Displaying 613 - 645 of 645 results



Art Sponge

When did you start out blogging? Back in 2009. How did you choose your blog name? I thought of symbolically 'absorbing' art from around the web. Thus, Art Sponge. What's it all about and why? It's about finding great visual art from hardly known...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 minutes with... Neil Harvey - Group Brand

Tell us what you do for a living and who you work for? Executive Creative Director at Group Brand What does that involve? A mixed bag really. We work with clients large and small to help solve business, marketing and communication challenges. I'd...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description - Broadcast Journalist

What is the work like? Broadcast journalists research and present news items for broadcast on radio, TV and online. Their job is to tell each story in a compelling way - combining the facts with the most apt sounds or pictures. Many journalists...

Posted by: Creativepool


Market conversations in the web 2.0 world

Kitcatt Nohr & Lazar Dzamic Since December 2007, Lazar Dzamic has lead the digital planning offering at Integrated agency, Kitcatt Nohr. Along with Planning Director, Richard Madden, Lazar leads digital strategy as Digital Planning Director, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


CV Writing: Checklist

Once your CV is complete, ask yourself: Will an employer want to read it? Is the layout professional? Is it easy to read? Have I used a clear typeface and appropriate font size? If an employer 'glanced' over it, do the key points stand out? Is...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Create a portfolio that best suits you.

Your portfolio is one of the most important things that need to be considered when thinking about applying for a new job. Us "old schoolers" have all spent countless hours trudging around Soho with our A2 portoflio in tow, ending the day with a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Happy birthday, SMS!

by Ashly Morrison. Today marks the 20th birthday of SMS (Short Messaging Service), or the 'text', as it's more commonly known. Last year, we in the UK sent 39.7 billion of them. In a country of roughly 62 million people, that's a pretty...

Posted by: Creativepool


Over promise, under deliver. How lazy clients kill campaigns.

by Magnus Shaw. A couple of years ago an ailing roadside restaurant chain called in a radical TV chef to boost their menu and therefore their revenues. They refurbished some tired looking outlets, hired new people and ran a fairly hefty marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight: Aindri Chakraborty

Website: aindri.com Creativepool: creativepool.com/aindri Facebook: www.facebook.com/aindri "I am an illustrator/designer/animator gathering experience in different sectors since 2006. My creative practice so far has covered education, television...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Sarah McCartney - Copywriter and Perfumer

by John Fountain. Head writer at Lush from 1996 to 2010, Sarah is now Head of Ideas at the writing agency Afia. As an author she has penned 'The Fake Factor', 'Online Marketing in 7 Days (for people who can't avoid it any longer)', and '100 Great...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is it possible to be too creative?

by Magnus Shaw. Do you remember Kiss? Of course you do. Ludicrous American band - wore loads of black and white make-up. Well, they're back. Sort of. The new campaign for Costa Coffee features their track 'I Was Made For Loving You. The song...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Who cares what you think, Mr. Freelancer?

by Ashley Morrison There are a great many perks to being a freelancer (if you’re regularly employed, obviously). A lot of variety, regular change of scene if you work on site for multiple clients, working days to suit your personal schedule,...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Genius of the mainstream. Tony Scott remembered.

by Magnus Shaw A little over a day ago, Tony Scott - the renowned film and advertisement director - jumped to his death from a bridge in Los Angeles. The details remain unclear but he may have been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour. Scott...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Wright ore rung. Does spelling really matter?

by Magnus Shaw Browsing through my emails this morning, discarding increasingly bizarre spam along the way, I was struck by a common element. Of the dozen or so genuine messages, over half contained basic spelling mistakes. I wasn't particularly...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Heads up. The best advertising headlines in the world?

by Magnus Shaw For a jet propulsion lab brochure: "What we do isn't rocket science. Oh, hang on ...". For Sainsbury's: "We say 'hello' to good buyers". A recruitment ad for security guards: "Who says you can't have a successful career after the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Quietly Redundant - the future for the QR code?

I'm not a classic early adopter. I don't queue outside Apple stores every time a plastic cover for the iPad is released, but I latch onto technology fairly quickly. I was online in the late nineties, had one of the first phase of free Spotify...

Posted by: Creativepool


We're all writers now. How recession damages copywriting.

There are many signs that something is going wrong. The scarcity of invitations to join the staff of a particular agency; the lack of requests to pencil out dates in your diary and the distant memory of those top-dollar, overnight emergency...

Posted by: Creativepool


Who's killing copywriting?

Recent months have seen a swathe of articles predicting the end of the traditional, journalistic newspaper. Indeed, I have commented on the topic on Creativepool. But, as far as I'm aware, there has been no suggestion that the art of copywriting may...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Write a winning CV.

There are hundreds of techniques and ideas that people have about how to write the perfect CV. Writing a winning CV for work in the creative industries is different from most industries. If you are a creative then quite often a great portfolio will...

Posted by: Creativepool


3D and animation

From our October Newsletter comes a grest selection of Creativepool freelancers. Steve Jenkinson 3d animations, illustration, and video "I produce 3d animations, illustration, and video for a wide variety of clients. I am Mac based and use...

Posted by: Creativepool


What does the internet sound like?

You may think this is an unusual question to ask. But every day, millions of people visit internet chatrooms...to chat albeit by typing rather than by speaking aloud. Ben Rubin (a New York artist) and Mark Hansen (Associate Professor of Statistics at...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 25 best horror movie posters

You probably see it hundreds of time each and every day. Whether it's on the side of a bus or on the underground, the poster for 'Final Destination 5' seems to be absolutely everywhere at the moment. Maybe part of the reason they felt comfortable...

Posted by: Creativepool


Where now for the idea?

Most professionals provide an easily identifiable service. The lawyer offers his advice and representation, the dentist his drill and pink water. But the stock in trade of the professional creative is a little harder to pin down. Is the designer...

Posted by: Creativepool


Motionless pictures - are graphic novels the new movies?

When we were kids (assuming everyone is over 40, because it makes me feel better) we read the comics and grown ups went to the pictures. Sure, we queued for Star Wars and Jaws, but flat images of impossibly ripped blokes and pneumatic ladies in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Professional development courses: a load of old tosh?

If, like me, you are registered with a number of job sites, you will probably get a weekly or even daily glut of emails telling you that you really ought to think about taking some sort of training course. Be it a course in Dreamweaver, Flash or...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Richard Selbourne

Richard has won awards at D&AD, Creative Circle, British Television, Campaign Press, the Clios, Australian Award, the Aerials, UK Radio and Cannes. Today he is Head of Creative at HPS Group in Marlow, Bucks. Hi Richard, for an out of town agency...

Posted by: Creativepool


What makes a bad logo bad (and a good logo good)?

Unlike Naomi Klein, I like logos. In fact, I think everyone should have one. Not just every company every single person. We could do away with those boring, old fashioned signatures and photos and just stick our personalised logo on things like...

Posted by: Creativepool


Stop me if you've heard this one ...

As a thrusting, upwardly-mobile creative professional, I'm sure you have many an anecdote primed and loaded for those moments when an Islington dinner party conversation sags a bit. After all, good creative work always tells a compelling story...

Posted by: Creativepool


Meet Rishi Dastidar

Rishi Dastidar is a copywriter for ad agency archibald ingall stretton. When he's not doing that, he pretends he's a digital native at his blog Being Beta. When hes not doing that, he pretends he's a poet. And when he's not doing that, he sits on the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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