Displaying 3709 - 3744 of 3887 results



Kicking up a stink. How Dell can solve their 'cat urine' problem.

In the laptop market, competition is fierce. So many brands, designs and features - manufacturers are constantly looking for innovative ways to make their kit more attractive. Interestingly, none of them has ever released a machine emitting the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Compare and contrast. American advertising's point of difference.

I'm in the USA - in a beautiful city called Charlestown on the Atlantic coast of South Carolina. But I'm travelling, so last night I was in Cherokee which, although it sounds romantic, is actually a rather tacky casino town 300 miles north. The...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Thanks to the new Lotto campaign, we all lose.

I was never keen on the National Lottery. On the night it launched, I nipped to the shop for cigarettes and was confronted with a queue which reached out of the door and off down the street. I was concerned the people had been hypnotized and summoned...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Six ways in which 'copywriting' differs from 'writing'.

When people ask what I do for a living, I tend to get in a terrible flap. This is largely because I do a variety of things. I pen pieces about music, I blog about advertising and the creative industry (obviously), I present podcasts and radio...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Just how important is an agency's name?

Sited just off Fleet Street, the very first agency for which I worked was called 'Riley' and it was great. Inevitably though, I eventually moved on (sooner than I should have, actually) and 'Riley' changed too. In a large-scale, late nineties...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Web experts flock to Gateshead conference

Baltic Mill Centre for Contemporary Arts to host 4th annual DIBI Conference The North East’s biggest web conference returns to the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art next month featuring some of the world’s most celebrated design and...

Posted by: Epic Times


Bad reception. Why the worst thing about DAB isn't the advertising.

'Share the love!' says a one and half foot, massive headed, dead-eyed creature in a white jump-suit. Ordinarily the shock of this vision would wake you from your nightmare. You'd slope off for a wee and crawl back into bed. But this isn't a bad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Meet Lovies judge, Dom Goodrum

Dom Goodrum Design Director Percolate Find Dom online: @domgoodrum A bit about you A designer working on content creation software to transform marketing. My approach to design has been shaped by the people I have worked with in Huddersfield,...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


New Monopoly: for those with a short attention sp...

by Ashley Morrison It's a wet Sunday afternoon (no, not in summer 2013, obviously; that would be a sweltering Sunday afternoon), and there isn't much to keep the family occupied. Well, apart from the 200-odd TV channels now available. Or a DVD. Or...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The terminology trap. Is jargon bad for us?

Other than persuading an audience to act, a copywriter's mission is to deliver clear and concise communication. Writers claim this is an underappreciated art, so it's always useful to examine the ways in which language can be used for the opposite...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Core blimey. Why is Apple's new ad so flavourless?

Apple used to do great ads. The silhouettes of iPod users, offsetting the machine's white wires, were tremendously vivid, recognisable and memorable - classy and classic brand design. Then there were the dancing, multi-coloured iMacs, animated to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Would your mum understand that?

Would your mum understand that? It's fair to say that most of us hate bureaucracy. And meaningless, wordy bureaucracy even more. I've lost count of the number of times I've received a massive epistle from Barnet council when all they really want to...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


We're being spied upon. But then, we made it so easy.

The most surprising aspect of the Edward Snowden case and the revelations about GCHQ is that anyone is surprised. Did we really imagine our 'lords and masters' had such respect for our privacy and dignity that they would resist the temptation to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Intrude out. Where now for disruptive advertising?

Disruption has always been key to the advertising model. Very few people opt to be exposed to marketing messages, therefore effective advertising has traditionally intruded into the content the audience has chosen to consume - a TV show, a magazine...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Khloe effect. Has internet advertising abandoned creativity?

The Huffington Post reports that Khloe Kardashian (who?) is now being paid as much as $13,000 per tweet. The fee doesn't cover profound wisdom like "Remember sweat is fat crying" - it's for equally useful posts wherein she names brands and includes...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Write offs. Are copywriters being sidelined?

Over the last week, I've very much enjoyed reading a debate, prompted by one of my Creativepool columns, on LinkedIn. It's always particularly satisfying to find creative professionals reacting to a piece I've written and I'm grateful to anyone who...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The great Google betrayal.

Like so many love affairs, our relationship with Google arrived unexpectedly, blossomed fabulously and soured rapidly and bitterly. We've thought fondly of companies before - Cadbury for their caring, socialist roots; Virgin for their casual...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Bidding for freelance work on websites. A mug's game?

