
An in-depth look into Twitter advertising

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If you happen to have read any of my earlier posts, or you know me personally, you will know I am not a fan of Twitter at all. They have spent years playing catch up to the big social giants because they changed their channel around way too much, and in recent years their monthly active users have plummeted. Facebook, Whats app, Youtube, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, QQ, Instagram, Qzone, Tumblr are all ahead in terms of monthly active users.

What's more worrying is when you consider the statistics for UK based companies trying to generate leads through Twitter, especially B2B companies. It's estimated just 16 million of us use Twitter in the UK, and as of this time last year, Twitter tweet interaction rate for brands with at least 10 million followers was believed to be at around 0.02%.

So even if you have 20 million followers, (more than the whole of the UK's Twitter base) your tweet interaction rate wouldn't even reach 1%. 

In a recent study, we looked at an extremely successful UK based companies Twitter account with roughly 35000 followers. We found 10% of the followers were bots and a staggering 40% had inactive accounts. Furthermore, the statistics didn't add up with analytics either. Paid advertising was hitting nearly £2000 per month, generating over 14000 clicks to the site, but what was mind-blowing was the conversion rate. Just 6 people filled out a form, so 13994 bounced straight back off the site. Let's Imagine 14000 people walk into your shop tomorrow after running a paid advert and only 6 people made a purchase. You'd be scratching your head as to why!

In terms of the UI for Twitter adverts, it's second to none, you really can get specific with who you are targeting and it is very simplistic to use, whereas (in the same study) bidding on LinkedIn has a minimum bid of around £3, extortionate compared to Facebook and Twitter which have no minimum bids and LinkedIn's platform is not the easiest to navigate. We did, however, find for B2B it had a much higher conversion rate. You get what you pay for I guess.

Finally, be aware if you run competitions through Twitter as there are lots of what are known as pro-compers. Spamming accounts retweeting every single competition based hashtag, many are bots. One account had 850k tweets, all relating to competitions. 

Closing advice...why use Twitter?


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