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How to job hunt during the pandemic

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It's no secret that the industry has seen several mass redundancies being made in the past six months. Add that to a delicate balance made of fresh graduates looking for a job, which reach the order of tens of thousands every year, and you have the perfect recipe for an unemployment crisis in the overall job market.

In such an increasingly competitive landscape, job hunting can be an incredibly intimidating task. Are there ways to increase your chances of success? What can you do to boost your profile and ensure your CV lands under the right eyes? 

We have asked the CEO of recruitment firm Beringer Tame, Patrick Tame, to share a few tips and tricks with us on how to job hunt during the pandemic. You'll find them below.


Photo by Luca&Sinem

How to job hunt during the pandemic

While no one can claim to have lived through a pandemic like the one presented to us by COVID-19, many of us were around during the last recession and there are a lot of lessons that can be learned, and applied to now. As with any recession, there is increased unemployment and therefore increased competition for roles. Taking this into account, it’s crucial that candidates do everything they can to put themselves in the strongest position possible.

With this in mind, here are some top tips for those currently looking for work.


Utilise your friends and colleagues (past & present) as a sounding board. Find out how they are doing and ask if they are aware of any job opportunities opening up. Do they have any contacts they could introduce you to who could be useful in your search - indeed, do they know a great specialist recruiter who could help you? Make sure you offer to help them too should the need arise.

Now more than ever you'll also need to get comfortable networking online. Join groups and professional forums on Facebook and LinkedIn and make yourself visible by commenting and showcasing your expertise. 


Photo by: Dentsu Aegis Network

Update your CV and your business profiles

Make sure your experience, skills and qualifications are up to date on your CV and be ready to tweak it for each different role you apply for. Make sure you include key words from the job description in both your CV and cover letter to showcase that you’re a perfect fit for the job.

Similarly, make sure your Creativepool profile or any other business profiles you have are up to date and professional. Your online profile is most likely the first thing any recruiter or hiring manager will look at when you apply for a job, so make it count! You can also ask your network to write a recommendation on your page to demonstrate your endorsed skills.

Set aside time to job hunt

It is really important to treat any speculative job search as a job in itself. Plan time in your day to do the necessary tasks and focus on it. Do not try to carry out your job search whilst, for example, walking the dog or cooking dinner. If you really are looking for a job, put in maximum effort to make it happen.


Photo by: Friend + Johnson

Be ready for a video interview

Online interviewing is gaining traction all the time, out of both necessity and efficiency. Be ready to showcase your personality and skillset over video. Make sure you treat it like any other interview by ensuring you put in time to prepare, have a private/quiet space available, dress well, test your tech, be on time, and be ready to showcase your brilliance across a screen.

Have a space to work

It may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people still don't have a specific space set aside to work. If you're one of the lucky ones with a home office, then great, you're set. However, if you are working in a bedroom, dining or lounge area, make sure it's tidy and organised before doing any work. Tidy environment = tidy mind. You'll find it much easier to concentrate and get your tasks done.

Finding a job is not an easy process under normal circumstances, let alone during a pandemic. However, it’s not impossible, and taking these steps will help to put you in a strong position to find a role that not only suits what you’re looking for, but also one that you’ll love for years to come.

Patrick Tame is the CEO of recruitment firm Beringer Tame. Header image: Jilipollo.


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