Displaying 1 - 36 of 93 results



VCCP and Asda introduce the 'Asda Chick' for their Easter campaign

To capitalise on this year's Easter buzz, VCCP have introduced a new mascot for supermarket brand Asda, in the shape of a (quite literally) 'funky chick' with a few rather audacious moves up his sleeves (or lack thereof). The latest iteration of the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


ASDA's comms guy says websites are dead. Is he right?

At yesterday's Social Media World Forum, Dominic Burch - Head of Communications and Social Media for ASDA - said “Stop thinking about websites - they’re dead - just think about the content and getting that right for mobile. As reported...

Posted by: Creativepool


The Coronation of King Charles III in Advertising #Top10

Regardless of your opinions on the British Monarchy, it’s undeniable that the coronation of King Charles III was something of a historic event and something that deserved chronicling and (of course) parodying. With that in mind, I’ve...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Fold7 take us shopping in new Carlsberg campaign

Whilst some might have accused Carlsberg of flogging a dead horse with their now iconic “If Carlsberg Did” and “Probably The Best” campaigns, every time the brand has veered away from the format, the public starts to miss them...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Advertising

The Martin Agency – Geico The Martin Agency scooped well-deserved Grand prix at Cannes last month for its brilliant take on pre-roll ads with “Unskippable,” ad for US car insurer Geico, and the agency is displaying that same acerbic humour...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


BJL launches new venture with pancakes

London and Manchester-based integrated agency BJL, recently launched a social content division called The Social Studio, and the first piece of work to emerge from that studio is a quirky Pancake Day Vine campaign for the ASDA supermarket chain. The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design your own “Monster Hunting” experience this Halloween

A leading name in Augmented Reality enabled products and entertainment has recently partnered with the UK supermarket chain Asda to bring the “Asda Spook Squad” to life in an “Monster Hunting” experience developed by Momentum...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


It's political correctness gone mental

So, tell me honestly, does that title offend you? It's a serious question - I put it there deliberately. The reason being that, last week, Asda paid £25,000 to mental health charity Mind for advertising what was deemed to be a completely...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Horsing around. How Tesco could turn a crisis into an opportunity.

by Magnus Shaw. If you're going to be rumbled loading beefburgers with something other than beef, try to ensure it's not horse. Oats would be better. Or sweets. But, not cat or hamster - and definitely not horse. As Tesco has discovered, people...

Posted by: Creativepool


ASDA on top in the tightest Christmas ad race ever

It’s been the most competitive Christmas ad season ever. People want a reason to smile, and brands have pulled out all the stops to provide it with a series of feelgood festive ads. Advertising effectiveness company System1 have unveiled their...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


A (mercifully) pun-free roundup of the best Easter 2024 campaigns

Easter is rarely held in the same regard as Christmas or even Halloween (unless you’re a confectioner, of course) but the iconography of the season is ripe for creativity. Easter ads campaigns of the past few years have seen everything from...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#CompanySpotlight on Lewis Moberly

Lewis Moberly is an independent branding consultancy that uniquely holds both the top award for Design Excellence (D&AD Gold) and the top award for Design Effectiveness (DBA Grand Prix). They work across brand strategy, corporate and brand identity,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All the best Christmas 2023 ads in one place #HolidaysMonth

Christmas exists, in my opinion, to soften the blow of winter. The nights seem endless, the days are barely given time to breathe, and the weather is reliably dour for most of us, so we need it really. Even as someone that doesn’t really care...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Good Eggs: The 10 most ‘Eastery’ Easter ads of all time

Easter is traditionally a time for family, friends, tradition, and eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. But for advertisers, it's also an opportunity to flex their creative muscles and capture the spirit of the holiday. From chocolate bunnies to egg hunts...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Christmas 2022: The best of a bad bunch | #HolidayMonth

As we leave November behind at fully embrace the Christmas season, Josh Pearce, Creative Director at Dark Horses, talks us through the festive ads that stood out among the glut of so-so offerings this year. Like looking in the fridge on December...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Nostalgic this Christmas? Festive ad trends for 2022 | #HolidayMonth

