Displaying 181 - 216 of 252 results



Top 5 Ads of the Week

JWT London - Debenhams The content division at JWT London has created eight 30 second films as part of its £1.5 million “A Match Made in Debenhams” Autumn campaign for the retailer, which launched last week and is currently running...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


TBWA strives to end the silence around suicide in Singapore

As part of World Suicide Prevention Week, Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) has partnered with TBWA\Singapore to launch a new campaign called “Wear a plaster End the Silence,” which encourages people to show their support by wearing an SOS...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Focal Point: Eric Yahnker's Pop Culture Pencilling

Eric Yahnker is all about intricate pencil work, pop culture puns and a serious approach to his work. He doesn’t make it easy to dismiss his work as pastiche, mainly because his finger is superbly on the pulse of contemporary society. Whether...

Posted by: Jade French


Focal Point: Surreal chats with Aleksandra Kingo

Aleksandra Kingo makes hyper-real photographs that hinge on the surreal. Her influences feel like they take away from the likes of 70s fashion and New Wave cinema, with a generous helping of pop-culture inbetween. Whether its commercial work,...

Posted by: Jade French


The safest & smartest headphones in the world

These remarkable headphones were designed by Royal College of Art graduate Gemma Roper to clip comfortably to a cycling helmet and play music through the wearer's cheekbones, so they are still able to listen out for vehicles whilst they are also...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Leash your Lion at Cannes this year

“Not everyone can win a lion, but anyone can lose it,” so states the first tweet sent on Monday morning from a mysterious new account that we're still not 100% sure is legitimate or not. Dubbed the "Lion Leash,” the project...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Would you wear your Levi smartphone?

What with the vast new technological frontiers opening up to us seemingly on a daily basis, it should come as no surprise that some of the industry's biggest players have been looking into ideas that, until recently, would have been seen as frankly...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


WWF get Naked to Wear Wild onesies

Naked Communications has partnered with Pulse Films to help launch WWF’s “Wear It Wild” campaign, which makes it's debut this coming Friday (5 June). Wear It Wild is the charity’s new national fundraising event, which asks...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Don’t Have A Cow Man: The Simpsons Effect

What is it about the Simpsons that inspire graphic art? The simple lines? The spiky hair? A sudden influx of yellow and blue paint? From the 1990s to now, the Simpsons have held a special place in our hearts. There’s something about their...

Posted by: Jade French


BBH London shake up their laundry

When it comes to original advertising concepts, I'm all for interactivity. Advertising has a bad rep for being rather passive and monotonous, so any time an agency wants to shake things up by injecting a little audience participation into their work,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


King's Cross asks the public for a little help

The King's Cross area of central London is currently in the midst of an incredible redevelopment that is seeing the area known for heavy industrial use for over 150 years being transformed into a vibrant new city quarter with new homes, shopping,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Will 2015 be the year of the Smartwatch?

At the 2015 Consumer Electronics Show, which is due to take place in Las Vegas this week, it would appear a fair amount of the unveiled technology will be taking a more intimate route than in years past. We're referring, of course, to smartwatches,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Would you strap a lie detector to your forehead?

TOMY, the world-renowned toy manufacturer, recently launched a new breakthrough device that acts as both a lie and stress level detector. The Cocoro Scanner, works by reading a pulse from a person's forehead through a bespoke sensory mechanism. The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The ultimate amazon jungle challenge. In speedos.

Publicis Mojo Brisbane recently launched a social media campaign for RID, the Australian insect repellent brand. The unique campaign takes the form of a digital competition called the 'RID Amazon DT Challenge', which seeks to reinvigorate the iconic...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Christ on a bike! No, Jesus in a marathon

Today I’m on a bit of a high. And not just because I have a rare day off. No, it’s because yesterday I completed my second marathon this year - the 41st BMW Berlin Marathon. For a while there, I didn’t fancy my chances. About six...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Time for new Apple products. But is all the fuss justified?

