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Displaying 9217 - 9252 of 9465 results



Spotlight: Ben&Brian

"We genuinely love what we do - as long as we can inject some good creative thinking, we're happy." Creativepool meets Ben Stainlay and Brian Jefferson - better known as wonderful wordsmiths Ben&Brian - to talk cross-platform creativity,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The Neutrogena Splash.

by John Fountain Open on a young blond actress laughing and full of fun. She flicks a strand of falling hair away from her face and looks deep into the camera. With a knowing smile she says, "I'm good about washing my face" and then with a pause...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Anyone want to work on Barclays?

by John Fountain Have you noticed that there are some accounts that have a bit of an odour about them? Not just those that reject all the good ideas, I mean the accounts that really question your moral judgement. The accounts that make you wonder...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Skip this. Why online broadcast ads are a disaster.

by Magnus Shaw Hello. And welcome to the Creativep ... LOUD MUSIC, SHOUTING, SOUND EFFECTS ... ool blog. I thought it would be useful to dis ... POP SONG, KIDS GIGGLING, CORNY JINGLE ... cuss how advertisers are handling broadcast ads on the inter...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Dan Hillier

by Jessica Hazel The Sunday Upmarket in the Old Truman Brewery on Brick Lane is where a wealth of artists and designers test run their future careers. Some fail quickly and disastrously whilst others soon meet the right people who propel their...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... On The Skids. One song, two great campaigns.

by Magnus Shaw Even readers of my advanced years may struggle to remember The Skids. Formed in Dunfermline in 1977, the band bridged the final days of punk rock and the birth of new wave pop. They were pretty successful too. Singles 'Masquerade',...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - A wake-up call for copywriters

by John Fountain A few weeks back I was asked to do a stint as guest blogger for the writing agency Afia. Seeing as this is a first rate copywriting agency, and seeing as they think a lot about copywriting over there, I took the executive decision...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: Steve Martin - The comic who went somewhere new.

by John Fountain I've just been reading Steve Martin's autobiography - Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life. Although I knew that he was a funny guy, I wasn't aware how alternative his act was back in the 70's, or how creative his writing. When he began...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool


How Creativepool helped me achieve a dream - Jo Clarke

By Jo Clarke. ABOUT JO CLARKE Jo is a candidate on Creativepool. With the help she found on the site, and one of our bloggers Magnus Shaw, she has achieved her dream of becoming a copywriter. Here she recounts her journey... "I am a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Come on, mums, pull your finger out!

by Ashley Morrison Look, love, just get back in the kitchen where you belong. What on earth are you doing, straying away from the cooker? Leash too long? Oh, mind you, with the leash off, you might as well do the vacuuming when you've finished...

Posted by: Creativepool


Trailblazers: Celebrities that look like mattresses

by Jessica Hazel As any Englishman will tell you, life in London is no bed of roses. Virgin tourists stepping off the plane for the Olympics will soon discover that the streets are not lined with gold but in fact, old smelly mattresses. Second only...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. Why Twitter shall remain nameless

by John Fountain On Tuesday this week, as Her Majesty The Queen waved her hankie at the soggy hoards along The Mall, Twitter announced a new logo. Yes, as Her Majesty finally kicked off her overly softened shoes and dunked her chocolate bourbon...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Eye of the beholder. History's most powerful photography.

by Magnus Shaw The internet is full of hyperbole. Social media in particular. 'The funniest video ever!', 'The best song of all time!' - in a rush to draw attention to their tiny corner of the web, users understandably become overexcited and...

Posted by: Creativepool


CP Loves... Easy Rider. The Raleigh Chopper

by Ashley Morrison The year is 1967 and Alan Oakley, head designer at Raleigh, is on a plane over the Atlantic. He's been sent by Raleigh to the USA for inspiration to help restore the company's fortunes. It was a good move. If anyone knows about...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - The specialist versus the generalist

by John Fountain Not so long ago creative folk were employed to work across all areas of business communications. It was said that if you were any good you'd be able to turn your hand to almost anything. And if you had any weak spots or showed any...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - LMFAO!!! SEE WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE!! Click Here -->...

by Jessica Hazel Over the last week or so your feed on Facebook might well have come up with something like this: It comes from one of your friends with the title "LMFAO!!! SEE WHO VIEWED YOUR PROFILE!! Click Here -->..." If you are silly enough...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - What's your day rate?

by John Fountain Ever wondered if you're being paid the market rate for all the long hours you work? Well if you are working every hour God sends then maybe it's time you put your prices up. Today I'm going to have a look at typical day rates for...

Posted by: Creativepool



Natalie Nicklin Illustrator, Digital Illustrator, Creative "Natalie Nicklin is a London based illustrator and artist who utilizes a wide range of processes within her work; from found images and photography to modern digital techniques and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Good old...hibu?

by Ashley Morrison Good old Yellow Pages. There was something rather comforting about those adverts, about the fact that good old Yellow Pages is not just there for that leaky roof. Or for the warm and fluffy things in life: the boy who bought his...

Posted by: Creativepool


#Trends. The MBTI creativity test. How does your creativity measure up?

by John Fountain How would you feel about taking a personality test when applying for a job? Well in the US this kind of procedure is quite commonplace. In fact it is estimated that over 90% of organisations use some sort of psychometric testing as...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - It's only natural. The American instinct for marketing.

by Magnus Shaw I'm in America. Staying in Kissimmee, Florida and genuinely delighted to see things looking a lot better. Last year I was alarmed at the number of boarded up stores and saddened by the prevalence of regular Americans soliciting money...

Posted by: Creativepool


CV + TLC = Job

by Jinx Jeffery, Dynamic New Alliances. I know a great deal of you reading this will probably have read something similar before, so please forgive me if some of this comes across in a wave of deja vu. But the information is clearly not sinking in -...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Online Logo Contests, the pros and cons.

by Jessica Hazel Online Logo Contests have been popping up all over the internet for quite some time now. They allow businesses and individuals to offer a set fee, or prize, for what they consider to be the best logo design. Hundreds of amazing...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to...Don't just stand there, make your own Olympic Torch

by John Fountain Now that the Olympic flame is finally arriving on these shores and they've tracked down a mutton handed individual in Cornwall to keep the frigging thing alight, our thoughts turn to the proud British torchbearers and wonder how we,...

Posted by: Creativepool

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