Displaying 1 - 36 of 9381 results



#TechTuesday: Perfecting the IoT, 3D Printed Motorbikes & VR Porn at E3

Carlo Ratti's very personal IOT office The internet of things is one of those terms that gets bandied around a lot, but few people actually understand. Italian architect Carlo Ratti, is the exception to that rule. Ratti has designed a system for an...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Week in Tech

The Pirate bay rises from the ashes After almost two months of downtime following a raid on its servers in December last year, The Pirate Bay is officially back online. This is hardly surprising of course, given that there has been a timer counting...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How the Internet of Things is transforming transportation

Technology has become an essential part of modern life. It influences almost every aspect from work to entertainment. Additionally, the gadget you’re using to read this text can not only gather your data but use it to make decisions without...

Posted by: Liam Smith


IKEA enters the Internet of Things Age with Smart lighting series

IKEA has introduced smart functionality into its new Trådfri lighting range, officially marking its first major step into the Internet of Things. The range, which consists of bulbs, LED panels and cabinet doors, can be controlled using a remote...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How the Internet of Things is making the world a better place

When Ericsson’s former CEO, Hans Vestburg, said in a 2010 presentation that the world would have 50 billion connected devices by 2020 (you can find a great list of the best 50 here), we all kinda knew The Internet of Things was headed somewhere...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


R/GA announce first ever UK-based Internet of Things Venture Studio

R/GA Ventures recently opened the application process for a UK-based venture program, the “R/GA IoT Venture Studio UK,” which is focused on startups looking to develop connected products and services on a global scale. Launched in...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


CP Loves... Odd things you find on the internet.

by John Fountain. Here's some articles, videos and websites worthy of further exploration... Kirby Ferguson. Embracing the remix. Kirby Ferguson is a film-maker from New York. He has a point of view that I guess many of us believe there is some...

Posted by: Creativepool


5 things we learned at Gamescom 2019

The team at in-game advertising platform Bidstack spent last week in Cologne for Europe’s biggest gaming event - Gamescom. Here, its CMO, Simon Gosling, offers a comprehensive look at some of the key things they took away from this year’s...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Adapt and Change: How did the internet change graphic design?

The internet has made a massive difference in the graphic design industry. The marketing landscape has changed a lot, leading to a change in consumer behaviour. And all of this has meant that designers have had to adapt and change to not only keep up...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


The fundamental particle of the internet

Sparked by a post on a social media thread where you least likely find much that was meme-worthy*, @Rob Estreitinho had a nice graph illustrating the rise and fall of social sites ranked by the volume of the popular shortcut-to-the-heart-of-culture...

Posted by: Richard


Peperami shakes up a wedding and breaks the internet | #BehindTheIdea

In the first piece of work by Forever Beta for meat snack brand Peperami, the world’s first Peperami wedding took place. A couple from Leeds tied the knot with classic wedding features such as the dress, the cake and the decorations all with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Pleasure in Small Things with Dmitry Pushkarev

Dmitry's story is one of jaw-drops, twists, turns and dreams. Born a soldier, grown a policeman, turned carpenter and then 3D modeller, we are fascinated by the range of experiences Dmitry has lived in his life and we are impatient to share them with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


15 things millennials want from the workplace

Millennials seem like a complicated generation through and through. They keep rewriting the way our society works and that can be confusing and tough for the people trying to retain Millenials in the office and give them work. Suddenly, cubicles...

Posted by: Liam Smith


Is an Internet Without Advertising Possible?

What does your digital utopia look like? Can the internet be governed? Or do we have to fundamentally change how it works? I believe that the internet would benefit greatly from having all advertising removed. It feels weird to think about that....

Posted by: Studio Black Tomato


3 things that will shape the future of ecommerce

It seems rarely a day goes by without the word 'ecommerce' coming up. The growing ubiquity of ecommerce in the UK (by 2023, it will have a predicted 97% penetration rate) - combined with the much-mooted “death of the high street” - means...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Three things from Cannes: taboos, trends and tears

With Cannes Lions closing its doors last Friday, we asked five creative leaders, to share their thoughts on this year’s Cannes Lions. They will also be speaking at ‘Creative Stories…from Cannes’ 18 July for a more in-depth overview of the...

