Displaying 433 - 468 of 483 results




Embrace constant change, keep it new and tell dramatic stories. Freddie Baveystock, our Strategy Director, explains how brands can remain fresh as featured in The Guardian. The ever-changing competition between which brands are hot and which are not...

Posted by: Rufus Leonard


Demand Media buy Saatchi Art and names new CEO

Demand Media, the Santa Monica-based content and social media company that operates brands like eHow, Cracked and Livestrong, announced yesterday that it had added Saatchi Art to its collection. They acquired the company for $17 million in cash and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Brave Brands: Innocent

Coca-Cola bought its first 18% stake in Innocent in 2009. Four years later, in 2013, the soft drinks giant upped its ownership of the smoothie brand to 90%. Why was Coke so keen to spend hundreds of millions buying Innocent? We have a pretty good...

Posted by: bluemarlin


DeVito/Verdi win Bernie & Phyl's Furniture advertising account

Boston-based furniture retailer Bernie & Phyl's has named the New York agency DeVito/Verdi as its agency of record. The award-winning agency was granted a seat at the company's table by Rob Rubin, Bernie & Phyl's president of merchandising and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The art of emailing disguised as the art of waffling

I'm going to let you into a secret. Not a massive one, like I know that Pop Idol was fixed back in 2002 and Gareth Gates should have beaten Will Young into second place. No, I'm talking about something really, really insignificant. My minimum word...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Coca-Cola – bringing cross-border smiles to India and Pakistan

I recently read that if the average person was lucky enough to be granted three wishes by a genie, the number one choice was actually “world peace” rather than “a massive amount of money”. Presumably “an infinite number...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


How 'ambition' became a dirty word.

Do you remember Cait Reilly? She was the graduate who brought a legal case against the government after she was forced to abandon her voluntary work with a museum, and replace it with unpaid 'work experience' at Poundland. Both situations allowed her...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Speak when you're spoken to, dear. Or put the kettle on.

Call me naïve, but I think we in the UK are pretty inclusive; more so than other nations. Granted, discrimination in the workplace does still exist on various levels - and much more in some industries than others. Banking, I hear, is one of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Home is where the heart is. And the work. And everything else.

If I started a blog by telling you that I was thinking about buying a treadmill, you may well click away in anticipated boredom. But the fact remains, I’m seriously considering buying a treadmill. There, I said it. So what? Well, quite. Of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


'Ello, 'ello, 'ello. What’s all this 'ere, then? #CuriousCop

Happy new year to all you Creativepoolers. Hope you had a blast - and not necessarily of reality. Lord knows we have enough of that for the rest of the year, so I hope you had a day off from the doom. I wonder how many of you went down to the Thames...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


"That ad campaign cost too much." No **** Sherlock.

When I blogged about the John Lewis Christmas ad a few weeks ago - the one featuring the hare and the bear…and the despair of the rather wet Lily Allen cover of Keane’s ‘Somewhere Only We Know’ - a lot of people balked at the...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


YouTube and You: are you doing yourself out of a job?

“That’s the power of social media” - that’s what they keep telling us. Yep, social media can indeed be harnessed and used to great effect by an enormous range of businesses - from sole traders to multinationals. For some of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Daley Male: why prejudice won't affect the Olympian boy-brand

Unless you’ve been asleep for the past week, you’ll be all too aware of Olympian Tom Daley’s announcement about his sexuality via a ‘selfie’ YouTube video. The reaction has been incredible - from the media and the public...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The internet - the staggering truth revealed.

The World Wide Web, it's a wonderful thing to be sure. You've got your social media for endless moaning and pictures of your holidays. You've got your YouTube for Little Mix videos and footage of other people's pets. And you've got your online...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Touchy feely: when you're a freelance, it's all about THEM

If you’re a freelancer who’s got a steady stream of work coming your way - either from the same loyal clients who know you and trust you, or from referrals from said loyal clients, or you’re very good at selling yourself and you...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Go home. Why the Government's ad vans were such a failure.

