
Opinions - All in the name


by Ashley Morrison


*In the past, we bloggers at Creativepool have given our opinions, advice and guidance, whether you asked for it or not! Hey, that's blogging for you. The internet is a free-for-all where anyone can purport to be an "expert", but luckily, at Creativepool, we have standards and experience. Just don't believe everything you read on LinkedIn discussion forums; some of the nonsense I've read on there, honestly...

Anyway, today the tables have turned. I want YOUR opinion. Or advice or feedback or criticism. You see, I'm choosing a company and domain name. Oh, and I may want a designer's help with a logo, too.


As a lot of you will already know, I'm a copywriter. Thus far, I haven't needed to do much self-marketing because I've been networking hard and have managed to get quite a number of clients that way. But now I'm thinking of expanding and going beyond word-of-mouth recommendations and friends, and acquaintances of dads of friends.

But what do you think a good company name needs? It doesn't necessarily follow that the name for a company which specialises in copywriting - or, indeed, anything in particular - needs to refer to that industry at all. Red Bull, Apple, Gillette... None of them actually refers to the products in any way. There's the surname option, of course. Ford, obviously, was founded by Henry Ford - but I have a feeling that "Morrisons" might already be taken...

So coming up with a company name that's good and memorable is proving a little tricky. I need something that trips off the tongue, for a start. Being a copywriter, of course, I should have an advantage inasmuch as I'm supposed to be good with words. And so I am, but the thing is that I've come up with SO many options that I'm having a hard time deciding on the best one. After many days of long, hard thinking, I've whittled it down to a Top Ten.

What's the key message or the motivation? It's not very complex and is pretty much what you'd expect: I want to market and promote my services as a top-quality copywriter. I want people to know that, when they meet me, visit my website and hopefully engage me, they will be getting an experienced, creative, versatile and communicative copywriter who can construct top-notch customer-winning content, whatever the brief may be.

So my question to you, Creativepool blog readers, is which one of these Top Ten company/domain names you would vote for. You're welcome to just say "number 4" or whatever in the comments section if you want to leave it at that, but do feel free to explain why you think option X works best. So, here we go:

1. WeWriteCopy
2. WordSeed
3. ThoughtSeed
4. Writology
5. Writologist
6. OnCopy
7. TargetWords
8. WriteConsultant
9. CopyConsultant
10. WordArrow

And if you're a designer and any of these options inspires you with ideas for a logo, do let me know. Maybe we can do a trade: my words for your picture!

By the way, if none of the above appeal, and you have a "brilliant idea", I'm all ears. But do bear in mind that I may already have thought of it, but had to reject it because someone's already nabbed it. It's amazing how many copywriters there are out there, all of whom seem to have played the web domain game long ago. So maybe try typing it in as a URL before sharing your wisdom. Thank you, Creativepoolers!

Ashley Morrison is a blogger, copywriter and editor.

Twitter: @Ashley_Morrison

[email protected]


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