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Displaying 7165 - 7200 of 7572 results



How to get your work noticed by a Creative Director

So it’s 2014 and you’re on a quest to land a new job at a brilliant agency. But how do you make sure you stand out from the hundreds of people doing exactly the same? Our Creative Director, Martin Homent, shares his tips and insight into...

Posted by: Tribe Marketing


'Ello, 'ello, 'ello. What’s all this 'ere, then? #CuriousCop

Happy new year to all you Creativepoolers. Hope you had a blast - and not necessarily of reality. Lord knows we have enough of that for the rest of the year, so I hope you had a day off from the doom. I wonder how many of you went down to the Thames...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Fashion's New Year's honours

The 2013 New Year's honours list has been drawn up and announced. This year it consists of a female-heavy list of special mentions and an ominous absence of big names such as Andy Murray and David Beckham whom were both expected to receive...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Personal best. What 2013 did for me.

For all its trials, hardships, wars and woes, 2013 still managed to inject some wonderful stuff into our busy, pressured lives. So, with 2014 snapping at our heels, this would be an appropriate moment to celebrate the things which enhanced the human...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


It's a wrap. Introducing this year's best Christmas campaign.

Understandably there's been quite some fuss about the John Lewis 'Hare and Bear' Yuletide spot. Not only is it high profile and eye-catching, but the cartoon alone cost somewhere in the region of £7m. With that sort of investment, you 'd hope it...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Pringle all the way

Each year around this time, Pringles hits the US and UK shelves with new, limited-time-only, holiday-themed flavours. The flavours are festive and unexpected. They are flavourful and experimental products that are likely to be disgusting. White...

Posted by: bluemarlin


Meet the Creative Director, Colin Byrne of VCCP

Tell us a bit about you Colin... I'm a 6ft 3" one-time professional surfer and ex Abercrombie & Fitch model stuck in the body of a 5ft 10" balding Brightonian. Creative Director at VCCP, father of two beautiful daughters and husband to a very...

Posted by: VCCP


YouTube and You: are you doing yourself out of a job?

“That’s the power of social media” - that’s what they keep telling us. Yep, social media can indeed be harnessed and used to great effect by an enormous range of businesses - from sole traders to multinationals. For some of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


That other social network. The rise of Google Plus.

So, you think you know your social media? What's the biggest social network in the world, then? Right, Facebook. Even my Auntie Janet knows it's Facebook - and I don't have an Auntie Janet. Okay, which social network is the second biggest? Twitter,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Threadless. Making shirts awesome since 2000.

Threadless is a creative community that makes, supports, and buys great art. It has evolved from an online t-shirt design company into an international community-driven design platform featuring merchandise designed by and for its fan base of nearly...

Posted by: Creativepool


Daley Male: why prejudice won't affect the Olympian boy-brand

Unless you’ve been asleep for the past week, you’ll be all too aware of Olympian Tom Daley’s announcement about his sexuality via a ‘selfie’ YouTube video. The reaction has been incredible - from the media and the public...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Mind your language. Why Spotify has nothing to fear from the ASA.

I've written before on the clumsiness and general lack of bite of the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) and this week sees them back in action, in hot pursuit of Spotify. It seems the music streaming site recently threw out an email to selected...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The not-so-beautiful game: the sickly world of beauty pageants

These days, we’re by no means strangers to the phenomenon that is reality TV. It permeates every channel, every genre and every demographic. We laugh at the modern Victorian freak show that is X Factor, with their hopelessly deluded, fragile...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Popcorn puzzles. The strange structure of movie posters.

I'm no statistician, but I can be fairly sure fewer people are watching movies at the cinema with every passing month. Netflix, Sky Movies, Film 4, downloads and DVDs are all conspiring to keep film buffs glued to the sofa and away from the big...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The five letters I dread seeing in a brief.

As a kid, I was very fond of the word 'wacky' - largely because it featured in the title of my favourite TV shows 'Wacky Races' (if you're too young to remember it - find it on the web, you'll be glad you did). As an adult, I'm less keen. It has some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Hey, sugar. Is John Lewis' Christmas ad too treacly?