For the jobbing freelance there can only be one priority. Ahead of the bookkeeping, email answering, blog updating and business card ordering - there's nothing more important than bringing in the work. And, when the industry is buoyant, it's not too...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Should celebrities be plugging advertisers in interviews?

The old adage asserts, 'Word of mouth is the best advertising'. And there's a lot of truth in that. When a satisfied customer recommends a product or service to a potential customer, a form of potent and cost-free advertising has taken place and it's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Twist and shout. How a town gained a brand from a happy accident.

To create a brand for a new building is to take on one of the most challenging projects in the industry. Once the brick dust has settled and the scaffolding rolled away, there's a need to create an identity and personality for a new development....

Posted by: Creativepool


5 (Evil) Minutes with... Fede Alvarez

You can’t find an industry more creative than the movie industry; from the hundreds of people on set and the thousands involved in post-production, to the scores responsible for the amazing marketing and immersive digital and online experiences...

Posted by: Creativepool


Bad accounting habits to give up for the new tax year

The end of the tax year is approaching, which means it’s time to think about making a few resolutions to make your business better over the next 12 months. So if you’re considering making a fresh start during the new tax year, are there...

Posted by: FreeAgent


And the punch line is…

by Ashley Morrison. I love comedy. I love the craft of it. I love how a skilled performer can take you one way, only to throw you in a completely opposite direction - which is the one that gets the bigger laugh. Being a successful stand-up comedian...

Posted by: Creativepool


#CreateBritain makes waves

Create Britain is a national initiative, spearheaded by Creativepool, to celebrate and champion the creative industries and the £100 billion+ value they help to generate for the UK economy each year. Create Britain has already received...

Posted by:


Hot to trot. Why we've been waiting a decade for the 3 pony.

By Magnus Shaw I remember when the 3 mobile network was the new kid on the 3G block (will there be a 4 network soon, I wonder?). Keen to make its mark in a crowded marketplace, the brand introduced itself with a rather brave TV campaign. I say...

Posted by: Creativepool


Two's company. Are we ready for realistic lavatory paper ads?

By Magnus Shaw Well, this should be fun. A column about poo (rather than one made up of it, which isn't unusual). You see, you're already wondering whether you really want to read on - and I don't blame you, who wants to read about that? Exactly....

Posted by: Creativepool


Another stink for Chanel. The trouble with the classic perfume brand.

By Magnus Shaw Helping the postman to haul several swollen mailbags through my front door, it occurs to me that Valentine's Day is also a busy time for the perfume industry. As most blokes are spectacularly unimaginative when it comes to buying...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creativepool selects Octopus Group for PR brief

With 2013 set to be a big year for Creativepool, we're pleased to announce that we've appointed Octopus Group to provide us with PR and social media support moving forward. Octopus are working with us on the re-launch of our web site and also on a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Horsing around. How Tesco could turn a crisis into an opportunity.

by Magnus Shaw. If you're going to be rumbled loading beefburgers with something other than beef, try to ensure it's not horse. Oats would be better. Or sweets. But, not cat or hamster - and definitely not horse. As Tesco has discovered, people...

Posted by: Creativepool


Claire Parker discusses corporate design ArboUnie

Claire Parker, Creative Director at our Amsterdam office, is part of the ‘corporate design panel’ of Marketing Tribune magazine, so every month she will judge a corporate design, together with Tom Dorresteijn from Studio Dumbar and Stefan...

Posted by: Design Bridge and Partners


Do you love what you do?

by Ashley Morrison. And do you do what you love? OR do you now HATE what you USED TO love? If it's the latter, is that because it's now your job - and, because you do it day in, day out, it's taken all the love away? I put out this question out in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Mischa Lee

Creativepool profile: creativepool.co.uk/MishcaYLee Website: whenyellowmeetsgrey Facebook: facebook.com/bonybean "I am a multi-layered graphic designer and illustrator with different personality traits that loves to giggle. This enables me to play...

Posted by: Creativepool


Craig Roderick - Nexus/H

Together is better… Together makes a bigger impact. Together is more knowledgeable. Together is more cost effective. Together is easier. With strategic planning, advertising, digital, design and media planning under one roof, together is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ryan Luckoo

- View Ryan's Creativepool profile here Website: luckoo.com Facebook: facebook.com/ryanluckoo Twitter: twitter.com/rykoo "Ryan Luckoo, A Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Visual Artist. Art has been a major aspect of my life for as long as I can...

Posted by: Creativepool

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