Displaying 2089 - 2124 of 2211 results



CP Loves... Odd things you find on the internet.

by John Fountain. Here's some articles, videos and websites worthy of further exploration... Kirby Ferguson. Embracing the remix. Kirby Ferguson is a film-maker from New York. He has a point of view that I guess many of us believe there is some...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 mins with... Fiona Proudler of Realise

I head up Realise, one of the top 20 independent digital agencies in the UK with offices in Farringdon and Leith, Edinburgh. Realise is an agency going through amazing transformation and growth. When I joined there were less than 10 in the agency...

Posted by: Creativepool


Dumb Ways To Die Down Under

by Jessica Hazel. Aussies are well known for their cheery dispositions and sunny outlooks on life and this has never been more true since Melbourne Metro's new Public Service Announcement came to light earlier this week. 'Dumb Ways To Die' is a...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. 4G - Bringing home the [Kevin] Bacon

by Ashley Morrison. You may have heard of something called the three-second rule. In advertising terms, if the person you're trying to sell to doesn't understand your message within three seconds, then your message is too long. But the latest EE...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Sarah McCartney - Copywriter and Perfumer

by John Fountain. Head writer at Lush from 1996 to 2010, Sarah is now Head of Ideas at the writing agency Afia. As an author she has penned 'The Fake Factor', 'Online Marketing in 7 Days (for people who can't avoid it any longer)', and '100 Great...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Marc Bessant, Real World Records

by John Fountain. Marc is the in-house designer and creative director at Real World Records, the label founded by WOMAD and Peter Gabriel. Over the past 12 years he has been responsible for over a hundred CDs, vinyl sleeves, T-shirts, flyers,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... "Scrapheap Symphony" by Chris Cairns

by Jessica Hazel. You might think that glitchy dial-up modems and clunky printers are a thing of the past and that their rightful place is rotting away in a landfill somewhere. However the thing is that modern, quieter technology just doesn't cut...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Work from home effectively

by Ashley Morrison. One of the perks of being a freelancer is the ability to work from home. I love it. No arduous daily commute (and related expenses, obviously), no noisy work colleagues, and seriously good coffee on tap when I want it. But in...

Posted by: Creativepool


'Action Painting' gets us in a mess.

by Jessica Hazel. It's not just toddlers who get a kick out of using their bodies as paintbrushes, it's a visceral and provocative discipline which has intrigued the art world since the 1950's when it first burst onto the scene via Jackson Pollock's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten reasons to quit your job.

by Ashley Morrison. There are many reasons why, according to a recent poll by Forbes, 74% of people would consider changing jobs. One would like to think that this is just because they want to move onwards and upwards in pursuit of an ever-more...

Posted by: Creativepool


Erase and rewind - Is TV advertising a broken model?

Watching the ridiculously good 'Homeland' last week, I was struck by how absorbed and tense I was - transfixed as Carrie ducked and hid to avoid her pursuers in the alleyways of Beirut. The aroma of exotic spices, heat and sandy dust almost filled my...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Alex Donne-Johnson

Alex Donne-Johnson is a multidisciplinary creative living and working in London. His work has been featured in numerous magazines and books. Computer Arts magazine named him a 'Leading creative' and he's been hired directly by clients such as adidas,...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Love to hate Damien Hirst.

by Jessica Hazel. Damien Hirst is one of Britain's richest people. In 1992 his pickled shark entitled 'The Physical Impossibility Of Death In The Mind Of Someone Living' was commissioned by Charles Saatchi for £50,000 and then sold in 2005 for...

Posted by: Creativepool


My favourite adverts are currently...

by Ashley Morrison. ..by Volkswagen. I've always been a fan of their ad campaigns and many of them rank pretty highly on my personal "I wish I'd thought of that" list. They work because they seem so 'of the moment'“ and yet, looking back to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Kindling. What do eBooks mean for writers?

by Magnus Shaw If you read my columns with any regularity, you'll have noticed a little ad in the footer inviting you to buy "ADVICE" - a collection of my writing on advertising (it's very good, by the way). Those kind enough to have clicked through...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Who cares what you think, Mr. Freelancer?

by Ashley Morrison There are a great many perks to being a freelancer (if you’re regularly employed, obviously). A lot of variety, regular change of scene if you work on site for multiple clients, working days to suit your personal schedule,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Did you make the right choices at the start of your career?

by John Fountain Do you remember what it was like when you started out? If you were anything like me you probably focused on getting the basics right. Becoming good at the key elements of the job. Making sure that you were employable rather than...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Google's amazing new HQ

by Ashley Morrison OK, let's pretend that you haven't read the title of this blog (or looked at the first picture) and see if you can guess what sort of building this describes: "It's all about human beings and that's it! Think sunken snugs,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Philip Treacy and his miscellaneous millinery.

by Jessica Hazel. As London Fashion Week SS2013 reaches its climax, the last few glasses of free champagne will be downed and fashion's most committed followers will have to pack away their outrageous outfits for another six months. Fashion Week is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery or is it?

by Jessica Hazel When I am not blogging for Creative Pool I am running my vintage clothing market at Brick Lane and Spitalfields. All of the traders there follow the trends and stock their stalls accordingly, working hard to hunt down vintage...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The voice over artist

by John Fountain Successful voice-over talents often earn thousands in session fees and residuals, and more frequently than not, in less time than a half hour of work. Becoming a successful voice-over talent for television and radio commercials,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Jesus The Howler Monkey

by Ashley Morrison Hey, don't shoot the (blasphemous) messenger. I'm not the one restoring pictures in Spanish churches. In case you missed it, last week I woke up to BBC Breakfast reporting on a poor, misguided, elderly Spanish lady who in turn had...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Sign here. Introducing the new freelance/client contract.

by Magnus Shaw Freelancing - it's a tough old game, eh? You don't know if you're coming or going half the time. Working in your jim-jams one day, sipping a latte in a la-di-da marketing agency the next. Occasionally you even miss "Cash In The...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Genius of the mainstream. Tony Scott remembered.

by Magnus Shaw A little over a day ago, Tony Scott - the renowned film and advertisement director - jumped to his death from a bridge in Los Angeles. The details remain unclear but he may have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Scott...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... 007 - gadgets which are a bit 'mnyehhh'

by Ashley Morrison Ever since I was a child, I've been a massive James Bond fan. I still treasure the Aston Martin DB5 (with ejector seat action) I was given as a seven-year-old, I own a collector's box set of the films, I can name the composer to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions- Your move. Losing your job before it has even begun.

by Magnus Shaw Writing in The Drum this week, Phil Haselhurst describes how his determination to climb the career ladder brought him to grief. He had a decent job with an agency he liked - good team, lots of experience, satisfying work. But, not...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Jeremy Deller's 'Sacrilege'

by Ashley Morrison. Tempting as it was today to blog about the Olympic Opening ceremony (you've gotta love that James Bond bit with Her Maj, haven't you?) I've decided to talk about another round-the-country event which is taking place at the moment...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Fancy a fight? Join LinkedIn

by Ashley Morrison But not just any sort of fight. LinkedIn doesn't provide a sort of Brad Pitt / Edward Norton-inspired forum or portal where the first rule about Online Fight Club is that you don't talk about Online Fight Club. (Sorry if you...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Emma Sexton - Director, SheSays UK

SheSays is an award-winning organisation running free mentorship and events to women in the creative and marketing businesses. Why? Because we want to see more women at the top. And since we are all about doing we also offer courses, career...

Posted by: Creativepool

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