a pretty safe bet that we had all watched the same telly as everyone else the night before. So in the playground of a morning, we would all run...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Working from home: a rod for your own back?

Over the summer, I was working for a client in southeast London. I’ll be honest: the travel was a pain in the butt. We were in that ridiculously hot stretch of the summer where it was hotter in London than in most of Europe. The tube was...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Jesus Revuelta - DoubleYou

What do you actually do? Tags: [nike], [nestlé], [team], [concept], [integrated], [digital], [social media], [strategy], [ideas], [trendwatching], [advertising that does not seem advertising]. My time is now - NIKE FOOTBALL SPAIN from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Michelle Coomber - Medina Films

Michelle Coomber Director Medina Films medinafilms.com "Medina Films is a London-based production company creating high calibre documentaries, commercials and promos in the UK and internationally. We are global storytellers in a digital world."...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lovie Awards Winners Announced

SoundCloud, VICE, StumbleUpon, Akestam Holst awarded alongside Special Achievement Honourees Stephen Fry and Professor Heinz Gerhäuser & Team, creators of the MP3 file format. On the 16th October the International Academy of Digital Arts and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Anyone want to work on Barclays?

by John Fountain Have you noticed that there are some accounts that have a bit of an odour about them? Not just those that reject all the good ideas, I mean the accounts that really question your moral judgement. The accounts that make you wonder...

Posted by: Creativepool


Abstract product design: one bar of Hope, please

Being the product-loving and recession-conscious consumers that we are, we all want to get as much for our cash as we can. And in some ways, that even applies to giving to charity. People will admirably train themselves to death to run the London...

Posted by: Creativepool

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