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Displaying 7201 - 7236 of 7572 results



Dear Photograph. Pictures From The Past Into The Present

The concept is simple: take a picture of a picture, from the past, in the present. Over the past year, the website received thousands of submissions. In fact, enough for a book, also called Dear Photograph, which was released last year. Taylor...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thanks to the new Lotto campaign, we all lose.

I was never keen on the National Lottery. On the night it launched, I nipped to the shop for cigarettes and was confronted with a queue which reached out of the door and off down the street. I was concerned the people had been hypnotized and summoned...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


My Inner Child... Forever Young

The photoshop wizard has struck again, this time producing the Paris-based retoucher Cristian Girotto and photographer Quentin Curtat. They have created these images entitled, 'L’ Enfant Extérieur (The Outer Child),' to bring out the inner...

Posted by: Creativepool


Now And Then. Photography of NYC

Marc Hermann is a professional news photographer born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. After several years of casually dabbling in video and post-production, Hermann picked up a still camera in 1996, at the age of 14, and has been hooked ever since....

Posted by: Creativepool


Six ways in which 'copywriting' differs from 'writing'.

When people ask what I do for a living, I tend to get in a terrible flap. This is largely because I do a variety of things. I pen pieces about music, I blog about advertising and the creative industry (obviously), I present podcasts and radio...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Incredible Lead Pencil Sculptures

Since a young age, São Paulo-born artist Dalton Ghetti had a knack for tools. For his 9th Birthday, Ghetti received a set of metal tools for children. This is what he believes began his love of carving and hobby for carpentry. At 24, he moved to...

Posted by: Creativepool


The most creative Vine videos and their creators

How would you use just 6 seconds of video to create a stir and grab attention? The creative bunch below have given a glimpse into their artistic life through their Vine videos. Despite the introduction of Instagram's video capabilities, Vine has...

Posted by: Owen Bailey


Pie in the sky. A memorable campaign from the pre-digital age.

As a technologically advanced species, we've achieved a great deal. After all, you don't see hamsters riding micro-scooters, or otters designing iPhone apps. But we do have a tendency to overcomplicate things. Recent months have seen new versions of...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Why your brand or marketing agency should be using Vine

In the world of the marketing agency, 2013 won't just be the year of the Snake. It'll be the year the number of mobile devices exceeds the human population. I'm knocking at your proverbial door to spread the word of Vine. Have you heard about the...

Posted by: FindGood


McCann Manchester's new Haunt (the prize that goes bump in the night)

As prizes go, having your own pub built is quite a nice thing to win. But so it was when McCann Manchester was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. Having won the award this year, the Manchester-based communications...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Spinnaker appointed as digital agency for iNTERTAIN

Following a four stage pitch process Spinnaker has been appointed by iNTERTAIN, one of the UK’s leading high street hospitality companies, operating 35 bars and comedy venues nationwide. Spinnaker will be originating and implementing a new...

Posted by: Steph Smith PR


Negative vibe. Positive vibe

As a creative person, some people are good for you and some people are not. The good ones are those who enthuse and energise you. They nurture your ideas and help them grow. They are the radiators that give off positive vibes. Then on the other side...

Posted by: John Fountain


Famous faces redesigned using illustrator and photoshop.

The famous face is one that is not only highly recognisable, but also one that lends itself to many different forms of art. The world is obsessed with famous people and it's these faces that allow for a plethora of art to be created. Some have been...

Posted by: Creativepool


Web experts flock to Gateshead conference

Baltic Mill Centre for Contemporary Arts to host 4th annual DIBI Conference The North East’s biggest web conference returns to the Baltic Centre for Contemporary Art next month featuring some of the world’s most celebrated design and...

Posted by: Epic Times



Hashtags are a funny old thing which seem to have sprouted up from nowhere and now run people's jobs, businesses and even lives. I have been pondering this phenomenon on two occasions in the past week - once when my mother asked me what a hashtag was...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Why internet radio has failed to make a big noise.