Our friends at the ASA have announced they are investigating the Government-backed campaign which saw vans driving through London, calling on 'illegal immigrants' to leave the country or face arrest. This follows 60 complaints and, despite some...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Welcome to the future. 3D printing comes to the high street.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Arthur C Clarke When I was a nipper, I'd watch Star Trek and pretty much take it for granted that I was seeing an accurate portrayal of the future. I'm quite an old bloke now,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Making assumptions. Is the creative recruitment process broken?

A friend of mine applied for a job last month. He's a talented creative professional with many years' experience in the advertising and media industries. Currently in demand as an independent consultant, he didn't apply out of necessity or...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Rippln. The biggest thing since email?

That’s right - the most life changing, communication changing, perhaps economy changing, and even world changing thing since email. I’ll be blunt. I’m going to say nothing online can come close to email in any of these stakes. Not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Creating social barriers - Why do it to yourself?

by Andrew Greenhalgh. In an article (Marketing, March 6th 2013) about the latest Andrex campaign which asks whether or not the nation “scrunches or folds” their loo roll, a rather prudsih Nigel Roberts writes, "Who honestly thought that...

Posted by: Creativepool


A freelance copywriter's letter to Santa.

by Magnus Shaw. Dear Santa, I'm not sure if you're aware, but Christmas is coming. Next week, apparently. With this in mind, I thought I'd better drop you a note to outline some of the stuff I'd like you to provide. I suggest you take the Harley...

Posted by: Creativepool


Paul West - Imagination

What do you actually do? Transform business through creativity! I lead teams of talented creatives, developing unexpected ideas and solutions with a wide range of global brands, from digital design to environments, and experiential design to 360...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - John Aranda - Photographer

- View John's Creativepool profile. ‘The Philippines via California via London via a camera' How long have you been a Freelancer for? 2 years now, since graduating from Camberwell College of Arts in 2009. Describe your work in one...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - We Three Club

- View We Three Club's Creativepool profile ‘Combining both our styles we offer a really broad range of options and concepts' How long have you been a Freelancer for? Chris and I have both been freelancing for around 6 years now. Pretty much...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - David Chaudoir - Motion Designer

Don't know it all - ask questions. Describe your work in one sentence. Design in motion. What's the most important thing you've learnt in your line of work? Everything is temporary, style, fashion, who's hot and who's not. Get paid for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Spotlight - Iain Cox - Illustrator

I don't feel quite right when I haven't got a pen in my hand, my life feels strangely absent of any purpose. Describe your work in one sentence. My Illustrations are multi-coloured, squiggly scribbles shaped into recognisable objects on a piece of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Job Description - Writer

What is the work like? Writers produce works of fiction and non-fiction. They may work on: novels short stories poetry scripts for radio, TV, film or theatre non-fiction books newspaper and magazine articles, from news and features to opinion...

Posted by: Creativepool


Is necessity really the mother of invention?

by Ashley Morrison. I wouldn't say I'm a gadget freak by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like some techie stuff that usefully enhances my life while being fun to play with. I spent an inordinate amount of time choosing my latest mobile - a...

Posted by: Creativepool


The good book. The problem with a copywriter's portfolio.

by Magnus Shaw. Here's a problem which only came to my attention this week. Actually I think it has been lingering in the back of my mind for a couple of decades, but it only came into focus a couple of days ago. Because I write columns here and...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 Minutes with... Marc Bessant, Real World Records

by John Fountain. Marc is the in-house designer and creative director at Real World Records, the label founded by WOMAD and Peter Gabriel. Over the past 12 years he has been responsible for over a hundred CDs, vinyl sleeves, T-shirts, flyers,...

Posted by: Creativepool


Out of sight. What became of the virtual office?

by Magnus Shaw. Working in an ad agency in Fleet Street in 1995, I was called into a first-floor office to be shown something very impressive - an email account. Visually it was quite modest, just some browser windows with names and messages in...

Posted by: Creativepool

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