Displaying 145 - 180 of 2120 results



A Critical Time for Creativity in Healthcare

As more mainstream agencies have been putting out campaigns for non-health brands, Guy Swimer, ECD at McCann Health London, ponders the creative world of healthcare. He discusses how the creative and competitive bar in healthcare is being raised and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Celebrating creativity at the Creativepool Annual 2022 launch

The creative industries ‘most’ awards celebrates its lucky seventh edition this year. And what a year it’s been, with the new work from home environment brining with it a disruption and uncertainty that couldn’t be overstated....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The V&A explores the transformative power of creativity | #BehindTheIdea 

Back in April, the V&A Museum launched a campaign created by adam&eveDDB to champion the belief that creativity is what makes us human. The campaign promoted the V&A’s permanent collection and encouraged the public to explore the abundance of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Does too much data hinder creativity? | #PurposeMonth

Data is everywhere. Indeed, we are currently living through the golden age of data where information is more valuable than… well… gold. But here at Creativepool, we are, above all else, creatives. We operate with the right sides of our...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The LA team using creativity to combat Russian propaganda 

What do you see when you look at the image above? The face of the most hated man in the world? Or a subtle protest against censorship? Maybe both. Of all the dirty tricks currently being pulled by Adolf Putin, the blatant and violent censorship of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creativity v automation: Why the benefits outweigh the barriers

The automation of specific functions has been met with two dominant barriers: one being the perception that only humans can do ‘creative’ tasks, and the other is the fear of humans being replaced by machines in a cost-saving exercise. If...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A Cambrian Explosion of innovation and creativity

In geological terms, time moves rather slowly. For the first 4 billion years, life on Earth evolved at a subdued, glacial pace. Until, during a relatively short period of accelerated development about 500 million years ago, an unparalleled variety of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Reframing the role of creativity in sustainability

"There is nothing new under the sun." This ancient expression from the Book of Ecclesiastes made it through to us to this day, and it is especially relevant to the world of creativity: there isn't really anything new and original, just remakes and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can creativity change the world?

How can creatives change the world? We are just about coming out of a society-shattering pandemic, one that brought a cataclysmic series of changes into our daily habits. With the gap between consumers and brands now shrinking by the day, the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


From Bogotá to London with creativity and resilience - #MemberSpotlight

Karen Burbano tries to find inspiration everywhere around her, especially in the stories of other successful graphic designers and artists from all around the world. A talented art director and designer, Karen has been living in London since 2015,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Slices of Creativity - #MemberSpotlight

Whoever has been in the industry for a long time knows that there is no fixed way to perform tasks or achieve effective results. The story and creative process of Motion Graphics Designer Jonathan Chen demonstrate that quite well. No matter the kind...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The multi-faceted creativity of a Senior Art Director - #MemberSpotlight

Martha Markovsky isn't one to stay put. Though she only claims to be a Senior Art Director on her Creativepool profile, the truth is that Martha is so much more and has so many interests ranging across a number of sectors in the creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Following the flow of creativity - #MemberSpotlight

If there is one kind of creative professionals out there who could talk endlessly about flow, that is the pros in production. Filmmakers like David Cerqueiro focus entire careers about the beauty of flowing images, and that's what makes their style...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Maciek Michalski and the human side of creativity – #MemberSpotlight

Sure, technology and digital have revolutionised the industry in thousands of positive ways. But according to Maciek Michalski, they have also taken away a bit of the human element that makes the creative industries so special. Maciek, founder of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Classy Creativity: a Chat with Cheddar Creative

It takes guts to find the courage to start from scratch. It can go either way. Too many have fallen under the weight of poor planning, but those who have succeeded give us hope that we can do the same. Cheddar Creative is a prime example of that. In...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


”Will you do that for free?” - The Price of Creativity

Would you do that for visibility? Imagine this: you have the flu (which is really the least worrying thing that can happen to you this year, believe me) and you go to your doctor of choice to have some medications prescribed. You then head to the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Let your creativity be of inspiration to others

As a global community, we have the priceless fortune to witness works by creatives from all around the world. Few things are as valuable as seeing how creativity spread across the globe. This week we are going as far as Indonesia to have a virtual...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Diversity Drives Creativity – with CCO Owen Lee

If we want more tech wizards, more creativity, more diversity, we need to be exciting and fun again. The creative industry used to be the 'best place to work.' Over time, that fun got diluted and the purpose of the whole industry arguably got...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Solving problems with creativity at Mako Design + Invent

What to do when no-one seems to be interested in risking with a startup to finance their product ideas? You make it happen yourself. When Mako Design + Invent CEO and founder Kevin Mako wanted to turn his journal of invention ideas into real-life...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativity and Adaptation in Mihaly Sipos

Is there a magic formula to remain inspired and motivated? Every once in a while you do get that random bunch of online gurus trying to sell you the ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO REMAIN ENDLESSLY INSPIRED™, but creativity simply doesn't work that way....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Bold Creativity of Anthony Birland

You know you've really found your place when you can't imagine doing anything else in life. It is the case of freelance multimedia artist Anthony Birland, who was bold enough to step into a design agency whilst still studying and ask what kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


There is a crisis of creativity in advertising

There is a crisis of creativity in advertising. You have probably heard these very words or a variation in the past few years. Campaigns striving to touch on the same key points, unoriginal tropes used over and over again - things are starting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Spark of Creativity in Easy Animal Studio

It took us long enough to finally get through to Easy Animal Studio for our Company Spotlights, but we've been eager to talk about this lovely and crazy bunch for every second of that long wait. The best thing about creativity is that you often...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Teresa Chan's Fragrant Creativity in Isolation

You can often hear that artists and creatives tend to feel lonely much more easily. Be it for an enhanced kind of sensitivity or a particular disposition of character, being a professional creative can be isolating and a global pandemic isn't...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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