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Sir John Hegarty says modern advertising is 'sh*t'. Is he right?

“If you look at the UK, we are suffering because we are not putting the time into the idea and there’s empirical evidence to say that the quality of our output has gone down. It’s not my opinion. Empirical evidence from the audience...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Flying Spaghetti Monster and the nature of belief

In the UK, we have the odd instance of a fringe school pressing for the right to teach archaic or arcane ideas to children. This is usually the desire to include creationism, or other religious notions, in their science classes. In the USA it's a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The car ad without the car: Land Rover #Hibernot

I don’t want to jinx it or anything, but hasn’t the weather been glorious over the past few days? Warm enough to potter around the garden in a t-shirt, I even slapped on some factor 10 sun cream, being the pasty ginge that I am. And...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


BBD Perfect Storm scoops up a Dream account

After having scooped a huge account in the form of the Prudential's 'PruProtect' life insurance business at the end of last month, BBD Perfect Storm now adds another wealthy string to its bow in the form of bed specialist 'Dreams', who yesterday...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


No reply. Are contact forms a waste of time and pixels?

Recently, I spotted something of interest on the site of a firm of creative recruitment consultants. Clicking through to their 'contact us' page, I was pleased to notice a statement declaring their belief in common courtesy, backed with a promise to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Facing the music. Did The Brits' PR campaign go too far?

You may not have noticed, but they held the Brit Awards last night. You may not have noticed because the TV coverage attracted fewer viewers than any Brits this century. Whether this is a failure of broadcasting, marketing or pop music will remain a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Digital desire. Will humans ever fall in love with robots?

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Depending on your point of view, this is the point in the year when you make a special effort to show your affection and appreciation for the significant person in your life; or a cynical exercise in consumerism, carried...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


AOL makes bold strides in advertising revenue with programmatic trading

Though it might have been overtaken by Google as the most visible name in online industry many years ago, AOL (America Online) is still going strong and has recently posted 4th quarter figures for 2013 that point to its most successful year in over a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Bad advice. Is Trip Advisor an effective marketing tool?

I'm in Egypt, as I write this. I've returned to Dahab on the Sinai Peninsula to see how two revolutions have changed things since I was last here. As it turns out, the Egyptians are still as warm, hospitable and helpful as ever. The Red Sea remains...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Anatomy Of A Headline

I've always loved advertising headlines. Long before I embarked on a copywriting career, I'd amuse myself by creating new versions of lines I saw in magazines or tube trains. Even as a kid, my mum (an English teacher) would point out headlines she...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Create11 The right side of London

I know I am always banging on about how great East London is and I'm sure it is highly irritating for those of you who don't live here but maybe my ramblings on are perhaps slightly useful for those of you who do so here is the latest in the I heart...

Posted by: Creativepool


That other social network. The rise of Google Plus.

So, you think you know your social media? What's the biggest social network in the world, then? Right, Facebook. Even my Auntie Janet knows it's Facebook - and I don't have an Auntie Janet. Okay, which social network is the second biggest? Twitter,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Daley Male: why prejudice won't affect the Olympian boy-brand

Unless you’ve been asleep for the past week, you’ll be all too aware of Olympian Tom Daley’s announcement about his sexuality via a ‘selfie’ YouTube video. The reaction has been incredible - from the media and the public...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The not-so-beautiful game: the sickly world of beauty pageants

These days, we’re by no means strangers to the phenomenon that is reality TV. It permeates every channel, every genre and every demographic. We laugh at the modern Victorian freak show that is X Factor, with their hopelessly deluded, fragile...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Privatised health care? Advertising opportunities galore!

Whether you consider it a good idea or not, thanks to the coalition government, it seems the increased involvement of private companies in the NHS is a racing certainty. And what could possibly go wrong? Just look how affordable and reliable the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Funny business. British comedy writing is in crisis, but why?

Last week, I wrote about the key differences between copywriting and 'writing'. And while I attempted to make the challenges inherent in copywriting clear, I wouldn't say the profession is in crisis. Unlike the art of writing comedy. Quite when the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's political correctness gone mental

So, tell me honestly, does that title offend you? It's a serious question - I put it there deliberately. The reason being that, last week, Asda paid £25,000 to mental health charity Mind for advertising what was deemed to be a completely...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Pie in the sky. A memorable campaign from the pre-digital age.

As a technologically advanced species, we've achieved a great deal. After all, you don't see hamsters riding micro-scooters, or otters designing iPhone apps. But we do have a tendency to overcomplicate things. Recent months have seen new versions of...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Beware, the ad blooper is alive and well.

You're familiar with the notion of 'bloopers', I'm sure. 'It'll Be Alright On The Night' has been cataloguing the trips and slips of TV production for decades, while 'You've Been Framed' records disasters on the home front - usually involving elderly...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The name's Bont. Jace Bunt.

There can be few things more cringey than a big corporation “trying to be yer mate”. (I'm taking the whole dads-dancing-at-weddings thing as read, obviously.) And yet, time and time again, they try to make out that they value me, you and...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Why internet radio has failed to make a big noise.

Do you listen to the radio via the internet? Quite possibly. Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Live, 6Music, Capital, Smooth - they're all there, streaming away. But, when was the last time you listened to an internet-only radio station? One that's online rather...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


HTC: Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran? Hot Tea Catapult?

When the Kevin Bacon EE 4G mobile network commercials first came out at the cinema, the auditoriums (or at least the ones I sat in) were awash with laughter. Tightly scripted, informative and amusing to boot, they were a breath of fresh air and just...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Bad reception. Why the worst thing about DAB isn't the advertising.

'Share the love!' says a one and half foot, massive headed, dead-eyed creature in a white jump-suit. Ordinarily the shock of this vision would wake you from your nightmare. You'd slope off for a wee and crawl back into bed. But this isn't a bad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw



Seven pianos. Seven artists. Seven locations. Everyone is allowed to play a tune. From August 14th until September 28th 2013. Live music brings people together and provokes spontaneous interactions that may lead to new cooperations or even to...

Posted by: De Facto Image Building


Go home. Why the Government's ad vans were such a failure.

Our friends at the ASA have announced they are investigating the Government-backed campaign which saw vans driving through London, calling on 'illegal immigrants' to leave the country or face arrest. This follows 60 complaints and, despite some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Music in the studio

I have a lot of music at home; enough to open a small record store. I listen to all sorts from jazz to punk to soul to reggae and even a bit of county and western. I’m a bit fussy though. I won’t listen to any old crud and I can also...

Posted by: John Fountain

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