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Displaying 37 - 72 of 9524 results



3 ways to give your video ads more sparkle this season

High shopper demand has made for an especially competitive Christmas this year, with brands using video as the glitter gun in their festive campaigns to capture optimum audience attention. Despite the rising price of video ads, smart video creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 simple ways for freelancers to win big clients

It is a widely known fact that big clients do things differently. The largest organisations in the modern brandscape will have millions of dollars to spend in marketing budget, but they obviously won’t be keen on spending them all in a risky...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Three ways retail psychology can help save the high-street

The consumer sales landscape has been in a state of flux for some time with almost weekly news stories of store closures, losses, and the death of the high street becoming the norm. Hopes were riding on strong Black Friday and Christmas sales over...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

5 ways retailer brands can learn from restaurants

How often do we walk into a retail space and find the joy and giddy expectation we usually associate with dining out in a restaurant? Not often enough, is probably the answer. There are of course exceptions in the retail sector, but compare flagship...

Posted by: Callum Lumsden


5 ways to gamify rewards in the workplace

A recent report published by workplace incentives and rewards provider One4all Rewards showed that the majority of UK workers would welcome a gamified approach to rewards. Reacting to the results, below, the company offers five top tips on how you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 ways co-working spaces can save you money

Whether you own a small business just starting out, are a large one looking to cut costs or a freelancer on a budget, there is one common crucial factor in succeeding or going under - and that’s saving on overhead. This can be an...

Posted by:


4 ways to amplify your brand purpose through film

After speaking at the Brand Film Festival in London recently, I decided to share my approach when using video in a campaign with a cause (capital ‘C’, or otherwise). Film can be an incredibly powerful way of amplifying your brand purpose,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Alexa, give me 3 ways to optimise my voice search SEO

There have been some wild predictions made about the seemingly inevitable dominance of voice search within SEO. 30% of searches will be done without a screen by 2020, for example. Or, even more incredibly, 50% of all searches will be voice searches...

Posted by: Woven Agency


7 ways to succeed as the underdog

Three guys got lucky with a nomination for their startup; Fabrik at this year’s Webby Awards next to industry giants Squarespace and Adobe. This short guide explains how they got this far and why you should back the little guys. Help them...

Posted by: Fabrik


Six ways in which 'copywriting' differs from 'writing'.

When people ask what I do for a living, I tend to get in a terrible flap. This is largely because I do a variety of things. I pen pieces about music, I blog about advertising and the creative industry (obviously), I present podcasts and radio...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


End of the roll - Rebecca Ward's amazing ways with cello-tape

Who say's that jaw-dropping art has to be complicated in terms of it's materials? Rebecca Ward is a Texas-born, Brooklyn-based artist with a love of tape, yards and yards of it in all it's multicoloured glory, spun all over columns, walls and floors...

Posted by: Creativepool


Top Hires of the Week

Leo Burnett Leo Burnett London has invested heavily in its creative department, hiring a diverse range of talent from across the agency world. Dan Fryer and Gate Lambert join Leo Burnett as a creative team from Fold7, where they worked on everything...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Hires of the Week

RKCR/Y&R RKCR/Y&R has completed its senior management triumvirate by promoting Emily James to the role of Chief Strategy Officer. James, who was previously Head of Strategy, joins CEO Jon Sharpe and newly appointed CCO Jonathan Burley on the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Worst Christmas Hits

Not that I have anything against festive cheer, but for some reason, this sometimes means that good taste seems to vanish completely, and this could not be more true when it comes to Christmas songs. With videos featuring a load of scouse wigs and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Will Designers Dream of Electric Sheep?

I’m baking bread. You should too. It’s fun. Creative. Somehow messy. I personally don’t follow a recipe; it’s a pretty straight-forward process. Below is a standard recipe:(1) Dissolve yeast in warm water in a large bowl. Add the sugar, 1...

