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Displaying 2197 - 2232 of 2332 results



Unbreakable: the arrival of flexible smartphone screens

Picture it: the first day of our two-week holiday in Italy. My wife pulls out a map from the depths of her bag and inadvertently pulls out her iPhone, which is caught in one of its folds, at the same time. In one of those slo-mo “noooo!”...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Core blimey. Why is Apple's new ad so flavourless?

Apple used to do great ads. The silhouettes of iPod users, offsetting the machine's white wires, were tremendously vivid, recognisable and memorable - classy and classic brand design. Then there were the dancing, multi-coloured iMacs, animated to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Would your mum understand that?

Would your mum understand that? It's fair to say that most of us hate bureaucracy. And meaningless, wordy bureaucracy even more. I've lost count of the number of times I've received a massive epistle from Barnet council when all they really want to...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Intrude out. Where now for disruptive advertising?

Disruption has always been key to the advertising model. Very few people opt to be exposed to marketing messages, therefore effective advertising has traditionally intruded into the content the audience has chosen to consume - a TV show, a magazine...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


When you’re struggling for an idea, do a Nike

Just do it. Yes, that’s one of my top tips for today - or for any day when the creative juices aren’t running maybe quite as freely as you would like them to. Because no matter how creative we are, no matter what gems of genius...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


New identity for RMNEF

Design and branding specialist Shine Creative announces the launch of a new identity for the Royal Merchant Navy Education Foundation (RMNEF). Established in 1827, the RMNEF is a British national children's educational charity, which provides...

Posted by: Shine Creative


Write offs. Are copywriters being sidelined?

Over the last week, I've very much enjoyed reading a debate, prompted by one of my Creativepool columns, on LinkedIn. It's always particularly satisfying to find creative professionals reacting to a piece I've written and I'm grateful to anyone who...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Sweets for my sweet, sugar for my coronary

“Normal or diet?” The standard question you ask when you’re going to the bar and someone orders a Coke. I haven’t counted, but in my experience, I would guestimate that eight times out of ten, the answer will be diet...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The great Google betrayal.

Like so many love affairs, our relationship with Google arrived unexpectedly, blossomed fabulously and soured rapidly and bitterly. We've thought fondly of companies before - Cadbury for their caring, socialist roots; Virgin for their casual...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Can there be too much entertainment?

I don’t know if you caught Joanna Lumley on TV the other night. She was there to talk about a new movie that she’s made with Martin Scorsese which she was understandably thrilled about. Now I’ve always liked Lumley. I like the fact...

Posted by: Creativepool


A guide to handling unpaid invoices and refusenik clients.

Creativepoolers in the fortunate position of holding down a fulltime staff job will be familiar with the warm glow of the monthly payslip. Sure, you'd probably like the net total to be larger, but at least your earnings show up on a predictable...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


150 years of London Underground posters

This year sees the 150th anniversary of London Underground, and the exhibition at the London Transport Museum in Covent Garden celebrates the event in all its glory with a fantastic poster exhibition. With an archive of over 3,000, 150 have been...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotify is waxing lyrical

I'll be the first to admit it: from time to time, my blog posts can border on the vitriolic. But I flatter myself that, when I do let loose and turn the air puce, I'm only saying what quite a lot of people are already thinking. Such was the case a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Building reputations.

I don't know how you feel about old science-fiction b-movies, but I positively love them. Perhaps it's those predictable, repeated tropes that make them so reliably comfortable and comforting. The unconvincing, plastic creature always carries the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why faked shabby chic does my head in.

Converse have just launched a new line which they have labelled as their 'Well Worn Collection'. Before you start conjuring images of cheesy smells and athletes foot contagions please bear in mind that these trainers have been artificially worn in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Skin up. Has E45 made a mistake in treating customers like addicts?

Skincare advertising isn't renowned for pushing the bounds of creativity. Indeed, the industry's campaigns tend to be as formulaic as the various unctions they peddle. Occasionally these ads drift into the realms of the ridiculous - I've mentioned...

Posted by: Creativepool

2013 Designs Of The Year

Today sees the opening of the 6th annual Designs Of The Year exhibition and awards at London's Design Museum. Following in the footsteps of previous winners such as Barber Oserby's Olympic Torch and Shepard Fairie's Obama painting, 90 nominees have...