Do you listen to the radio via the internet? Quite possibly. Radios 1, 2, 3, 4, 5Live, 6Music, Capital, Smooth - they're all there, streaming away. But, when was the last time you listened to an internet-only radio station? One that's online rather...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


HTC: Humongous Tinfoil Catamaran? Hot Tea Catapult?

When the Kevin Bacon EE 4G mobile network commercials first came out at the cinema, the auditoriums (or at least the ones I sat in) were awash with laughter. Tightly scripted, informative and amusing to boot, they were a breath of fresh air and just...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


MY Single Band

Following my last post on the ingenious product design of Chris Godfrey, here is something from the other end of the spectrum i.e the absolutely crap end. Welcome to the world of MY Single Band people! For just £6 you can purchase what is...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Powder power. Ariel's stroke of advertising genius.

Do I moan a bit in my Creativepool columns? Don't answer that. As a fully paid-up, grumpy old copywriter, I know I probably do. But you can relax, because today I'm discussing something I really, really like. And handily, it's an...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A Doctor Who movie? Don't hold your breath.

Peter Capaldi is to be the new Doctor and I couldn't be more delighted. Apart from the fact I consider 'The Thick Of It' to be a television comedy so accomplished is resembles high art, Capaldi just has the face and demeanour of a Time Lord. Yes, I...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The RA Summer Exhibition: "I could do that - but I've got talent"

You've got a little less than a week to get yourself down to the Royal Academy to marvel at the wonders of the Summer Exhibition. Or do I mean wonder at the marvels? Or neither? Do I mean marvel at the lack of talent - or the extraordinary choices of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Get happy. Is Arianna talking total Huff?

First, a bit of background. The Huffington Post is an online newspaper and it's rather successful. Actually it calls itself a 'news aggregator and blog' - but considering that is less clear than 'online newspaper', we'll stick with the latter. It was...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Shhhh. What did the Twitter Silence achieve?

Today I learned an inquest has been opened into the death of a young girl, bullied to suicide by users of social media. This dreadful story adds a terrible darkness to the storm surrounding the abusive use of the internet. And, as happened with...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Saatchi's PR nightmare

Today a court took just 70 seconds to grant Nigella and Charles a Decree Nisi which takes them one step closer to becoming divorced. This follows a month after pictures showing him with his hand around her neck during a row outside Scott's restaurant...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Meet Lovies judge, Stefanie Hoffmann

Stefanie Hoffmann Founder Loui apps Find Stefanie online: @nanou_ A bit about you Stefanie is a founding member of the MLOVE advisory board, honorary judge at the Lovie Awards. She...

Posted by: The Lovie Awards


New Monopoly: for those with a short attention sp...

by Ashley Morrison It's a wet Sunday afternoon (no, not in summer 2013, obviously; that would be a sweltering Sunday afternoon), and there isn't much to keep the family occupied. Well, apart from the 200-odd TV channels now available. Or a DVD. Or...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Unbreakable: the arrival of flexible smartphone screens

Picture it: the first day of our two-week holiday in Italy. My wife pulls out a map from the depths of her bag and inadvertently pulls out her iPhone, which is caught in one of its folds, at the same time. In one of those slo-mo “noooo!”...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Core blimey. Why is Apple's new ad so flavourless?

Apple used to do great ads. The silhouettes of iPod users, offsetting the machine's white wires, were tremendously vivid, recognisable and memorable - classy and classic brand design. Then there were the dancing, multi-coloured iMacs, animated to...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


5 Minutes with: Geoff Foots, Creative Director at Guerilla

5 minutes with... Geoff Foots - Guerilla... Geoff Foots Creative Director, Guerilla... Website: Twitter: @we_are_guerilla Facebook: LinkedIn: Tell us a bit...

Posted by: Creativepool


Why social media is making us lonely.

In 2010, at a cost of $300 million, 800 miles of fibre-optic cable was laid between the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange to shave three milliseconds off trading times. Yet within this world of instant and absolute...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw

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