Posted by: Andrea


The Top Advertising Campaigns of 2016 from the Industry

Whilst 2016 has been something of a banner year for many horrible things, it's been business as usual in advertising, and business navigating new frontiers. One thing that appears to have come to the forefront this year is the coming together of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


AKQA launch a unique bot experience on Facebook Messenger for Call of Duty

Activision has teamed up with AKQA to launch a unique bot experience on Facebook Messenger for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Through Messenger, COD fans will be given a guided tour through space; they’ll visit the awesome planetary environments...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on commercial director and filmmaker Martin Edwards

How did you get into the industry? I was living the dream of being an indie filmmaker in New York-in other words, struggling to pay the rent and eating a lot of iffy cheeseburgers-when a friend hooked me up with a gig at a SoHo ad agency....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Hype Cycle of Generative AI Will Plateau. What Happens Next?

Gartner’s hype cycle of a product or service begins when it’s new, shiny, and all the rage. The market buzz increases, and people can’t stop talking about it. Quickly, it hits the peak of inflated expectations. As the interest and...

Posted by: CARMA


Is Amsterdam’s anti-Brit ad campaign a step too far for Nimbyism?

Brits abroad can be a lot. I’ll be the first to admit it. Indeed, who amongst us hasn’t felt their souls wither a little at the sight of a shirtless drunken brawl instigated by pasty ‘lads’ while enjoying a family holiday on...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why passion trumps talent - With Global CCO Matt Eastwood

You'd be surprised how many doors just being naturally curious can open for you. Curiosity and passion can push you farther than any creative director ever could. Proof of that be the journey and ventures of McCann Health Global Chief Creative...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the Idea: Tattoos do the talking for LYNX

Tattoos play a key role in personal expression and original body art can go a long way in telling an individual's story - especially the ones in a new campaign for LYNX INK shower gel through 72andSunny Amsterdam. Comprising three spots that see...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Black Friday 2016: A Creative Review

Black Friday is a very modern phenomenon. A true triumph of commercialism, it's a perfectly placed date in the cultural calendar that gained so much attention a few years ago that South Park deemed it necessary to construct a feature-length episode...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Take My Advice: Don’t give unwanted advice

My topic this week was going to be “how to write an ebook”, for no other good reason than I’ve been asked to write two in the space of a few weeks. Although I know what I’m doing, I thought it might be interesting to pop onto...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


They may sell vacuum cleaners, but why are Queen so popular?

There's nothing new about TV ads using pop songs in their soundtracks. Think of all those Levis ads from the eighties - not only did they shift truckloads of jeans, they made the tunes hits all over again. From the Spice Girls flogging crisps, to The...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Villainous bunnies + cartoon violence + Royal Blood

The music industry is in a bit of a state right now. In case you haven't noticed, there appears to be a surfeit of artless dross clogging our radio waves and stadium stages, and artistic integrity and genuine invention are two things that hit the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Spray That Again. How evil is advertising?

Since an art director colleague introduced me to Banksy many years ago, I’ve enjoyed his stuff enormously. In that time he has painted throughout the world, from Sydney to Camden, LA to Palestine. The art critics bemoan him - too obvious, too...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


WCRS Creative Director. Get to know Billy Faithfull.

What's the story behind you joining WCRS? Ross Neil and I got our break at HHCL in the last days of a truly great and innovative agency. A collection of original people who didn't quite fit in elsewhere in the industry. We’ve always been...

Posted by: House 337


I’m LMAO. Y? Just cuz it’s gr8 2 C U! Lol!

I remember when all this were fields. And young people had respect for their elders. And dash it all, people spoke English PROPERLY in my day! Yes, I’m sure we’ve all heard the same old rant - if not from grandparents then from the old...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Opinions - Talk yourself up, if you dare

by Ashley Morrison I'm very happy to take advice from people. The main caveat is that it has to be from someone who knows what they're talking about. The second caveat is that they have to practise what they preach. Below is a genuine profile from...

Posted by: Creativepool


400 BBC jobs to leave London; are big city centres dead post Covid?

How long has it been since the last Industrial Revolution? I can’t remember the exact dates, but around a century for sure. It’s been even longer since the first Industrial Revolution, moving people around the world from the countryside...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

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