Displaying 1 - 36 of 188 results



The future of freelancing is few, curated and collaborative

There is a common and shared belief amongst the top freelancers in the industry: a great career in design starts when you are able to say “No”. Once you’re past the initial hurdle of having to scramble for clients and projects, you...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Why I moved from agency to freelancing

Becoming a freelance designer (or any kind of freelance) is not an easy decision to make. It’s pretty tough actually. You give up on things like having a fixed salary, paid vacations and stability in your financial life that some people love. But...

Posted by: Fernando Ifran


Freelancing in the Creative World

More and more young professionals are going freelance with numbers of graduates increasing and job security after university looking less and less likely. Many new graduates cite control and flexibility as reasons for choosing a path in freelancing...

Posted by: Boox


#MemberSpotlight on illustrator Miles Savelli-Holt (aka Like The Road)

How did you get into the industry? I started out freelancing as a graphic designer quite early in my youth; when I was around 13. My parents had encouraged me to start early. I remember my first ever pitch - It was at a coffee shop, I was extremely...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How to find work as a freelancer

One of the most important things you’ll ever learn as a freelancer is that you’re never unemployed, you’re self-employed. You provide a service which means you’re a business and you work for that business. Like any business, you won’t get...

Posted by: Boox


Do you love what you do?

by Ashley Morrison. And do you do what you love? OR do you now HATE what you USED TO love? If it's the latter, is that because it's now your job - and, because you do it day in, day out, it's taken all the love away? I put out this question out in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Lessons from a freelancer

I was a human rights worker, specialising in gender and conflict in West Africa, when my first book was published. The freelance life appealed to my sense of adventure, so I tendered in my resignation. Here, in no particular order, are the lessons...

Posted by: Creativepool


A world without freelancers?

Like many UK animation studios, we’re an SME. We deliberately keep the team small and specialised. It has downfalls of course, capacity and scheduling can be one thing. However the biggest positive is using freelancers. Below are a few reasons...

Posted by: Mighty Giant


How James Birks moved from engineering to illustration | #MemberSpotlight

You can never predict who is going to be the next portrait subject of Freelance Illustrator James Birks. We've been keeping an eye on his beautiful profile for a while, and each time a new release comes, we are equally amazed and surprised by the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Learning graphic design from LPs and magazines

Nearly all of us can identify a very specific point in time when we started being interested in art and creativity. For our editor, it was when a school assignment brought him to write his first ever fiction story. For graphic designer Neville...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The copywriter’s toolkit - part 3: How to get paid

Let’s look at an all-too-familiar scenario. The deadline - which was already tight - got moved up. The brief that you’d agreed to got changed as their client added more aspects to it. But in the interests of professionalism you cut all...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Fancy a break, freelancers? Become an employee again

In April of this year, I quit my part-time job of 15 years (almost to the day). Until then, two days a week, I was one of a number of pairs of hands… (ugh! What an ugly way of putting it! But I’m leaving it in because there’s...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


At last, somebody has created the perfect copywriter's website.

Think back about fifteen years or so, and you'll probably see yourself slowly (very slowly) browsing the internet on your dial-up connection, looking at websites and thinking 'I've gotta get myself one of those'. If you're a designer or art director,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Freelancers, stop ignoring customer retention!

Most freelancers think that 'customer retention' and 'brand loyalty' are just terms that get thrown around by marketers and don't apply to them. But no matter how small the business in question may be, customer retention is always relevant. In fact,...

Posted by: Copywriting Is Art


Home is where the heart is. And the work. And everything else.

If I started a blog by telling you that I was thinking about buying a treadmill, you may well click away in anticipated boredom. But the fact remains, I’m seriously considering buying a treadmill. There, I said it. So what? Well, quite. Of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Touchy feely: when you're a freelance, it's all about THEM

If you’re a freelancer who’s got a steady stream of work coming your way - either from the same loyal clients who know you and trust you, or from referrals from said loyal clients, or you’re very good at selling yourself and you...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Mayday, May Day! Crack open the Champers!

