Displaying 2053 - 2087 of 2087 results



What 5000 video diaries sound like.

The Saatchi Gallery has just opened a new film and screening room, just around the corner from the Saatchi Gallery on the King's Road. The first artist to take up residence in this room is Christopher Baker, a scientist-turned-multimedia artist who...

Posted by: Creativepool


Get it on for the end of the world.

'The Lynx Effect' has always been a brilliant advertising slogan. Its simplicity has stuck with the brand for years and has helped the deodorants to become the highest selling male grooming product in the world. But the latest ploy by Lynx owners...

Posted by: Creativepool

Strife is tweet - a top ten of Twitter scandals

1. Social sausage Anthony Weiner (oh the irony!) denied everything and blamed hackers (they always do), when a photo of his genitals was tweeted from his account and sent to a woman in Seattle. The problem was that Weiner, at the time, was one of...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 10 Coolest Google Doodles

Since their arrival many blue moons ago, the customised Google logos (or 'Google Doodles' to give them their correct adopted name) have become a staple part of using the search engine. From retro arcade games to famous figureheads in science and...

Posted by: Creativepool

SheSays the world's only creative platform for women.

I don't have to tell you that it's tough out there at the moment. It's there each time you turn on the news. Inflation this, growth index blah. But it would seem that us ladies are getting a tougher ride than the gents. A recent unemployment report...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten of the best font sites

The number of fonts available for easy download has reached an enormous quantity. Similarly, the number of font 'search and download' sites has also taken off massively. With each font site incorporating its own unique features and novelties there is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Damien Hirst and plagiarism

Today we live in a copy and paste world where it's acceptable to take someone else's idea and use it for our own benefit. Some say it's not plagiarism, it's a homage, a way of paying respect to the greats who came before. Others say it's just lazy....

Posted by: Creativepool


Illustration and Digital Illustration

From our 25th October Newsletter comes a grest selection of Creativepool freelancers. Krishna Malla Illustrator, Animation Artist, Creative Artworker "I am a strong, motivated, creative director and illustrator who currently lives in...

Posted by: Creativepool


The art of the comic book

Comics have been a large part of popular culture for generations. Today, this genre continuously churns out amazing artwork from some extremely talented artists. Of course, comic books are close to many designers' hearts because often they are their...

Posted by: Creativepool


The top ten USB gadgets

The USB ports in our computers have facilitated a wide range of different product and marketing opportunities. From guitars that can be plugged straight into our computers to nifty branded storage freebies that get handed out like sweets at IT...

Posted by: Creativepool


Once Upon A Dream

I don't know about you, but I'm obsessed with sleep largely because I don't get enough. But if you're a regular traveller, and especially if you can't afford a business-class flat bed, then you may well suffer more than most with a wrecked internal...

Posted by: Creativepool


What does the internet sound like?

You may think this is an unusual question to ask. But every day, millions of people visit internet chatrooms...to chat albeit by typing rather than by speaking aloud. Ben Rubin (a New York artist) and Mark Hansen (Associate Professor of Statistics at...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stay healthy. Get a tattoo.

If I started talking about epidermal electronics, you might well click away from this post because you think I'm going to blind you with science. But if I referred instead to electronic tattoos, you might be able to have a reasonable guess at what...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why everyone should have a muse.

I have always been fascinated with the concept of being/having a muse, even if it seems like a bit of a classical notion in today's society. A muse is someone who inspires a creative person, there are many muses alive and well today who are going...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 25 best horror movie posters

You probably see it hundreds of time each and every day. Whether it's on the side of a bus or on the underground, the poster for 'Final Destination 5' seems to be absolutely everywhere at the moment. Maybe part of the reason they felt comfortable...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lights, Camera, Pitch: What Hollywood Teaches Us About Advertising

The advertising industry, as portrayed by the world of film and television, is a fascinating, deeply weird place, and likely a rather unrealistic one, given the things that happen in fictional boardroom meetings and as a consequence of imaginary...

Posted by: Creativepool


Failure to launch: why some brands don't make it.

Perhaps it's the money. Large budgets are often greeted by marketing teams in the same way Keith Richards welcomes a stiff drink. But the fact remains that endless resources are not always guaranteed to produce branding success. Far from it. The...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andrew Finan

Andrew Finan is a UK entrepreneur who has worked with games most of his life. In the nineties he ran a series of international chess events in the USA, Russia, Germany, France, the UK and Spain. They culminated in the World Chess Championship Final...

