Displaying 145 - 180 of 334 results



Intercepting the genius loci for Campari #BehindTheBrand

Robilant is a branding studio operating from the heart of Milan, capital city of Italian design. Last year, they worked on designing a new identity and packaging for Campari, paying homage to the brand's Milanese heritage, referencing the city's...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Reed challenge us to Love Mondays | #BehindTheIdea

The Reed Group , the UK’s leading recruitment and careers provider, has launched a brand-new TV ad as part of its long standing ‘Love Mondays’ campaign to help Brits find a job they’ll love in 2023. The cheerful ad depicts a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Owning the lick with Cutwater and Hartz | #BehindTheIdea

For this week’s behind the idea feature, we’re focusing on a playful little campaign from leading pet care brand Hartz and their creative and media agency of record, Cutwater for Delectables, the wet cat treats. The "Deliciously...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to choose a direct marketing agency

Ever wish you could just cut all the middlemen out of marketing and get straight to the point? Direct marketing is your answer. As the name suggests, direct marketing is a means of marketing directly to your customers via multiple channels. Direct...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Relevance or death - The importance of relevant experiences

There is increasing pressure on the retail sector during the peak holiday season, commencing with Singles Day and Black Friday in November and ending with the January sales. With the busiest time of the year for planning holiday marketing campaigns...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Bringing plant-based beats to life through TikTok | #BehindTheBrand

Plant-based snack brand Harvest Snaps and digital creative agency of record Cutwater have teamed together to bring to life a music-driven TikTok branded effect designed for college students throughout the US. The branded effect, entitled “Snap...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


To rebrand Twitter needs to know its tribe | #FutureMonth

“We have permanently suspended the account due to the risk of further incitement of violence.” Bang. Politically liberal users on Twitter surged by 24% as news broke of Trump’s permanent ban from the platform in January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Shining the #MemberSpotlight on "that motion guy” George Hurrell

While he is more often than not simply referred to as "That motion guy", George Hurrell is actually a motion and animation specialist with a background in visual communication and design. With over 15 years of studio experience working...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Cambrian Explosion of innovation and creativity

In geological terms, time moves rather slowly. For the first 4 billion years, life on Earth evolved at a subdued, glacial pace. Until, during a relatively short period of accelerated development about 500 million years ago, an unparalleled variety of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What is "Design Language", really? And how to create it.

Visual communication is really difficult. It's diversified, limitless, and never-ending. We need to build a set of limitations that will assist us communicate with our end-users in order to give it a feeling of clarity and consistency. This is when...

Posted by: Chris Bicourt


Top 20 product designs of 2021 to get you inspired today

This was a great year for product design. From the release of new smart home kits to the launch of iPhone 12 and everything in between, there were loads of incredibly inspiring products to buy, admire and learn something from. And though the smart...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Find some inspiration today with the top 5 animations of 2021

It’s been a year! Wherever the past 11 months went, we are now in December and it’s time to start looking back on everything good that happened this year. What better way to start than by listing the best animations from 2021? Top 5...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great Illustrator - 5 top tips

While many of the creative arts have been shaped and moulded by the passage of time and the gentle thrum of technology, illustration is, at its core, still the same art form that it was hundreds of years ago. It’s also an incredibly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Go your own way | By the CEO of Redwood BBDO

This new wave of purpose comes with a caveat: brands are eager to jump on the most popular causes, and sometimes forget about their own, true essence. Purpose should be personal. It should be lived and breathed every day, from the brand's core and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Everyone hates advertising, until they lose their Dog

Then they want to figure out the best way of stopping people in their tracks, taking notice, and finding Fido. The same is happening with brands with a focus, or increased interest in digital. Every brief asks creatives to think...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Exclusive Judges Insight: How to Craft a Perfect Annual 2021 Entry

The Annual 2021 deadline is now little more than a week away. Like every year, entries have been flowing in from all over the industry, and if you are thinking about putting the finishing touches on your entries, you are probably not alone in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Looking back on Annual 2020

Shiny covers have started to flood our social channels, as the trophies for last year’s Annual 2020 reach our winners this week. Looking back on the year that’s just been, it’s hard to say this wasn’t somewhat of an...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Oscar Pop! 2021’s Best Picture Nominees as Original Pop Art Posters

When casting an eye back over the goings-on this week, I felt a subtle pang of despair. Between the capitalist nightmare that was the ill-fated European Super League, David Cameron lobbying dramas and… more Prince Philip, it all just felt so...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Dreams of 5G with Orange, Publicis and Apple - #BehindTheIdea

With a long-time partnership with Apple, Orange was one of the main carriers in France working to promote 5G with the launch of iPhone 12. Having such a solid relationship in place, it would have been easy for the Orange brand and Publicis Conseil to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 20 illustrations to get you inspired today

From digital to 3D, editorial and packaging, a collection of the best and most inspiring illustrations from last year. Nothing like a good year stuck at home to get you inspired. Right? If you’re like me, by now you have realised that being...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Member Spotlight: Love of People in Adam Shaw's Photography

One would guess the pandemic is hurting extroverts way more than the other end of the spectrum, but freelance photographer Adam Shaw is the living proof that that is really not the case. Though he declares himself an introvert by nature, Adam loves...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


On Circles, Blocks and the Art of the Pitch

If you’re a professional creative then you’ll know that having a great idea is, unfortunately, only part of the process. If you want to see your idea made real then you have to be able to sell it. And yet, very often, almost all of...

Posted by: Richard Holman

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