Displaying 109 - 144 of 8153 results



A retro flash mob featuring Steps brings the house down | #BehindTheIdea

Last month, O2 launched a social first campaign to promote the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 foldable phone by UK agency of record, VCCP London and Girl&Bear. The campaign saw the iconic Noughties pop band, Steps, take over the famous O2 arena with a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


3 ways to give your video ads more sparkle this season

High shopper demand has made for an especially competitive Christmas this year, with brands using video as the glitter gun in their festive campaigns to capture optimum audience attention. Despite the rising price of video ads, smart video creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why the future of marketing is long-form storytelling

It is known that viewers retain 95% of what they watch on video. Brand videos are a powerful tool for any marketer out there - a medium with which audiences resonate now more than ever. There is an opportunity out there for marketers wanting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2021 Christmas ads in one place!

All the 2021 Christmas campaigns in one place As we all know, there’s no Christmas without a heartwarming, tear-duct-shattering series of lovely Christmas campaigns. Brands and agencies line up every year to release a stream of Christmas ads...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great 3D artist - 5 top tips

3D artists are in high demand these days. We live in a three-dimensional world that demands accurate representation and that’s true whatever corner of the creative industries you find yourself in right now. The need to hire skilled and...

Posted by: Creativepool



This article is 2238 words. If you don't expect to zone out for at least 40% of them, I want you to stop reading now because you are probably not in a creative field, so this is not meant for you. Ironically, this article is for the few who have...

Posted by: Matt Batten


How FMCG brands can thrive post-COVID

The pandemic has driven a long-term shift in consumer behaviour, says STB’s Lois Blackhurst - and brands must respond accordingly. Food shopping during the pandemic has been an ongoing source of stress and anxiety for many. While demand for...

Posted by: Stocks Taylor Benson


12 Key Terms To Look For In Your Music License

Let’s face it. Music licensing can be pretty tedious from time to time. Okay… most of the time. But you don’t need to understand every term or nuance to purchase a music license. If you’re an advertiser looking to license...

Posted by: Bopper


Is it worth it to burn yourself out for that pitch?

Some time ago, I took a few days to read an interesting little book by Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier, named Blood, Sweat & Pixels. In it, Jason interviewed a number of game studios behind some of the most famous games, learning the crazy and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to hire a great graphic designer - 5 useful tips

The best graphic designers inhabit that space between the creative and the business-minded; the tangible and the intangible. It would be quite easy (and reductive) to simply take the phrase literally and describe a graphic designer simply as...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How Do Indie Musicians Make Money In This Digital Era?

There’s been a whole lot of change within the music industry over the past 10 years it’s almost hard to keep up. With the addition of music streaming services and numerous distribution channels, artists have been able to market themselves...

Posted by: Bopper


How much should I charge as a Freelance Art Director?

A guide to Art Director rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry In the advertising world, Art Directors are the hand of creativity. They are responsible for what commercial campaigns look like, they oversee...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


7 simple ways for freelancers to win big clients

It is a widely known fact that big clients do things differently. The largest organisations in the modern brandscape will have millions of dollars to spend in marketing budget, but they obviously won’t be keen on spending them all in a risky...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How much should I charge as a Freelance Retoucher?

A guide to retouching rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry Commercial Retouchers make the beautiful perfect. They are architects of polish, masters of design and how to present a product/campaign under the best...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Social commerce: why we must not ignore this new ROI goldmine

As we ease back into a new normal and things start opening up again, there are new avenues of profits for brands and advertisers worldwide that simply can't be ignored. Our favourred social media platforms have turned into proper digital...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Legends of Advertising: Sir Martin Sorrell

Few people in advertising can hope to compete with the fame and legacy of Sir Martin Stuart Sorrell. At the age of 76 and counting, the historic founder of WPP is still very much in the game, a proof of character with no equals in advertising and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A glimpse behind the veil of Sound Design | #MemberSpotlight

Most of the pictures you'll see of Volker Armbruster below picture him in his studio or next to a piano. We believe it is for a good reason. We have no trouble imagining that Volker would rather spend time in his studio making some beautiful music...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Flying Stars of Sierra Leone | #BehindTheIdea

As the UEFA Euro 2020 captures the headlines across Europe (with much regret across England), the time is now to celebrate a different group of footballers: the amputees from the Salone Flying Stars. The Sierra Leone Civil War killed over 50,000...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you should stop accepting free pitches right now

Just the other day I saw a freelance job ad looking for a freelancer who would rewrite 10 articles of 3,000 words each… at the price of $25. $25, for about 30,000 words. It is over half of a medium-sized novel - which are usually paid by...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Are you pricing your agency services the right way?

As businesses, agencies have the grave burden to make profit with which they can generate growth and help the team thrive. With that in mind, pricing your agency services is arguably the most difficult part of founding and running a successful...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Go your own way | By the CEO of Redwood BBDO

This new wave of purpose comes with a caveat: brands are eager to jump on the most popular causes, and sometimes forget about their own, true essence. Purpose should be personal. It should be lived and breathed every day, from the brand's core and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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