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Nationwide get emotional and easyJet get technological

Despite having appointed VCCP to its creative account back in March, Nationwide have opted to keep their latest campaign in-house. The “On Your Side For Generations” campaign is built around a new 90 second TV ad, which will break during the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 25 most inspiring creative inventions and products of all time

When you look at the history of product design and the greatest innovations of all time, it’s hard to ignore how a large amount of incredibly amazing inventions have all started popping up rather recently. The golden age of innovation and...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The 15 workplace innovations that will change your work life forever

The future of work is hybrid - if you’ve been around the Creativepool Magazine for long enough, you’ve read this many times from me now. While remote work is definitely here to stay, there is still a significant percentage of the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Top 10 innovations from Dutch Design Week 2018

Dutch Design Week is renowned for future thinking and concept-driven projects, making it one of the top design events of the year. This year’s exhibit revolved around something that’s top of the agenda for everyone from governments to...

Posted by: Pearlfisher


Cheil Worldwide's latest innovations are improving life

Whilst it began life as an agency created specifically to service Samsung, Cheil has gone from strength to strength in recent years with work that continues to push boundaries and make people think. Here, we've highlighted two recent campaigns from...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Beautiful design innovations at CES 2015

Classically beautiful curved TV from Samsung Samsung's CES 2015 Keynote Speech Samsung chose CES 2015 as the platform from which to unveil their new curved TV designed by the Fuseproject consultancy, which is headed up by famed Swiss designer Yves...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


CDW help us “Get IT” with the help of a basketball legend

CDW, the Fortune 500 technology solutions company, recently launched the latest version of their successful “People Who Get IT” campaign, debuting the new spot, featuring NBA hall of fame player Charles Barkley, last night during ESPN's Monday...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Experience Will Drive the New Normal Post-COVID-19

With all the stress over COVID-19, my daughter and I had a conversation last night regarding what the world will look like when things go “back to normal.” The bigger question being what the "new normal” will look like. What...

Posted by: David Shulman


Food Trends 2017: How technology is shaping our future

Speaking at The Future of Food conference in Stockholm last week, Johan Rockström, professor of environmental science at Stockholm University, urged attendees to think about the implications of society’s next 10,000 years by focusing on...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Method designs head-mounted display for surgeons

With all the technological advancements being thrust upon the world of entertainment, it's only natural (and fair) that these advancements are also being used to benefit us in ways beyond keeping ourselves occupied in the hours between sleep and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Futureproofing Your Career in the Creative Industries #FutureMonth

The creative industries have always been a space of continuous evolution but in recent years, this evolution has accelerated at an unprecedented pace, largely due to the rapid advancements in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Reshaping human storytelling with addressable media

It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas as the nights draw in and snow is on its way. Yet this year, the chill in the air isn’t a nostalgic reminder of Christmas past but a stark realisation that this winter is going to be tough. With...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Legends of Design: Jonathan Ive

Sir Jonathan Paul Ive is one of those figures who will always be remembered for leaving an everlasting mark in the history of design, technology and creativity. Save for the late Steve Jobs, there is no one who had more relevance in the history of...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Ad Trends 2018: An uncertain industry in a state of flux

When looking ahead, it's always important to keep one foot firmly rooted in the past, particularly when examining adland, which has been in a state of flux for years now. With agencies and brands alike shifting their allegiances towards digital with...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Can retail experiences discriminate?

From the perspective of store design, how can the physical environment discriminate in retail? Discrimination is traditionally defined as unjust or prejudicial treatment of people based on a number of protected characteristics, including; age, sex,...