Posted by: Creative Social


Say what? 15 ridiculous things overheard in agencies

Here's a little plug for a Twitter feed we can all enjoy. Called @AgencyQuotes, it simply compiles strange, amusing and ridiculous things which have been uttered in the offices of creative businesses throughout the land. Highly entertaining and...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Use and abuse. Can we really make the internet a safer place?

Yesterday was 'Internet Safety Day'. Which pretty much proves the pointlessness of things having days dedicated to them. Unless the internet was substantially and provably safer for the entirety of 11th February 2014, or yesterday marked the point...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Lacing up a new expert in all things luxury | #BehindTheBrand

Last year Laced commissioned SomeOne to fully overhaul their strategic, verbal and visual BrandWorld. From the world’s finest auction houses to the most codified streetwear hubs, reselling sneakers and other contemporary, limited edition items...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Better things to do: Why 1 in 4 admit to falling asleep on a video call

The video call has, in recent, post-pandemic times, become a pretty consistent part of the day for millions of us. It’s a strange phenomenon that bridges the gap between the physical meeting and the phone call and, for me at least, figuring out...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What Trump’s social media ban means for the future of the Internet

President Biden may want the US to make a fresh start but he knows, as we all do, that Trump’s term will continue to be a stubborn stain on the red, white, and blue for years to come. A term that began with a promise to stop ‘American...

Posted by: Mary Keane Dawson


10 of the best memes on the internet

'The blinking white guy' is a meme used to express incredulity when responding to social media posts, usually published on Twitter. The gif has become the go-to response for internet users to show they simply cannot believe something and is instantly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Stranger Things star leads team of trailblazers in new Samsung ad

Samsung has launched a digital ad via We Are Social Australia fronted by four well-known personalities including Stranger Things star Millie Bobby Brown. The spot sees the actor and creator appear alongside Grammy-nominated DJ and producer Steve...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Continuous innovation: How to do new things when everyone's always busy

Many modern digital teams have established a strong process and culture of continuous delivery across their core products, which has led to an increased demand on designers, engineers, product managers and so on. From here, through solid design...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Portfolio Critique: Things Are About To Get Awk

Today we critique one of the most well executed student books I've seen in a long time. It belongs to an aspiring Art Director named Ryan Bailey. I'm super impressed and think you will be as well. Check it. If you want your portfolio reviewed, send...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Five things to avoid when choosing your logo design

By Paul Heaton, owner and creative director at Reform Studio. Logos are signs, marks of identity designed for easy recognition. They are used by every kind of organisation in every part of the world, from international corporations to charities and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Poolcast: Talking all things Cannes Lions with Philip Thomas

On a rather less than spectacular London spring day, we sat down with Philip Thomas, CEO of Ascential Events, the parent company of the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity and its five associated Festivals, Money2020, and a diverse...

Posted by: Michael Tomes


Building Culture: 8 things to look out for

Barely a day goes by without the word 'culture' featuring heavily in my conversations. It’s become a sort of catch-all phrase and having a ‘great’ one is something lots of agencies can be fiercely proud and protective of - and rightly so. It's...

Posted by: Character Creative


Creative Stranger Things are happening

Next weekend the world will be turned upside down as the 80s return for Halloween in the style of Stranger Things inspired costumes and activations to celebrate the release of Season 2 on October 27th on Netflix. Topshop has teamed up with Netflix...

Posted by: Heather Deacon


Million Dollar Women: Three things that resonate

I’ve been talking about the #Million Dollar Woman Summit a lot! To my tribe, my clients, my mentors and friends. And all this talking happens to coincide with the second year anniversary of me founding Perfect Tribe (thank you all for the...

Posted by: Nikki Bentley

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