Displaying 109 - 144 of 2127 results



Fancy a break, freelancers? Become an employee again

In April of this year, I quit my part-time job of 15 years (almost to the day). Until then, two days a week, I was one of a number of pairs of hands… (ugh! What an ugly way of putting it! But I’m leaving it in because there’s...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


I’m the best copywriter in the world ever – guaranteed*

Nobody likes a show-off. Unless they’re on X Factor and have zero talent, of course; THEN we like a show-off because it makes the dismissive “you’ve got four noes” that bit sweeter. But seriously, if you’re going to brag...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Food Revolution Day and yet another viral video

I’m a grumpy git, I know. I never watch Comic Relief and I find Pudsey the giant eye-patched teddy bear more sinister than endearing. For me, there’s nothing more nauseating than being lectured by multi-millionaire...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The creative project's worst enemy? Panic.

The late Douglas Adams wrote one of the smartest, most intriguing and funniest books of the 20th century. It was called 'The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy'. For the uninitiated, it features an electronic book (before they were real things), also...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Giving a presentation? Know your enemies.

Recently, I've been hosting some copywriting seminars. And I'm delighted to say the participants have all been attentive, smart and enthusiastic.That's not always the case, however. So, if you're due to deliver a pitch, presentation or training...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


CreativeXPO – FREE advice for all creative types

27th and 28th January 2014 @Rich Mix (35 - 47 Bethnal Green Road, Shoreditch, London, E1 6LA) In need of direction, inspiration, and a kick-start this New Year? Looking to start or further a creative business but need advice? A budding artist? Or...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The five letters I dread seeing in a brief.

As a kid, I was very fond of the word 'wacky' - largely because it featured in the title of my favourite TV shows 'Wacky Races' (if you're too young to remember it - find it on the web, you'll be glad you did). As an adult, I'm less keen. It has some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Hailo, Nowness, SoundCloud among winners of Lovie Awards

International sensation Hailo, lifestyle media provocateur Nowness, and pop culture gem Catleidoscope will be saluted alongside special achievement honourees Candy Crush Saga, “Father of Wi-Fi” Vic Hayes, and Inside Out Project founder JR...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


Spotlight... Nick White, Digital Designer

"I'm a Middleweight Digital Designer with a specialism in all things mobile; be it apps, sites, ads or tablet stuff. I'm currently getting to grips with the responsive design trend that is taking over the world and am making a concerted effort to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Live the dream

I was introduced to a big-shot client the other day as being a ‘creative type’. It’s not the worst thing I’ve been called over the years. But it was the look the client gave me that stopped me in my tracks. It had me wondering...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where the heart is. Is 'working from home' a dying art?

You may have noticed Marissa Mayer, the CEO of Yahoo!, kicking up some dust last month, when she announced a complete ban on working from home. This, she claimed, was to encourage collaborative working and collective thinking. However, there was a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Speakers Corner 3 - Excuse me Sir, your pitch machine is broken.

By Nick Bennett more from him on twitter @NickoBennett Disclaimer: No real Clients or Agencies where harmed in the making of this speech. Creative direction: The following speech is to be performed by a single individual with a split personality...

Posted by: Creativepool


In search of the 10%. Is Sturgeon's Law the alarming truth?

by Magnus Shaw. Theodore Sturgeon was an American science fiction writer. A popular author, he is more widely known for his 'revelation' or law. It's a simple proposition which Sturgeon devised after spending years defending science fiction...

Posted by: Creativepool


From Up North

As a designer I spent heaps of time on the Internet, searching for inspiration for whichever project I was involved in. I created a folder structure on my harddrive where I stored the most inspiring pieces in various categories. Day by day the image...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is it possible to be too creative?

by Magnus Shaw. Do you remember Kiss? Of course you do. Ludicrous American band - wore loads of black and white make-up. Well, they're back. Sort of. The new campaign for Costa Coffee features their track 'I Was Made For Loving You. The song...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Write a great radio ad

by John Fountain. Tony Hertz is an award winning radio producer. Over the past 40 years there have only been two D&AD Black Pencils for radio and Tony has won both of them. Today he runs Hertz Radio, but many years ago he ran a company called The...

Posted by: Creativepool


Understanding AI Washing and Its Impact on Creativity #PurposeMonth

Over the last 12 months, it wouldn’t necessarily be hyperbolic to suggest that AI has become embedded into almost every facet of our lives. For me, specifically, it’s completely changed not only how I work but who I work for, and I have...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Diversity, Creativity, and the Assistive AI Revolution #DiversityMonth

With Artificial intelligence (AI) and its effect on the creative industries at the forefront of current debates, this article aims to take a step back to approach this complex but increasingly pertinent relationship from an angle that hasn’t...

Posted by: SphereTrax


Why being bored can help you unlock your creativity

A recent article by Jessica Stillman, published by Inc. explains why boredom is not always a bad thing. In fact, it can actually be a great tool to enhance your creativity. 'When was the last time you were well and truly bored?...

Posted by: Novagram


Age and Creativity: Do We Get Less or More Creative as We Get Older?

Without stories what are we really? Storytelling is at the root of so much of our shared culture and it winds its barbs into everything from the stories we ingest actively (be it through books, TV, games or otherwise) to those we ingest passively...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Has Creativity Killed Toxic Masculinity? #MentalHealthMonth

There’s been a cultural shift weaving its way into our culture in recent years and, while there are always going to be those pushing against it, for the most part it’s one that’s been rightly welcomed with open arms. The...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Have we isolated ourselves from creativity?

Since the pandemic, our lives have completely changed, with remote learning and remote working much more common. But what does this do to our creative juices? Expanding on the knowledge and know-how design students and those working in design may...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Human creativity: A recipe

What makes us humans creative? My generation (child of the 80’s if you’re wondering) seemed to talk about creativity like it was some kind of special gift or talent only a chosen few had. It was also always related to the arts. It’s...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Using AI For Creativity Without Losing Ourselves

Unless you've been hidden away with your head down editing, animating, creating or filming, then you'll of seen the outpouring of mind-blowing creative AI tools across all of your social feeds, inboxes and events. At Tilt, we're very aware of how...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Relearning creativity in the digital age

People often assume creativity is inherent and that you are ‘born creative’. However, Cavell Ord-Shrimpton, Head of the School of Design at Arden University would disagree. Touching on how the creative mind is built upon confidence,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Armadillos fuelling creativity with data | #CompanySpotlight

Armadillo is an independent CRM agency that combines data, insight, and strategy with talent, personality, and craft to deliver fantastic work and unrivalled ROI for global brands such as McDonald’s, Carnival UK and Disney. This week, we spoke...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why marketers should pay more attention to creativity

There has been much focus on attention in the digital ad industry in the past few years, ever since advertisers realised that viewability wasn’t up to scratch as a metric. While the preoccupation with attention has definitely helped to drive an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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