I didn't wake up this morning thinking, “oooh, today is a significant day.” Nor do I have a beer-fuelled celebration planned for this afternoon in the balmy bank holiday sunshine - or even a rosé-fuelled celebration planned for later...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Work from home effectively

by Ashley Morrison. One of the perks of being a freelancer is the ability to work from home. I love it. No arduous daily commute (and related expenses, obviously), no noisy work colleagues, and seriously good coffee on tap when I want it. But in...

Posted by: Creativepool


Ten reasons to quit your job.

by Ashley Morrison. There are many reasons why, according to a recent poll by Forbes, 74% of people would consider changing jobs. One would like to think that this is just because they want to move onwards and upwards in pursuit of an ever-more...

Posted by: Creativepool


We're all writers now. How recession damages copywriting.

There are many signs that something is going wrong. The scarcity of invitations to join the staff of a particular agency; the lack of requests to pencil out dates in your diary and the distant memory of those top-dollar, overnight emergency...

Posted by: Creativepool


Illustration and Digital Illustration

From our 25th October Newsletter comes a grest selection of Creativepool freelancers. Krishna Malla Illustrator, Animation Artist, Creative Artworker "I am a strong, motivated, creative director and illustrator who currently lives in...

Posted by: Creativepool


The 5 best freelancing tools for creatives in 2023

Being a freelancer often means working alone and working alone means relying on your own wits and the right tools. For a creative freelancer, those tools will, of course, depend on the role you’ve built for yourself. You’ll rarely hear of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why (most) freelancing platforms are complete bullshit

Ask any freelancers that’s been working for more than a few years and they’ll probably turn their noses up at the very mention of freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. For my sins, I’d probably count myself amongst the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why freelancing is the future of work

The crest of the Covid redundancies wave may well be a thing of the past, but there is no denying that the impact of a pandemic on such a vast scale will be felt in the job market for years to come. With furloughs and lay-offs spreading across the...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


From university to freelancing? No problem! - #MemberSpotlight

Clearly, an extensive experience doesn't automatically suggest talent. How many stories have you heard of 'bland' seasoned professionals? On the other hand, you can sometimes get the occasional Harry Whatrup rising from the other end of the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


From freelancing to owning a business and beyond - #MemberSpotlight

In one way or another, freelance designer and creative Hiten Thaker has been in the creative industry for the best part of 20 years. A highly focused and entrepreneurial professional, Hiten has worked for a plethora of high-profile clients and you...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Freelancing through a Pandemic - With Content Strategist Nick Carson

Surely Nick Carson has seen quite a lot in his many years as a Content Strategist and Copywriter. But all of his freelance and creative experience couldn't possibly prepare him for what 2020 had in store - a global pandemic that put a halt to a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Flexibility of Freelancing

Some days ago we asked our community why they chose to become freelancers. The answers were quite interesting: the thrill of the unknown, the variety, the freedom, the flexibility. In truth, flexibility seems to be quite a common theme for seasoned...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Freelancing to avoid burnout

The dream of working at a big corporation or agency may soon fade out as you realise that burnout is always around the corner. It's scary. It's frightening. It makes you feel lost. But freelancing is here to make up for that - at least for freelance...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Focus on freelancing: You’ve got the gig, now what?

5 ways to collaborate better with your new client When starting out as a freelancer, it’s not uncommon to think that the hard part will be getting new clients in the door. While that’s certainly no easy feat, making those clients...

Posted by: OpenText Hightail


Suck it up! The harsh side of freelancing

I know a lot of freelancers and, by contrast with their permanently employed counterparts, I would say almost all of them are happy. I’m a freelancer too, and it would take a lot for me to go back to permanent employment now. And I don’t...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Online resources for better freelancing

Is it a good time to be a freelancer working at creative agencies at the moment? It's a question that seems to get very varied responses as everyone's situation is different, and the availability of work is spread unevenly across the disciplines this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Things to think on as a design graduate

Starting a career in design can be both exciting and daunting. In truth, even those of us who have been here for a long time find it tough going sometimes—things are always evolving, and new trends and tech mean that we always have to stay ahead of...

Posted by: Tony Clarkson


#MemberSpotlight on animator Fran Power

How did you first get into the industry? I first worked straight after college on an animated short film, as a junior 3D animator, through two of my teachers in my Animation course in Dun Laoghaire, Dublin. Then from there I started working with a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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