Displaying 1 - 36 of 1906 results



Voting. The most creative thing you'll do this year.

Whatever your take on Russell Brand, you'd have to admit he's quite a creative soul. As well as his acting roles (in which he always plays himself) and stand-up gigs, he runs a popular YouTube channel 'The Trews' and writes books. But one thing you...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Jeremy Corbyn is the most searched political leader online in the UK

Ahead of the UK General Election this Thursday (08/06/17), new online search trends analysis research has reveals that Labour was the most searched for political party by the UK public from April to May 2017. Captify, a Search Intelligence driven...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Super Bowl 51: Ad land gets political. Or does it?

The 2017 Super Bowl came and went last night, with the New England Patriots coming back from the brink of defeat to score their fifth Super Bowl title. The real drama, however, appeared to be happening between the plays. Whilst Lady Gaga's half time...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Spotlight: Illustrator Ryan Hodge's political art earns our vote

London-based illustrator Ryan Hodge believes that if politicians like Theresa May, Nigel Farage and Donald Trump didn’t exist in real life, they’d be extremely funny as fictional animated characters. He doesn’t disclose his...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


It's political correctness gone mental

So, tell me honestly, does that title offend you? It's a serious question - I put it there deliberately. The reason being that, last week, Asda paid £25,000 to mental health charity Mind for advertising what was deemed to be a completely...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Are creatives doing enough to close the class gap? | #PurposeMonth

If there’s one thing the creative industries should be doing more of, it’s giving opportunities to people who might otherwise feel such a career is beyond their reach. For decades now, there has been an uneasy unspoken rule that only the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Seymourpowell unveil a vision of future first class air travel

Nobody enjoys long-haul plane journeys. They're cramped, noisy, either too hot or too cold, and it's almost impossible to get comfortable, even in first class. All this could very well change in the near future, however, if Seymourpowell has anything...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Could London be losing its creative class?

Rohan Silva, a former senior policy advisor to UK prime minister David Cameron, has warned Londoners that the flow of creative people from New York to Los Angeles could be sign of things to come for the big smoke. He believes that the recent trend of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Academy Class's next creative event for designers and developers

Academy Class, the UK’s finest new media training provider, is pleased to bring a plethora of experts to their annual event, specifically tailored to meet the needs of designers and developers. Taking place in one of London’s most...

Posted by: Academy Class


McCann reveal the truth about a divided Britain

Against a global background of increasing isolationism, uncertainty, and mistrust, Britons today demonstrate unexpected confidence in their nation and belief in the potential of foundational institutions and major brands for stability, truth, and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


General Election 2017: Adland Roundup

It's finally here. The 8th of June, 2017. Snap UK General Election Day. A day that will live in infamy. Probably. In all honesty, the vast majority of us are probably just glad we can finally draw a line under all of this divisive piffle tomorrow and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How was social media used during the 2020 presidential election?

… And breathe! The 2020 US Presidential election is over and former Vice President, Joe Biden, will become US President on January 20th. But what have we learnt from this election? Beyond the value of muting microphones during debates and...

Posted by: Mary Keane Dawson


Rebrand Roundup: From Politics to Chocolate, or both

Design Army - Harper Macaw Ahead of this year's heavily publicised and unprecedentedly divisive US presidential election, the creative gurus at Design Army are encouraging American citizens to chose their chocolate bars based on their political...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Year in Design 2017

Netflix get Abstract for the Art of Design series (January) Netflix began the year with the launch of a new documentary series that took an in-depth look inside the beating heart of the design industry, in much the same manner as their previous,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creative Discussions: The verdict on Trump from Droga5, Cheil & more...

It's been 2 weeks now since D-Day (Donald Day) and our divided world has grown even more so in the ensuing noise, chaos and horror. The creative industries, however, prove ever resilient, and whilst my previous piece from last week regarding the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When Branding, Politics & Capitalism Collide

We live in a dangerously divided world where politics, branding, and capitalism continue to collide. Fueled by social media’s immediacy, vast reach, and influence, and a society stoked by activism, we’ve never been more socially...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


Are politicians targeting you on social media?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and presume that at least 75% of the people reading this piece have an active Facebook account. Such is the all-encompassing ubiquity of the great social media titan, that it's not unrealistic of me to make this...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


UK Election 2015 in advertising

Today (7 May 2015) marks the commencement of the first UK general election in five years, and by necessity, it looks to be perhaps the most closely fought election battle in recent history. With 7 leaders fighting for your vote this time around, it's...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Green Party say "Take That"

Regardless of your political affiliation, you'd be hard pressed to deny that this year's political race has been a bit of a farce thus far. With so many warring (and jarring) personalities vying for public attention in a staggeringly negative media...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Spotlight: Adobe Edge Animate for Flash users

Adobe Edge is a suite of web development tools developed by Adobe Systems. Edge Animate has been developed as an alternative method of creating browser-delivered content. You can use Edge Animate to build interactive, responsive, animations based on...

Posted by: Academy Class


The Impact of Global Events on Adland #HistoryMonth

Adland has always been naturally dynamic, it hasn’t really had a choice. It’s an industry that’s had to continually reinvent itself as it adapts not only to changes in technology but consumer behaviour and cultural norms. However,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Punk and Progress - Why Rebellion Fosters Innovation

In the annals of cultural history, Punk stands as a testament to the power of rebellion and defiance. Emerging in the 1970s as a raw, unapologetic response to the stifling conservatism of the time, Punk music, fashion, and ethos shattered norms,...

Posted by: Marc Posch


What the second rise of Trumpism could mean for creatives

As we all know, the creative industries thrive on the principles of diversity, open expression, and global collaboration. These are not principles even the most ardent supporter of former president Donald Trump would ever align him with and with the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What PR lessons can we learn from Brexit?

Brexit: the PR disaster that simply won’t go away. Heads have rolled, reputations have been severely tarnished, promises have been made and broken, and all the while the UK public has been left scratching its proverbial head trying to work out...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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