Posted by: Creativepool


ASDA's comms guy says websites are dead. Is he right?

At yesterday's Social Media World Forum, Dominic Burch - Head of Communications and Social Media for ASDA - said “Stop thinking about websites - they’re dead - just think about the content and getting that right for mobile. As reported...

Posted by: Creativepool


And the punch line is…

by Ashley Morrison. I love comedy. I love the craft of it. I love how a skilled performer can take you one way, only to throw you in a completely opposite direction - which is the one that gets the bigger laugh. Being a successful stand-up comedian...

Posted by: Creativepool


Myke Hamilton - #NaughtyToBeNoticed

Campaigns to get you noticed Social media has the power to connect people quickly. It’s also a fantastic leveller, creating communities and interactions that aren’t dependent on creatives’ experiences or geographical...

Posted by:


No pressure: The designer who has Bowie as a client

By John Fountain With a new album soon to be released, a stripped down remix of 'Sound and Vision' on air for Sony and a must-see exhibition at the V&A, it seems that after 10 years of next-to-nothingness, the enigma that is David Bowie is back. And...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creating social barriers - Why do it to yourself?

by Andrew Greenhalgh. In an article (Marketing, March 6th 2013) about the latest Andrex campaign which asks whether or not the nation “scrunches or folds” their loo roll, a rather prudsih Nigel Roberts writes, "Who honestly thought that...

Posted by: Creativepool


What did you just call me? The tricky art of naming brands.

By Magnus Shaw Have you used your Tripod today? How about your Mobi? There's a very good chance you have, but you knew it as your iPhone. It seems the obvious name for Apple's mobile handset doesn't it? After all, they already the iPod and its...

Posted by: Creativepool


Two's company. Are we ready for realistic lavatory paper ads?

By Magnus Shaw Well, this should be fun. A column about poo (rather than one made up of it, which isn't unusual). You see, you're already wondering whether you really want to read on - and I don't blame you, who wants to read about that? Exactly....

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Michael Tomes: the all-new Creativepool

by Ashley Morrison Last week was a big week for Creativepool: after months and months in the making, the new Creativepool website went live. So to crown its first full week of existence, we have the first ever interview with Michael Tomes,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Another stink for Chanel. The trouble with the classic perfume brand.

By Magnus Shaw Helping the postman to haul several swollen mailbags through my front door, it occurs to me that Valentine's Day is also a busy time for the perfume industry. As most blokes are spectacularly unimaginative when it comes to buying...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World.

by Magnus Shaw. It doesn't matter if Sky TV project their logo onto the moon for three months. If Tesco book Al Pacino to front their 2013 campaign, it will make no difference. Should Galaxy build a scale model of the Hoover Dam from solid milk...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves...The wonderful work of Christopher Boffoli.

by Magnus Shaw. I'm well aware of my tendency to be a grouch. Blame it on old age, blame it on a personality flaw, blame it on the boogie - whatever the reason, I absolute concede the point. When I find something unsatisfactory, foolish or flawed,...

Posted by: Creativepool



by Jessica Hazel. During the time it took to write this article I have gone to get some garlic bread out of the oven, eaten the garlic bread, let the cat in, chatted to my flatmate twice, opened my advent calendar, located the knife sharpener in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Remember my name. Why aren't there more famous copywriters?

by Magnus Shaw. Almost 2013 and the general appetite for celebrity displays no signs of abating. Not only do we have a voracious interest in those who are famous, but we're carrying an insatiable hunger to be well-known ourselves. Forget...

Posted by: Creativepool


Jesus Revuelta - DoubleYou

What do you actually do? Tags: [nike], [nestlé], [team], [concept], [integrated], [digital], [social media], [strategy], [ideas], [trendwatching], [advertising that does not seem advertising]. My time is now - NIKE FOOTBALL SPAIN from...

Posted by: Creativepool


James Easley - We Love...

We Love is a strategic creative agency with digital at its heart. We offer a smarter way to connect and create resonance with audiences, across multiple digital platforms. At We Love our imaginations have no limits and we work collaboratively to make...

Posted by: Creativepool

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