Of all the things Apple do well, creating a hullabaloo is one of the best. Despite ongoing wars and Scotland's bid for independence, the launch of a new product still performed well in the news agenda on Tuesday. Live from Cupertino, the world's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Last week, Private Eye tried to satirise advertising - and failed.

You're probably familiar with the magazine Private Eye. If not, you just need to know it's the longest running satirical publication in the UK (maybe the world), is edited by Ian Hislop from 'Have I Got News For You', and is still remarkably fresh,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


UGG Australia Launch "THIS IS UGG," their first global brand campaign

UGG, the Australian lifestyle brand most famous for its sheepskin boots and slippers, has announced the launch of its very first global brand marketing campaign. Called “THIS IS UGG,” the campaign debuted across the world yesterday (the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


House of Vans London Opening

Thursday is definitely the new Friday, and last Thursday we hung out at the new House of Vans for the opening of London’s only indoor skatepark. Because its hidden around five of the Old Vic tunnels beneath Waterloo Station, its a bit hard to...

Posted by: Creativepool


AKQA creates a brand new digital experience for Levi's

A new digital project by AKQA seeks to “Explore the stories of Levi wearers” and invite users to add their own. “Live In Levi's” is a digital experience that has been designed to “Engage and activate the expansive global...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


VCCP create another historical ad for Royal London

Royal London has unveiled the follow-up spot to their “We're so yesterday” campaign, which was released earlier this month to (according to the mutual life and pensions company) celebrate the fact that “Royal London has stood by its...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Teenage Cancer Trust: Say hello to our new interns

In 2013 we did some work with the Teenage Cancer Trust, running marathons, wearing silly outfits and raising funds where we could; but this year we’re taking on two new remote interns, Matt and Pete. Matt and Pete are currently undergoing...

Posted by: Bray Leino


Top 10 Creativepool Companies of 2013

2013 is nearly over, and hasn't it flown! We have had a great year and thought we would take a moment to showcase our Top 10 companies of the year. These are the companies with the most views and follows. Some award winning, talented and awesome...

Posted by: Creativepool


Privatised health care? Advertising opportunities galore!

Whether you consider it a good idea or not, thanks to the coalition government, it seems the increased involvement of private companies in the NHS is a racing certainty. And what could possibly go wrong? Just look how affordable and reliable the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Fashionably Dressed Animals Photographed by Miguel Vallinas

Upon first glance at this body of photographs Madrid-based advertising and industrial photographer Miguel Vallinas it’s easy to view it as a typical “animals dressed as people” project. But the closer you look makes you realise...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sexy Pin-Ups Made With Clothing Entirely From Milk

Originally from Poland, but based in London, Photographer Jaroslav Wieczorkiewicz has a background in Fine Arts, degree in Architecture, and a wide array of experience. Being an Architect taught him how to be resourceful and to solve complex...

Posted by: Creativepool


The RA Summer Exhibition: "I could do that - but I've got talent"

You've got a little less than a week to get yourself down to the Royal Academy to marvel at the wonders of the Summer Exhibition. Or do I mean wonder at the marvels? Or neither? Do I mean marvel at the lack of talent - or the extraordinary choices of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


You're hired! Are brands really taking on celebrities as staff?

When you arrived at work this morning, did you notice a pop star sitting at a flat-screen, typing away? Was there a movie idol in the kitchen fixing some coffees? Or a minor royal handing out the mail? If not, I'm afraid your firm is way behind the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


3D technology - Ford creates a design "CAVE"

There’s nothing we like more than a nice bit of 3D and Virtual Reality. That is, if our trips to the cinema are anything to go by. There was a time not so long ago when watching a film in 3D was a bit of a treat. Now the technology is arguably...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


Live the dream

I was introduced to a big-shot client the other day as being a ‘creative type’. It’s not the worst thing I’ve been called over the years. But it was the look the client gave me that stopped me in my tracks. It had me wondering...

Posted by: Creativepool


Life through Google Glass

By Owen Bailey Google have given us a glimpse of what we can expect to see in the future. It's life through Google's very own lenses. I'm sure that you've by now heard that Google has been developing specs that will enable us to access all of the...

Posted by: Creativepool

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