Displaying 1 - 36 of 5012 results



Marketing your way through the COVID crisis

It's easy to imagine how hard small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are struggling during this global pandemic situation. Government programmes may have neglected you or you may have fallen through the cracks of a flawed emergency initiative. Either...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Did COVID-19 press reset on innovation?

Following the turbulence and uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic, it’s no secret that businesses throughout the UK have been forced to adapt to the evolving demands of the new normal. Although strategies have differed depending on sector and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


When will the industry recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Being a creative woman in Covid times

To us men, sitting at a desk and sipping hot drinks from our favourite mug, this pandemic sure felt a bit strange. No more taking the Tube to go to work, no more spending huge chunks of our day to commute and so on. So much time saved. Most...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive Marcom Tips, Week of 27 April

Image Source: From IABC’s COVID-19 Resources, https://www.iabc.com/covid-19-resources/ Being an excellent communications consultant is highly demanding. On top of all the other diligence and expertise, sustaining professional development is...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


Five Essential COVID-19 Adaptive MarCom Tips, Week of 30 March

A month ago, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Deputy News Media Branch Chief Benjamin Haynes issued his COVID-19 briefing update, reporting on the “very few cases” of Corona Virus in the U.S., and “no community...

Posted by: The Darnell Works Agency


How the music industry is winning Covid

Around this time last year, I was getting pumped up to go to a Nightmare Before Christmas live concert on the night of the 5th of December. Danny Elfman was there. Pretty much the entire cast was there. Tim Burton wasn't, but that's okay. It was one...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


How Fedrigoni led 19 artists against Covid-19 - #BehindTheIdea

Creativity can change the world. Every creative professional knows that, and you will hear that notion more and more this year, especially after a year as tumultuous as 2020. Knowing that, Fedrigoni set off to actually try and change the world for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Inertia had stifled creative innovation, COVID-19 has accelerated it

The coronavirus pandemic has brought a host of unimaginable changes into everyone's lives. Things that were ordinary have become temporarily extraordinary, and vice versa in some cases. Some, like retailers, have had to sustain more crippling blows...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How Covid killed and then gave hope to retail brands

It’s been little over a year since our society was reshaped completely to comply with the new Covid-19 rules. It’s been a bleak year for most, an interesting one for all, and clearly a challenge for every brand and creative professional...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Most freelancers will need nearly a year to recover from the COVID crisis

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. We had the power to make a difference by asking about the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How AR can save the travel industry post-COVID

It is no surprise that the pandemic has had drastic effects on travel across the globe, with thousands having holidays cancelled. While many still have the travel bug and would love to rebook, they remain anxious to leave the country. Travel...

Posted by: Poplar


Billy Faithfull on why COVID-19 has actually brought us together

We are physically distant, but emotionally closer. It's no secret that the lockdown and the COVID crisis have had a huge impact on agency work. Some agencies have struggled more than others, but we know that the lockdown was quite a heavy and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Life post-COVID might be worse than we expect

Well that was quick, wasn’t it? A few months stuck at home, non-stop doomscast for a couple of weeks, then at some point the industry got used to it (or got bored enough) and started to cope, one way or another. We’ve heard of both...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


400 BBC jobs to leave London; are big city centres dead post Covid?

How long has it been since the last Industrial Revolution? I can’t remember the exact dates, but around a century for sure. It’s been even longer since the first Industrial Revolution, moving people around the world from the countryside...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Is Covid killing the holding agency model?

In the middle of what some analysts have defined the worst recession since Second World War, this year we have sadly grown accustomed to all the bad news of layoffs, pay cuts, redundancies, furloughed workers and such. It comes to no surprise that,...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The great COVID comeback - Creative salaries in 2022

“Am I being paid enough?” This is a question I ask myself daily. Of course, as a freelancer, I technically control my own salary but it’s still a nagging itch that tends to kick in at the most inopportune moments. Generally, just...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Emma Sexton on running your business in COVID times

Who would have thought, one year ago, that success in 2020 would be measured by the capacity to survive a pandemic? We know Emma Sexton as the CEO and founder of creative agency MYWW, founder of the Inside Out Awards, creative expert in residence at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Finding your way into the design industry during the COVID crisis

Finding a job - particularly your first, permanent one in your desired field - is an intimidating task at the best of times, especially for aspiring design graduates in an already competitive job market. And now, the economic effect of the pandemic...

Posted by: Jess Patel


Experience Will Drive the New Normal Post-COVID-19

With all the stress over COVID-19, my daughter and I had a conversation last night regarding what the world will look like when things go “back to normal.” The bigger question being what the "new normal” will look like. What...

Posted by: David Shulman


Report – Will the creative industries recover from the COVID crisis?

Being one of the world’s largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand to what extent the creative industry is recovering from the COVID-19 outbreak. Back in April, when the industry was still adapting to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Preparing for the Post-COVID Jobs Market

“This too shall pass” is a popular saying derived from ancient Persia that reflects rather elegantly and succinctly on the ephemerality of the human condition. It’s a mantra that many of us have undoubtedly been muttering under our...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What will happen to Consumer Trust in a post-COVID world?

Remember the Cambridge Analytica breach in 2018? Also known as the greatest scandal in Facebook's history, loud enough to send dear Mark straight to the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter that he was confronted by people who clearly didn't know how...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Here's to you, women in the COVID-hit creative industry

“Thud is the dry blow, from my temples to my toes. The air escaped my lungs and I am overcome by a deafening silence. It is over. Finally.” What is behind a layoff? This pandemic, among other issues, has demonstrated our unpreparedness....

Posted by: Paola Figueroa


Cooking up trouble with an agency born during COVID | #CompanySpotlight

One of the few agencies forged successfully amidst the fires of COVID, Trouble Maker is an end-to-end content, media and distribution agency with four founders that have experience with some of the biggest brands in the world. They came together to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How FMCG brands can thrive post-COVID

The pandemic has driven a long-term shift in consumer behaviour, says STB’s Lois Blackhurst - and brands must respond accordingly. Food shopping during the pandemic has been an ongoing source of stress and anxiety for many. While demand for...

Posted by: Stocks Taylor Benson


Best Advertising Campaigns of 2020

10 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns from 2020. A global pandemic wasn’t enough to stop the advertising industry. In fact, I dare argue this was one of the most poignant, engaging and compelling years for advertising ever. We...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The best OOH campaigns of the 21st century according to the experts

COVID might not be in the rearview mirror just yet but it’s at least starting to feel like it. So, with the first traces of sunshine now officially hitting our high streets, we thought it was about time to take a look at a marketing medium that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All the best campaigns of 2021 in one place!

After the terrific display of creative prowess from the industry in 2020, 2021 could only be a further step up for advertising campaigns all over the creative & mar-comms field. With campaigns to push vaccinations and groundbreaking ideas from brands...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Best 2015 Super Bowl Campaigns (PART 2)

Nissan Whilst I normally don't care much for the “Prank” ads that have become more popular since the rise of the YouTube star, I couldn't help but fall for this remarkable clip from TBWA\Chiat\Day LA. One of a number of videos for a...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Will AI Own April Fools' Day? The Best Piss-Take Campaigns of 2024

April Fool’s Day has rarely been seen as the bastion of creative excellence. It’s not about pushing the envelope or creating something with emotional resonance though, it’s about giving people a quick belly laughs and reminding them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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