Displaying 217 - 252 of 645 results



The 2 Most Asked Questions

As the clock ticks down to the next Annual 2022 deadline next week, we thought we’d answer a couple of the questions that we get asked the most from entrants. #1 What is the difference between Judges Scoring and People's Choice? The Annual is...

Posted by: Creativepool


Three reasons to reconsider your rebrand | #PurposeMonth

Your brand is your business. It’s not a logo or a colour palette. Which means the rebrand, as we’ve come to understand it, might not be the answer to the question you’re asking. Manfred Abraham, co-CEO at Yonder, discusses why...

Posted by: Yonder Consulting


7 books every creative professional should have on their shelf

There’s nothing like a good book to freshen up on your skills and learn something new to improve your career. Fortunately, there are thousands of interesting books, tomes and volumes out there that can be of inspiration to any creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Ads that made history: "April 22"

It was 18th January, 1970, when The New York Times ran a full-page ad to announce “A national day of environmental education.” Interestingly, that day would be several months down the line: April 22. Earth Day. That’s right -...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The big advertising shift towards purpose 

In 2015, audiences on social media platforms hit a critical mass. Brands suddenly needed to find a new way to speak to consumers. It seems unthinkable now that we all create thousands of video formats for single ad campaigns but it was a much simpler...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can a name change save a bad brand?

I have something of a conflicted personal history with Hermes. My long-suffering other half is a serial online shopper - one of many habits that blossomed over lockdown - so our local delivery driver has become a familiar face over the last two...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Are creatives more difficult to love?

Misplaced romanticism is a common curse in popular culture. There’s the concept of the “troubled genius” creative that, for some, excuses some pretty reprehensible behaviour and puts a rose-coloured lens over mental illness....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The next frontier - The rise of NFTs in retail

Great news: according to The Collins Dictionary, NFT was the word of 2021, which means there now exists a go-to way to explain these elusive virtual tokens to your grandparents... Defined as “a unique digital certificate, registered in a...

Posted by: Matter Of Form


How one global photography competition found the beauty in concrete

The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) has today announced the winners of its ‘Concrete in Life 2021’ global photography competition, which celebrates the beauty, importance, and sustainability of concrete - the most widely...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cutting through the noise to grab the best talent

Having the right people on board is vital for a business’ success. Without the right talent, in the right role, at the right time, growth can be much slower - and can even reverse. The battle for talent has never been fiercer. Organisations...

Posted by: FJC


A Cambrian Explosion of innovation and creativity

In geological terms, time moves rather slowly. For the first 4 billion years, life on Earth evolved at a subdued, glacial pace. Until, during a relatively short period of accelerated development about 500 million years ago, an unparalleled variety of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you *should* be spending more time on Instagram | #MemberSpotlight

Matt Rota has been an illustrator for over 15 years now, and his crude (in the most positive sense possible), visionary imagery is something you will not forget in a hurry. Matt admits to spending "lots of time" on Instagram to get inspired, which...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A conversation about IceCream, Hobbies & WH Smith...

Where do you get inspiration from? The typical answer here is to say ‘from everywhere’ but that’s really flipping unhelpful to those reading thinking, I really need some inspiration, where do I look. I was once in a meeting with...

Posted by: Simon Manchipp


Why the future of marketing is long-form storytelling

It is known that viewers retain 95% of what they watch on video. Brand videos are a powerful tool for any marketer out there - a medium with which audiences resonate now more than ever. There is an opportunity out there for marketers wanting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Find some inspiration today with the top 5 animations of 2021

It’s been a year! Wherever the past 11 months went, we are now in December and it’s time to start looking back on everything good that happened this year. What better way to start than by listing the best animations from 2021? Top 5...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Lighting Designer 

The lighting designer coordinates heavily with the director and artistic director to determine what sort of lighting-related visuals will craft the desired result on stage. This can include anything from deciding what sort of lighting will create a...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 10 best ever Christmas ads that you should watch today

It’s that time of the year! In mid-November, brands usually rush to release their best Christmas ads and capture a precious slice of attention from their target audiences. Due to the shortage crisis, this year was a bit different, but...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Can you be forced to take annual leave or to work over Christmas?

As the Christmas period draws near, businesses are starting to plan their work over the holiday period. And while December tends to be a quiet month in the industry, there are still posts to schedule, projects to complete and deadlines to meet. This...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How to find jobs and gigs | Creativepool Member Hacks #2

Creativepool is a fantastic place full of opportunities for any member in the community. We have thousands of jobs available each month catering to all the specialisms in the community, from design to copywriting and illustration. Given any creative...

Posted by: Creativepool

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