Posted by: Quinine


Creative Opinions on Cannes Lions 2018: Big Trends and Big Changes

The big theme for Cannes Lions 2018 is change. Out with the old, bloated, elitist festival of old and in with the more svelte, measured and inclusive festival of new. The major changes Cannes Lions is instituting for 2018 are as follow:- The...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


From oppressed immigrant to streaming CEO - #GettingToKnow Dan Goman

Dan Goman is the founder and CEO of Ateliere Creative Technologies, a pioneering technological force that’s transforming the post-production and OTT industries with ground-breaking innovations, from digital supply chain solutions to unique,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top Tech Trends of 2017 from the Industry

AI, VR, AR. 2016 was very much the year of the double letter acronym, and, if our panel of industry experts is to be believed, then 2017 looks set to take the developments of 2016 and push them into overdrive. We asked a number of industry experts...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The New Brands of Today That Could be Legends of Tomorrow #FutureMonth

In an era where brands are born, thrive, and sometimes fade in what can seem like days, the concept of a "legacy brand" might seem almost archaic. All icons have to start somewhere though and there are undoubtedly many modern brands that only sprung...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Everywhere, nowhere: the future of the workplace

With the UK about to ban social gatherings again on Monday, the rest of the world is increasingly aware that tight lockdown measures will have to come back into effect soon. Work from home is here to stay, and this will shape the future of the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Trailblazers: A type of art at Optimo Type Foundry

Optimo was initiated in 1998 as a bachelor project by Gilles Gavillet, Stéphane Delgado and David Rust. It was a way for them to release their own fonts, and Optimo became part of the first wave of digital foundries to emerge in the 1990s as a...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Will there ever be a 'normal' for the creative industries again?

If someone told us in February that society would pretty much stop in a month, we’d have called 999 on him. And yet, here we are. Learning new habits every day, revolutionising our rhythms, even taking advantage of this lockdown to either...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


10 digital marketing trends to watch in 2020

Ten years ago, display advertising was in its infancy and Promoted Tweets were yet to make their debut. Times have changed considerably. Intelligent and automated technologies have increasingly super-charged digital marketing efficiency - so much so...

Posted by: Caroline Burgess-Pike


Renault Clio's love story takes place across three decades

A new spot for the All-New Renault Clio follows a beautiful love story 30 years in the making as the car’s various versions remain an ever present. Created by Publicis-Poke, the spot is set to the iconic Oasis’ track Wonderwall and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why you should be investing in your staff

Between 2011 and 2018, employment in the creative industries grew by an astonishing 30.6%, compared to the UK average of 10.1% according to official statistics, making it one of the fastest-growing sectors in the UK. However, while this growth may be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2017: The growth of connectivity with David Black

We were able to chat with David Black, Managing Director, Branding & Consumer Markets at Google UK on the growth of connectivity, the importance of digital skills and machine learning in the shade and comfort of Havas Cafe. With the majority of the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Has Volvo Once Again Made The Next Big YouTube Hit?

Last year's Epic Split, in which Jean-Claude Van Damme balanced precariously (and hilariously) between two lorries, was a huge YouTube success with more than 70 million views, as well as making a big impression on advertising awards worldwide taking...

Posted by: Creativepool


Falling in love with running all over again with ASICS's Run to Feel

Back when this lockdown mess started, several countries all over the world tackled restrictions in different ways. One of the unexpected results of social distancing is that people started taking real advantage of their 'allocated' exercise hour,...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Desires of the Gen Z Drinkers

The alcoholic drinking space is changing and changing rapidly. Key cultural shifts that are influencing many 18-35 year-olds today are having a great impact on the social drinking scene. This poses the question, “Should, and can alcohol...

Posted by: ECHO


Inside The Mind of Ben Little, Co-Founder of Fearlessly Frank

What does it take to be a Founder of the next best tech company? Or the Director of a Fortune 500 Brand? A sensational appetite for learning is definitely one of them. Inside the Mind is a new series of interviews where we jump into the heads of...

Posted by: Alexandra Schott


The Latest Highlights & Trends in Tech

Adidas and the 3D printed shoe 3D printing has taken off in a way many (myself included) never really expected, and the latest major brand to get on board with the technology is sportswear heavyweights Adidas, who have developed a concept for a 3D...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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