Christmas is coming earlier than ever and it’s easy to see why. The festive season has always been seen as a soothing balm for the winter blues and things have never been bluer. But with things so unremittingly bleak, do we really want to be...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 10 most exciting art directors on Creativepool

Art Directors are the masters of creativity and the ones responsible for steering the visual and thematic heart of a project. They are responsible for what commercial campaigns look like and guide the hands and imaginations of various creatives to...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Happy Yellow C

There’s been a bit of a run on yellow in packaging (at least to my eye), with Asda’s own brand ranges leading a hue (apologies) and cry for the bold use of sunshine colour. It left me wondering if this is trend we should be watching for...

Posted by: Richard


Here's all the best 2021 Christmas ads in one place!

All the 2021 Christmas campaigns in one place As we all know, there’s no Christmas without a heartwarming, tear-duct-shattering series of lovely Christmas campaigns. Brands and agencies line up every year to release a stream of Christmas ads...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Annual 2021: who will see your work this year?

Time is ticking! With the standard submissions deadline now out of the way, we are little more than two weeks away from the Annual 2021 final submissions deadline, on Thursday 10th June. The Annual is the Most Distributed creative industry award....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Design for people, not just the planet

For every person who will take durable jars to refill, there’s thousands who won’t. In the race to reach sustainability and be regarded as the greenest brand in the biz, consumers are often overlooked. This is not to mean that their...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Here's all the best 2020 Christmas ads!

All the 2020 Christmas campaigns in one place Every year the same story: agencies and brands coming together to release a stream of beautiful Christmas ads for the joy of us all. It has almost become tradition. There’s no Christmas without a...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Relentless Free Spirit of Clare Reeves

We don't often feature voice artists around these parts - but when we do, we make sure they are among the most inspiring creatives out there. There are a lot of misconceptions about performing arts, and freelance voice artist Clare Reeves knows them...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Annual 2020: who will see your work this year?

We are exactly one week away from the Annual 2020 final submissions deadline. As you are starting to put the finishing touches on your entries, you might be wondering who will actually see the work you submit. Aside from being scored by our esteemed...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why data’s time will never run out in the hourglass economy

In almost all areas of the economy the middle ground is on the decline. In grocery, powerhouses Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Asda have been assailed by discounters Aldi and Lidl. In fashion, social media is rendering luxury labels more...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


All the ads of Christmas 2019 (so far...)

It's the start of November, which means it's time to put the kettle on, sit back and watch the barrage of Christmas ads already launched by brands this year. In the mix at this point are many of the big supermarkets with celebs such as Mariah Carey...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How brands embraced Halloween in 2019

It's the scariest day of the year and there's no getting away from the fact that Halloween offers another opportunity for brands to buy into the celebration with spookily-themed products and marketing. Beyond big boxes of orange pumpkins on show at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Festive Feels: All the ads of Christmas 2018

Burberry - Close Your Eyes and Think of Christmas Vodafone - Christmas Covered Agency: Ogilvy UK Director: Gary Freedman Production: Independent Films Visa - #KeepItLocalThisChristmas Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Director: Chris...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Hires of the Week

Pablo Pablo continues to gather momentum with the recruitment of Harriet Knight, from Ogilvy as Head of Account Management; and Marcus Eley, from Grey as Head of Production. Tim Doust, founding Partner of FCB Inferno, will also join as Non-executive...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Account Wins of the Week

Brand & Deliver - Shadow of the Tomb Raider Publisher of the iconic Tomb Raider series, Square Enix, has appointed Brand & Deliver to secure UK brand partnerships for its upcoming blockbuster title, Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Following the massive...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Account Wins of the Week

J. Walter Thompson Hong Kong - Nikon J. Walter Thompson Hong Kong has been reappointed as the regional digital agency-of- record for Japanese camera manufacturer Nikon. As the incumbent, J. Walter Thompson retains its duties encompassing...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Hires of the Week

Droga5 London Droga5 London has named Ashley Shack as Director of Talent - a new role at the agency. Shack, who is American, arrives from Wieden+Kennedy London, where she was the Creative and Design Recruiter. She joins the management team at Droga5...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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