
Million Dollar Women: Three things that resonate

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I’ve been talking about the #Million Dollar Woman Summit a lot! To my tribe, my clients, my mentors and friends. And all this talking happens to coincide with the second year anniversary of me founding Perfect Tribe (thank you all for the LinkedIn well-wishes btw!).

It’s been an interesting year since I shared my Y1 Lessons, and I've continued to grow and meet amazing people on my entrepreneurial journey. Something that stuck with me from the Million Dollar Women Summit in New York came from master sommelier Alpana Singh who said being an entrepreneur is a messy business, and to pretend it's not does other entrepreneurs a disservice.

So I want to share a few more insights from the summit. Finding inspiration from successful business founders has certainly helped me stay on my creative path these past two years.

Firstly, it’s important to talk about the powerhouse behind the movement to see ONE MILLION female entrepreneurs reach ONE MILLION dollars in revenue by 2020. Julia Pimsleur is leading the charge on changing statistics for female business owners. Hugely underwhelmed by the projections for success and investment in her own business, she has set about making a difference (and smashing prejudices on the way too!) Awesome. 

Which is why I am so excited to be a part of the #MDWSummit 2018 Leadership Team!

There are so many things I'm implementing into my business from this year's event, but here are Three Things that resonated with me:

1. 148

This is the number of “no’s” Kathryn Minshew got when pitching her startup up (now multimillion dollar job search website!) The Muse to investors. Imagine walking away from 148 meetings where your dream and vision has been dismissed, disliked… hell, stomped all over! Imagine having the courage to walk into your 149th meeting. The meeting where you get the "yes". Imagine believing so much in ‘your something’, never doubting your idea and never giving up on your purpose. Just imagine.

2. Kick that bloody door down…

… and make sure you drag another woman through it behind you!

This was again Alpana talking about how, as female business owners, we can make a conscious effort to change the landscape for other women who are following our entrepreneurial paths. I loved this concept for being so simply honest, and immediately implementable. It’s something we’re already so totally driving in our day to day at Perfect Tribe. We got you, sista!

3. F.O.C.U.S. Focus 

I attended two workshops within the packed summit schedule, and both were so awesome. Pia Silva, author of “Badass your Brand” and Bruce Eckfeldt of E&A both spoke about how important focus is to scaling, and building a profitable service based business. Figure out what it is your business (i.e. you) loves doing the most. And then focus on doing more of that.

So I’m taking this (and so much more wisdom) along with an awesome community of entrepreneurial female business founders with me into Perfect Tribe Year Three.

Here’s to seeing you all on the other side. But more importantly, here’s to seeing you all along the way.

Stay Creative. Be Courageous.


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