Displaying 1 - 36 of 94 results



Market conversations in the web 2.0 world

Kitcatt Nohr & Lazar Dzamic Since December 2007, Lazar Dzamic has lead the digital planning offering at Integrated agency, Kitcatt Nohr. Along with Planning Director, Richard Madden, Lazar leads digital strategy as Digital Planning Director, for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Tangents & Trajectories with the Founder & CEO of Brash | #GettingToKnow

Working at the intersection of different timezones, John Brash is a brilliant entrepreneur and the Founder & CEO of Brash agency. But few will know and realise how important his early steps were in the overall development of his career. According to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Cobra Effect: What could possibly go wrong?

I’ve always been fascinated by the Cobra Effect. As a marketeer who works with clients to change perceptions around brands or products, understanding human behaviour is essential. But people are unpredictable and often things that should...

Posted by: The 10 Group


McDonald's points the finger back at obesity claims

Fast food chain McDonald's has launched a new campaign advertising its annual Monopoly promotion, just days after MP Tom Watson said it was a danger to public health. The new work, created by Leo Burnett London, taps into the idea that people...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Bump launches revolutionary new charity registry program

Multi-platform pregnancy and parenting brand, The Bump, recently announced the launch of a unique new Charity Registry Program, which will be integrated across all of its digital platforms, including their Bump Pregnancy and Bump Baby smartphone...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Google Search, AI and how SEO will be affected

Google is more than the little engine that could. With Google announcing their new AI generative search tool, how should your approach to SEO change? SEO managers across the globe are already very aware of how their approach to SEO is constantly...

Posted by: Think


#GettingToKnow Ajalin Zenon, Global Brand Strategist at Goat

Tell us a bit about your role! Is there a “typical” day? For me there is no such thing as a typical day, more a typical week. It’s important that we start the week prepared in order to deliver the best work for clients. On a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


#MemberSpotlight on Belgian freelance illustrator Steven Van Hasten

How did you get into the industry? As soon as I could hold a pencil I started drawing on every surface. All my studbook, walls of my parental home, tables… nothing was safe. I never wanted to do anything else. They were therefore happy when I...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 5 mental health tips for freelancers | #MentalHealthMonth

There is a lot to be said for the life of the freelancer. The freedom, the flexibility, and the lack of people to answer to (besides your clients, of course) makes it a tempting path for many. I myself was tempted 15 years ago now and I’ve...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How much time are you wasting on bad briefs?

Sometimes, the most constructive thing you can do is wipe the slate clean, salt the earth and start again. Yes, it can be painful to walk away from hours, days or even weeks worth of work but, as the old saying goes, you can’t polish a turd no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How much should I charge as a Freelance Art Director?

A guide to Art Director rates, with tips and advice from experienced professionals in the industry In the advertising world, Art Directors are the hand of creativity. They are responsible for what commercial campaigns look like, they oversee...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo

Job Description: Design Manager

A design manager is employed to lead numerous design-related tasks. These may include web design, product development, advertising or general creative roles. These individuals can be employed in construction, in graphic design firms, in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


The benefits of the employee-owned business model

It was just at the beginning of March that BrandOpus announced its shift to the employee-owned trust model. I welcomed the news with much enthusiasm, if anything because I love everything those guys do and believe an employee-owned model can only...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


A simple guide for creating high-converting Facebook Ads

Despite some may say Facebook is declining, it is still the biggest social network worldwide with billions of active monthly users in the second half of 2020. With such huge potential, advertisers all around the world should be experts in crafting...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A look at influencer marketing and dating brands

Influencer marketing is on the rise, as influencers prove to be one of the most effective marketing tools in the era of social media. These inspiring social figures can attract hundreds of thousands of followers, bringing a wide array of benefits to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight: The Humble Resilience of Martin Reznik

It takes a moment to realise you've been faring on the wrong path for a while. When life gets in the way and everything you do becomes a necessity to forge ahead, it is way too easy to lose focus on the things you love. Today, Polish-born illustrator...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


4 need-to-know digital marketing trends for 2020

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and with the new year bringing many more advancements, you must be aware of the changes we expect to see this year. Here, Marc Swann, Search Director at Glass Digital discusses the top digital marketing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The copywriter’s toolkit - part 3: How to get paid

Let’s look at an all-too-familiar scenario. The deadline - which was already tight - got moved up. The brief that you’d agreed to got changed as their client added more aspects to it. But in the interests of professionalism you cut all...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill

5 ways retailer brands can learn from restaurants

How often do we walk into a retail space and find the joy and giddy expectation we usually associate with dining out in a restaurant? Not often enough, is probably the answer. There are of course exceptions in the retail sector, but compare flagship...

Posted by: Callum Lumsden


The future of retail: lessons from China

A market of extreme competition While America’s top 100 retailers account for approximately 40% of its retail market, China’s equivalent enjoy just 6.4% of total sales of consumer goods. What this means in practice is a market of...

Posted by: AKQA


5 ways to maximise your creativity

Following the release of a new report on when UK office workers feel most creative, innovation funding specialist MPA Group gives a guide to boosting your productivity below. Biophilic design Kevin McIntosh is head of design at Chameleo n Business...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Krispy Kreme gets social with Hotlight Hour

Krispy Kreme has become the go-to brand for bosses in the UK keen to reward staff with the sweet treat. But the enjoyment doesn't stop there and the doughnut company has now swung onto social media to promote an incentive that goes way beyond the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Spotlight: X-Wing marks the spot in James Birks film art

A quick glance at freelance illustrator and graphic designer James Birks' portfolio will tell you he’s a film fan. Some of the pieces inspired by Hollywood movies include iconic imagery from the likes of Star Wars, Robocop and Leon in the form...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Opinions on Cannes Lions 2018: Big Trends and Big Changes

The big theme for Cannes Lions 2018 is change. Out with the old, bloated, elitist festival of old and in with the more svelte, measured and inclusive festival of new. The major changes Cannes Lions is instituting for 2018 are as follow:- The...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creative Crowdsourcing from Creative Communities

Creativepool's Creative Solutions Director, Heather Deacon, led a session at Advertising Week Europe last month to discuss the what, why, how, and when of sourcing creative from professional communities via crowdsourcing platforms and open ideation...

Posted by: Heather Deacon


Banksy withdraws anti-Tory free print election offer

UPDATE: Since the original article was posted (below) on Tuesday morning (June 6), Banksy has withdrawn his offer to send a limited edition print of a new piece to voters shunning Conservative general election candidates in and around his home city...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to think like a startup - whatever your size

Growth hacking is having a mainstream moment. It’s a phrase, and an activity, that started in the startup world. But what is it, and why are people outside of the startup world starting to pay attention? What is growth hacking? Put simply,...

Posted by: Despark


Top 5 Ads of the Week

B-Reel London - Gemfields Rather slim pickings this week, as ad land rallies to nurse its collective hangover from the Cannes Lions and the Brexit vote. Up first is this quite remarkable campaign from creative agency B-Reel & B-Reel Films. Together,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


DDB Stockholm let gamers pay for gaming time with dirty underwear

Getting teenagers to help out around the house and do their chords has proven increasingly difficult with this more technologically in-tune generation, and the constant access to games, social media and digital entertainment doesn’t make it any...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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