Posted by: Creativepool


Adam and Jane - why the nation's favourite couple are in trouble.

I decided a few days ago that this week's blog instalment was going to be on the subject of Adam and Jane - the BT ad couple who seem to have captured the nation with the various fictional stages of their relationship over the past five years. As the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Are you special?

I was very pleased to receive a big response to my recent piece on becoming a copywriter but one question really caught my attention. The correspondent asked me to suggest a 'type' of copywriting in which to specialise. This rather threw me, but it...

Posted by: Creativepool


Angela Kohler

"When I was small I wanted to be a ballerina, or a painter, or a magician, or a trapeze artist. Now I am a photographer, which is kind of like being all of those things, only you get to fly more and don't have to worry as much about your figure." -...

Posted by: Creativepool


What is the last taboo in advertising?

Pedro Simko, General Manager of Saatchi & Saatchi in Switzerland says: ‘I compare the advertising message to a conversation between friends. Everything that is said between friends can, in my opinion, be said in advertising.'

 It's a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Shouldn't banks just stop advertising?

When you're as reviled as the Black Death, figuring out a productive advertising strategy is quite a challenge. Indeed, some might suggest shutting your fat gob and staying well off the radar might be a good call. But when you're a megalomaniacal...

Posted by: Creativepool


What makes a bad logo bad (and a good logo good)?

Unlike Naomi Klein, I like logos. In fact, I think everyone should have one. Not just every company every single person. We could do away with those boring, old fashioned signatures and photos and just stick our personalised logo on things like...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Andy Hayes (Part 1)

Andy has over 18 years' agency experience, mostly in project management and co-leads one of the design teams at The Partners. Or rather, he did, because in a few days he'll be saying a tearful goodbye to everyone, including his wife and family, and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet David MacGregor

David MacGregor is an internationally-awarded creative director and brand consultant with extensive experience in advertising, design, IT and publishing. He is co-founder and creative director of Idealog - the award winning magazine for New Zealand's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Demanding branding

As BP's stricken rig barfed over 2000 barrels of oil a day into the Gulf of Mexico for the best part of a month, some wag suggested pouring gallons of vinegar into the ocean to create the world's largest salad dressing. But that's probably the extent...

Posted by: Creativepool


iPhone, iPad, therefore iAm.

A In two days time our lives, as we know them, are about to change forever. Why, you ask? Because the iPad is here of course. Do try to keep up, people. Apple are going to be opening their stores at 8am to accommodate the vast quantity of eager...

Posted by: Creativepool


F1: We Have A Winner

There are few sports as glitzy and glamorous as Formula 1. It's like rock'n'roll without the drugs but with everything else. A multi-billion dollar industry with fast cars (er, obviously), dashing men in shades, 'pit babes' (apologies to the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Dave Morris

30 years ago I was a student trying to get into the business and Dave Morris was one of my course lecturers. Today he visits the leading advertising colleges in Milan, Amsterdam and England and has luminaries such as Dave Trott singing his praises....

Posted by: Creativepool


Banned Adverts they've got it all wrong.

Today it has been announced that a Paddy Power advert depicting a team of blind footballers who mistake a cat for a ball during a match, has been banned. This can't come as any surprise to the bookmaking giants who are no strangers to controversy as...

Posted by: Creativepool


Seed Cathedral

In Shanghai, the talk is of one thing only. It stands 60 feet high, looks like a giant pincushion and it sways in the breeze. It's called The Seed Cathedral and we, the people of the United Kingdom, have sent it as a gift. Seed Cathedral is no...

Posted by: Creativepool


From the people that brought us Kinetic Cats

Upon deciding that Brooklyn creative agency Labour were to be the first topic of my first Creativepool blog, you cannot begin to imagine how long I toyed with the idea of a political pun for the blog title. So long, in fact, that I was beginning to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Plumen light bulb Wins Brit Insurance Design of the Year 2011

Last night it was announced that the British Designer Samuel Wilkinson and the supporting product design company Hulger have scooped the Brit Insurance Design of the Year award with their innovative redesign of the low-energy light bulb. The award...

Posted by: Creativepool

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