Displaying 1 - 36 of 1441 results



Rebrand Roundup: From Domino's to Tokyo 2020

JKR - Domino's I love me some Domino's Pizza, but have always considered their box designs to be a little on the plain side, especially when compared to competing brands. JKR obviously agree, as the consultancy has decided to go big with their...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Rebrand Roundup: BrewDog spirits, gluten free Mr Kipling and more

B&B Studio - BrewDog LoneWolf Maverick brewer BrewDog has unveiled its spirits brand LoneWolf, with design by B&B Studio. Pared back and minimalist, the design flies in the face of convention and reflects the brand’s aim to operate as an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Identity Crisis: Rebrands of the Week

The Liberal Democrats After a disastrous election (by anyone's estimation) that saw the departure of their figurehead Nick Clegg after he managed to hold on to a paltry 8 seats (down from 57 in 2010), it's not surprising that the Liberal Democrat...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Going Over the Spoon with Robot Food | #BehindTheIdea

This may be the most colourful and lovely identity you'll see today. Once known as Freaks of Nature, dairy-free dessert range Over the Spoon has recently relaunched with a new identity by strategic branding agency Robot Food - and we're loving the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Meet JIBO: Robot Friend or Robot Slave?

Yesterday I reported on a protest taking part at the SXSW Festival in Austin, Texas, in which a small group of concerned citizens took to the streets to warn festival attendees of the potential dangers of sentient machines. Having seen the video...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Internet of Food: How tech will shape our food futures

Say hello to the 'internet of food’. A new buzz term used to describe the interconnectedness of physical objects that collect and exchange data about food preparation, consumption and exercise. Millennials believe that technology should play...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


#TechTuesday: VR tailoring, PizzaBots and a tattooing robot

The Neuro virtual tailoring system looks to change the face of fashion forever French designer Clement Balavoine has developed a workflow process to virtually design and tailor clothes using a total of three different software programmes. Called...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Meet the robot that gets smarter when it changes shape.

War is hell, they say. So perhaps it's not surprising the stuff of nightmares is funded by the military. The US military to be precise. Yes, the American Army is putting cash dollars into into a robotic cockroach. What's more, it's an intelligent,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Automatic. Can a robot do a creative job?

by Magnus Shaw. The last time I worked on a major print campaign, we employed a piece of software to automate the production process. It was a clever bit of kit. Once the parameters had been set by a designer (ad sizes, logo clearance, calls to...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taylor Herring unleash a Giant Robot Hamster on the streets of London

I'm rarely one to be impressed or amused by self-knowingly quirky gimmicks, but Taylor Herring have taken the art of the advertising stunt to a completely random and wonderfully bold place with this latest creative stunt for Kwik Fit. I'm referring,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Experience a music festival as the Festival Buddy Robot

In my youth (I'm approaching 30 so feel I've just about earned the right to use that phrase) I would typically spend almost every weekend during the summer at a music festival. Sometimes knee-deep in mud and excrement whilst gleefully nodding along...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Food Trends 2017: How technology is shaping our future

Speaking at The Future of Food conference in Stockholm last week, Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science at Stockholm University, urged attendees to think about the implications of society’s next 10,000 years by focusing on...

Posted by: Kate Lewin

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