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Displaying 37 - 72 of 7031 results



Ads that made history: that time Old Spice broke the fourth wall

I was still in high school when a friend of mine showed me a distinctive ad, featuring a man as he talked directly at the camera. I had never seen an ad like that before - and certainly not in my overly traditional home country. To think that over...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Listen up brands - it’s time to find creative solutions to waste

There has been quite some stirring in the plant-based sector lately for the UK government's AM 171, declaring that brands should stop calling plant-based drinks "milk". Apparently this hurts the dairy lobby. Apparently it is also one of the most...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


There’s never been a better time to be brave

Founder insights for developing brands in uncertain times. The last few months have forced businesses to re-focus, often as a matter of survival. For many brands it has undoubtedly been a difficult time, but it has also helped bring perspective and...

Posted by: B&B Studio


On that time KitKat took a break – #BehindTheIdea

It can't be easy to always be the ultimate symbol of breaks for over 85 years. And yet, KitKat has been doing quite well for an octogenarian, keeping us company with tasty and crunchy chocolate for all these years. It was about time it took a little...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why now is the time to ensure your local label is online

Few are struggling right now like freelancers and independent businesses all around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought small local brands to their knees, even forcing some of them to consider how to temporarily cease operations. The folks...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why data’s time will never run out in the hourglass economy

In almost all areas of the economy the middle ground is on the decline. In grocery, powerhouses Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda have been assailed by discounters Aldi and Lidl. In fashion, social media is rendering luxury labels more...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Clemenger and AMV BBDO hack family dinner time with the Pepper Hacker

In Australia last year, Dolmio and Clemenger BBDO Sydney captured the attention of frustrated parents worldwide with the unveiling of the “Pepper Hacker,” a unique and highly advanced pepper cracker that not only cracked pepper but also...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Virgin Trains unite East and West for the first time

Virgin Trains is uniting its East and West Coast rail franchises for the first time ever in a combined integrated campaign that aims to use subtle wit and humour to help the brand become one of the best loved in the UK. The “Be Bound for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is this the most ineffective press ad of all time?

I'm sorry for implanting a most unwelcome picture in your head, but I was taking a bath the other evening. The radio was on, I was leafing idly through a magazine and that's when I saw it - the least effective print ad of all time. In fact, it was so...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Dr Who theme standing the test of time(lords)...

I can name three things which sent me running for cover behind the sofa when I was a child. The film Jaws especially with the entry of John Williams' iconic two-note blood-chilling theme; another Jaws, but this time from James Bond, bearing his...

Posted by: Creativepool


Enduring Brands vs. Fading Stars: Standing the Test of Time #Brand Month

Not every brand can be an icon and even those that achieve iconic status are not guaranteed immortality. Of course, changing consumer and economic trends are always going to play an important part in whether a brand sticks around for months, years or...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Critical Time for Creativity in Healthcare

As more mainstream agencies have been putting out campaigns for non-health brands, Guy Swimer, ECD at McCann Health London, ponders the creative world of healthcare. He discusses how the creative and competitive bar in healthcare is being raised and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How much time are you wasting on bad briefs?

Sometimes, the most constructive thing you can do is wipe the slate clean, salt the earth and start again. Yes, it can be painful to walk away from hours, days or even weeks worth of work but, as the old saying goes, you can’t polish a turd no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Agencies - Is it time to raise your fees?

The cost of living crisis isn’t just impacting those struggling to get by. It’s a situation being exacerbated by rising inflation and inflation affects everyone, particularly at a time of great global instability. With costs stacking up...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Brands, it's time to address the UK's widening inequality gap

The UK's inequality gap is widening. With COVID-19 bringing upon us one of the worst financial crises in centuries, a country which already had a problematic inequality gap was only able to get worse. It is just normal that, in these circumstances,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Advertising & Creativity in a Time of a Crisis

Pandemic. Lockdown. Quarantine. All concepts which most of us could have reasonably hoped we would never experience. And yet here we are entering another week of Zoom calls, home schooling, and … is it too early to have a glass of wine...

Posted by: Richard Holman


Love Island: Time for brands to do the grafting

Just over a week since the Love Island finale aired, attracting an average audience of 3.63 million, this year’s cast has been swept up in the annual whirlwind which follows leaving the villa and re-entering the real world. Love Island...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Time Tips For Creatives

Scheduling your day correctly as a creative in the ad industry is crucial to be efficient and effective. When should you execute work and when should you get more creative? We explore this backed up by an industry badass named Daniel Pink who has...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


The Cultural TfL Map x Time Out

Time Out exists to inspire their readers to make the most of their city - whether that’s the latest must-see art exhibition, a serene hidden garden or a killer music venue in an unexpected part of town. That’s why they’ve teamed up...

Posted by:


10 most popular TED talks of all time

“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics”. In this article, we have...

Posted by: Mind Doodle


The five most creative magazine covers of all time

Considering the magazine industry is in a pretty wobbly state, it's surprising how tame modern cover designs tend to be. Usually smothered in teaser lines over a bland Photoshop creation, it's increasingly difficult to tell one title from another. It...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


When is the best time to Tweet?

The information superhighway is so jam packed full of tweets it makes your brain hurt just trying to comprehend it. So how do you ensure that your business/company is tweeting in an optimum way to ensure it goes out at the right time and in the right...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Long Versus Short Term: It's Time To Call A Draw

The short term versus long term argument rumbles on. 2021 is the year where marketers should chase a smart balance of the two for the best outcomes. David Ogilvy famously said, “If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.” But in...

Posted by: Southpaw


Behind the Idea: That time Kylie Minogue starred in a ROXi ad

As the world's most favourite Australian export, Kylie Minogue is quite clearly beloved on a global level and a personality any brand would want associated with its products. So when the folks at London Advertising got in touch with a ROXi TV ad...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tesco continues time-travelling theme in Christmas campaign

British supermarket Tesco has continued the trend of taking viewers back to past times with its Christmas ad for 2019, while continuing to celebrate its 100-year anniversary. In the ad, created by BBH London and Stink, one of the retailer's delivery...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What would you do with a day of free studio time?

Any young producer will know that hiring a studio space for a shoot is an expensive game. You’ve got your idea, crew and equipment sorted but the location is going to eat into your budget massively. So how about a helping hand? East...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


UK's top 10 TV ads of all time revealed

The UK’s favourite TV ad of all time has been revealed by a new study from independent creative agency, Impero. The Rebranding Advertising research saw 1,500 consumers asked for their most iconic spots ever with brands such as Cadbury, John...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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