Displaying 1 - 36 of 744 results



The key to great client relationships? Don’t forget your toothbrush

How do you ensure a healthy client-agency relationship? There is no hard and fast rule of course, and different approaches may work for different teams. Some are content with keeping client relationships to just feedback calls and general meetings....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Lizzie Tearle, Client Services Director @ 26PMX

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? I’m sure everyone says no day in my role is typically the same, but it’s really not! I’m the Client Services Director at 26PMX so my job is to oversee our Client...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to avoid being bullied by your client

You can hear horror stories from all over the industry, and unfortunately any agency leader can tell you that they are far too common. Clients leveraging their influence and the power of their wallets to have agencies submit to abusive behaviour,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


10 most popular TED talks of all time

“TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics”. In this article, we have...

Posted by: Mind Doodle


Are creatives more difficult to love?

Misplaced romanticism is a common curse in popular culture. There’s the concept of the “troubled genius” creative that, for some, excuses some pretty reprehensible behaviour and puts a rose-coloured lens over mental illness....

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Exhibiting: Bucking the Digital Trend

Exhibiting events have been around for over 160 years. Believe it or not, it was London’s very own Hyde Park that housed the very first trade show: The Great Exhibition. The reason for these type of events? To get all of the best products in...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Negotiating Better Rates for Creative Work #MoneyMonth

Negotiating rates for creative work is a fine art that’s been complicated even further in recent years by AI. Securing fair compensation goes beyond just balancing the books though. It’s about recognising the worth of your craft and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How much should I charge as a freelance furniture designer?

As a freelance furniture designer, determining your rates is a crucial aspect of running a successful business. Setting the right pricing ensures that you are compensated fairly for your creative skills, time, and effort. However, it can be a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Forget what you think you know about Jack Archer | #MemberSpotlight

A multi-skilled, creative-thinking photographer specialising in a wide range of content production. Jack Archer’s primary focus is on automotive photography working with both private and commercial clients. He is also, however, an experienced...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Lessons from a freelancer

I was a human rights worker, specialising in gender and conflict in West Africa, when my first book was published. The freelance life appealed to my sense of adventure, so I tendered in my resignation. Here, in no particular order, are the lessons...

Posted by: Creativepool


#GettingToKnow the equitable creative processes of Nick Dupey

Nicky Dupey is a creative executive and thought leader with a proven track record of unlocking innovative potential for teams and clients. As a multidisciplinary designer and seasoned professional with over 20 years’ experience, he’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Emotional baggage: How vulnerability can be beneficial in the workplace

Stereotypically, the ideal employee is seen as strong, ambitious, and someone who strives for absolute perfection. These traits are not going to be the same for every employee. The expectations put on employees to be perfect is unfair. When...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Trailblazers: Everyday truths in the photography of Sophie Harris-Taylor

Sophie Harris-Taylor is an emerging photographer from London whose work explores both the relationships we have with ourselves and those we have with others. Truth and honesty are common themes in her work, as reflected in her decision to shoot only...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


3 golden rules for being a better freelance partner

Freelancers (like you) are increasingly becoming an integral part of the modern business environment. Technology and collaboration tools allow people to work from anywhere and communicate with anyone, at any time, all over the world. And online...

Posted by: OpenText Hightail


How Much Should I Charge as a Freelance SEO Copywriter?

In today's increasingly digital landscape, where online visibility is crucial for businesses, freelance SEO copywriters play a vital role in helping companies optimize their content for search engines. As a freelance SEO copywriter, it's essential to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Brixton boys with ambition on the brain | #CompanySpotlight

This week, we shine our company spotlight on Paul Crump, Co-founder and Creative Director at Fellow Studio. Fellow is a design studio that believes "effective design builds lasting connections and can tell your story and encapsulates your brand in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The art of building creatively with a creative director | #MemberSpotlight

Based in Surrey, Andy Martin is a creative director/senior graphic designer who has been in the industry for over 22 years. After so long, you'd think anyone would start to lose their passion. Not Andy. Passionate as ever, developing his skills and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#GettingToKnow Mike Bell, Executive Producer @ FutureDeluxe

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? Life as an EP means that no two days are the same - and for me that’s part of what makes it so compelling. My focus is on considering the needs of our client partners...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Is it worth it to burn yourself out for that pitch?

Some time ago, I took a few days to read an interesting little book by Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier, named Blood, Sweat & Pixels. In it, Jason interviewed a number of game studios behind some of the most famous games, learning the crazy and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


What is freelance success to you?

Whether you’re a freelance 3D artist, graphic designer, illustrator or writer - really, no matter your daily occupation, you will sooner or later be forced to measure your performance. Yes, the flexibility and freedom of freelancing are hard...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Living for the thrill - With Territory Studio | #GettingToKnow

No business is invincible. When Covid hit the industry, Ryan Hall from Territory Studio saw businesses big and small crumble under the weight of a scary societal crisis - but it was also a chance to reconnect with the industry's inner self, to find...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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