Could they have been the most expensive two minutes in advertising history? Well, if they weren’t, they certainly weren’t far off. Last Saturday during X Factor - and therefore requiring the sign-off from pop mogul Simon Cowell himself -...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Meet the Creative Director, Dominic Williams of Fat Media

Tell us a bit about you Dom... I’m a Liverpool lad who studied Fine Art at Uni, but then got interested in digital in the process. Straight from graduating in 1998 I joined an ISP which gave me my foundation in all things internet, then went...

Posted by: Fat Media


Back to advertising.

I'm always impressed by people who plan their career. Or rather people who plan their career and realise those plans. Planning stuff is easy, making it happen is something else - particularly in this business. Let's say, on your first day in the ad...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Facing facts. Are Tesco's ad screens really as sinister as we fear?

Say what you like about Tesco, but they know how to create a fuss. A couple of days ago, the digital, broadcast and print media fell on a story about the retail giant and its latest advertising wheeze. As a plethora of reports rushed to tell us,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Split Face Portraits of Relatives

Ulric Collette is a self-taught photographer from Quebec, Canada. He studied art and graphic design at school and currently works as an art director for Collette, an advertising studio in Quebec City. In his series entitled, Genetic Portraits, Ulric...

Posted by: Creativepool


Awesome and Imaginative Food Packaging

In today’s market, brands and designers have to find increasingly innovative ways of staying ahead of the competition and making us buy their product. One great way to out do your competitors is through packaging. Generally we’re all used...

Posted by: Creativepool


Kicking up a stink. How Dell can solve their 'cat urine' problem.

In the laptop market, competition is fierce. So many brands, designs and features - manufacturers are constantly looking for innovative ways to make their kit more attractive. Interestingly, none of them has ever released a machine emitting the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


40 of the most epic Halloween costumes of all time!

Happy Halloween everyone! This year sees many Miley Cyrus look alikes and too many children banging on your door wanting as much candy as they can get their hands on. We spend too much money on costumes, candy and alochol only to have it over and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Amazing Pumpkin Art

Happy Halloween everyone! This year sees many Miley Cyrus look alikes and too many children banging on your door wanting as much candy as they can get their hands on. We spend too much money on costumes, candy and alochol only to have it over and...

Posted by: Creativepool


Unique And Artistic Footwear By Kobi Levi

Kobi Levi is a footwear designer who graduated from Bezalel academy of art & design, Jerusalem in 2001. He works as a freelance designer, collaborating with both Israeli and international companies. Kobi has designed commerical footwear in Italy,...

Posted by: Creativepool


The heads up. Why Facebook has lifted its ban on decapitation videos.

In my late teens, a video was doing the rounds. It was called 'Faces Of Death' and I don't think it was an official release - more a much-copied bootleg. Essentially it was a compilation of clips showing people meeting their deaths in accidents. A...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Privatised health care? Advertising opportunities galore!

Whether you consider it a good idea or not, thanks to the coalition government, it seems the increased involvement of private companies in the NHS is a racing certainty. And what could possibly go wrong? Just look how affordable and reliable the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Fashionably Dressed Animals Photographed by Miguel Vallinas

Upon first glance at this body of photographs Madrid-based advertising and industrial photographer Miguel Vallinas it’s easy to view it as a typical “animals dressed as people” project. But the closer you look makes you realise...

Posted by: Creativepool


Writer's "I quit" video goes viral

We’ve all had fantasies about various ways of quitting our jobs. In fact, some of you out there may even have turned freelance because you just couldn’t take the permanent life any more - either because of your boss or the work itself....

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Sick? Why pharmaceutical advertising dominates American TV.

If you read my column earlier this week, you'll know I'm in America. If you didn't, I'm in America. In fact, I'm now in America's oldest town, St. Augustine - on Florida's Atlantic coast. And despite the temperature being in the low eighties (which...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Amazing Photos Taken At The Right Time

An image is brilliant at capturing a specific moment in time. By Internet standards, a perfectly timed photo occurs when the timing, angle or place are achieved. Sometimes it's hard to pick what's real and what has been photoshopped. There are...

Posted by: Creativepool

20 Quirky & Creative Responses to Weird Client Requests

Entitled 'A Creative Catharsis', Ireland's creative community got together to release a lot of pent up anger and sadness through the medium of the A3 poster, all in aid of Temple Street Children's Hospital. Ad creatives, designers, animators,...

Posted by: Creativepool

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