Displaying 73 - 108 of 9460 results



Exhibiting: Bucking the Digital Trend

Exhibiting events have been around for over 160 years. Believe it or not, it was London’s very own Hyde Park that housed the very first trade show: The Great Exhibition. The reason for these type of events? To get all of the best products in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Nephology For Business, anyone?

Was fascinated by a TV programme the other evening, on the possible reasons behind why we’ve been experiencing some oddly ’stuck’ weather patterns in the last couple of decades. And yes, hooked because we really love to talk about the weather...

Posted by: Richard


#MemberSpotlight on graphic designer Santa Vinklere

How did you get into the industry? It was a bumpy road. My education (since I was 7) has always been in Arts and Design, but I worked in Hospitality for a long time (and that gave me the opportunity to travel and live in different countries and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Human creativity: A recipe

What makes us humans creative? My generation (child of the 80’s if you’re wondering) seemed to talk about creativity like it was some kind of special gift or talent only a chosen few had. It was also always related to the arts. It’s...

Posted by: We Are Tilt


Under the microscope: Lessons learned from iconic British ads

TV is a huge part of everyday life, with iconic British soaps like Coronation Street and Eastenders still going strong today. Alongside these shows, certain British adverts have made a lasting impression on viewers. We all have memories of particular...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Enter the tetrachromatic world of Ida Hay | #MemberSpotlight

Ida Hay is aSwedish/Norwegian illustrator and visual designer based in British Columbia, Canada who started drawing as soon as she was old enough to hold a pen. She has always been colour sensitive, already as a young child her family noticed her...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow the creative conscience of Chrissy Levett

Chrissy Levett trained as an illustrator and print maker before studying design + communications at the Royal Colleg​e of Art, in London. She is an accomplished creative director and founder of Creative Conscience, a global organisation that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All Roads Lead To Rome

For any business, there is only ONE reason to have a website. That reason is to make money - and even more critical... make profits. If your company has a website, and you cannot tangibly determine whether it is contributing to PROFITS, or COSTING...

Posted by: Tagmakers


How little or how much? The problem with value

A little story: My son is at art school here in Shrewsbury, where they’ve recently had their end-of-year exhibition. During the event, he managed to get a commission and a sale. When asked for a price, he froze for a few seconds and then...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


How to not commit ‘fraud’ in your day job | #PurposeMonth

Fraud. It’s the sort of thing prosperous and portly men in custard-stained three-piece suits commit. It’s the act of the corpulent quasi-banker and have-a-go crim with a knack for persuasion and loopholes. It’s grubby and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Where do you go when you can't get going?

Back in September, I wrote about how comparison can be both a blessing and a curse for creatives. I talked about my own experience with ‘imposter syndrome’, and how we need to strike a balance between allowing other design professionals...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


More play, please - Exploring the power of play

It’s not just brands that boost their juice by being ‘playful’. Any kind of interaction, from museums to retail to software to government can learn from the players out there who stay open to fresh ideas, exploration and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to set up your member profile | Creativepool Member Hacks #1

There’s loads you can do on Creativepool, from connecting with fellow creatives to showcasing your work and finding new projects. But it all starts in one place: your Creativepool profile. If you landed on this article, you’ve probably...

Posted by: Creativepool


38,262 reasons why the future of content is long form

Have you scrolled through the Discover page on TikTok lately? Interesting and inspiring trends for sure - but as we know, TikTok only ever works well with very short content. Instagram and other social platforms have all followed the same route,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How James Birks moved from engineering to illustration | #MemberSpotlight

You can never predict who is going to be the next portrait subject of Freelance Illustrator James Birks. We've been keeping an eye on his beautiful profile for a while, and each time a new release comes, we are equally amazed and surprised by the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why freelancing is the future of work

The crest of the Covid redundancies wave may well be a thing of the past, but there is no denying that the impact of a pandemic on such a vast scale will be felt in the job market for years to come. With furloughs and lay-offs spreading across the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The importance of being modest | #MemberSpotlight

There is a great deal of stuff one can learn by simply travelling around the world. Demian Campos is the Founder & CCO of creative and advertising agency WINGS, and he has travelled far and wide to occupy a number of creative positions in the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make to Treasure. Adding true value to the art of production

A few months ago, and sort of by accident, I coined the phrase ‘Make to Treasure’. It was in the process of writing our first update on sustainable production at the end of a steep learning curve of a year. A year we’d started out...

Posted by: Heather Golding


A pinch of Imagination - #AnnualSpotlight

As our top ranked Experiential Agency, the team at Imagination certainly has some fire in them and they want to make sure the entire creative industry knows about it. As you will read further below, Imagination knows how wonderful it is to be able...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Al Young on loving the ordinary

There may not be a secret formula to great leadership, but if there were, we'd say that chief creative officer Al Young is on the right path to finding it. Having joined St Luke's as a junior writer all the way back in 1992, Al has "grown into" his...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ben Scoggins on finding your place

Corporate culture can make a huge difference in your career's success. For some people it can take a while to find the right fit when it comes to working at an agency. Managing director of Organic Ben Scoggins knows this first-hand, after moving...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Blind Passion of Augusto Correia

"Don't learn advertising. Learn people." Associate creative director Augusto Correia has an ardent passion for creativity. You can easily get that from his words, and how vehemently he talks about his craft. Born a musician and grown in advertising,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight - Growing gracefully with Woven’s Mark Bower

Mark Bower has watched 'digital marketing' come of age over the last 20 years and admits it's been a wild ride. A lot has happened. But he’s convinced we are, even now, just getting started. This week, in the midst of a global meltdown, we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Rise and Rise of Gamification

Just like comic books and the recent rise of nerd culture, long gone are the days where gaming was seen as something for kids or only limited to games consoles. The normalisation of gaming on various platforms has increased so much that it was only a...

Posted by: SMACK Agency


Creative insights: Oliver Lyu on a career in stock music 

Shutterstock isn’t just the internet’s go-to repository of stock images, it’s also home to thousands of stock music tracks that offer a more affordable solution for filmmakers who might not have the funds to licence Taylor Swift...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How Desperados became the most inclusive brand overnight

At London’s newest event space, Magazine, there’s a giant octopus serving drinks, a Human Mirrorball in the middle of the dancefloor and custom-built ‘see the stage boots’ to allow for good views of the DJ. These are just some...

Posted by: Ryan Watson

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