Displaying 1 - 36 of 9303 results



How to... find a job in Web Design

We get emails almost everyday from people wanting web design jobs. However web design and web development jobs have become more and more sophisticated. If you are keen on landing employment in web design then read the notes below. You might also want...

Posted by: Creativepool


How to... Become a Freelance Designer

by Creativepool. Most design agencies at some time or another will need to hire freelancers or contract out certain pieces of work. Sometimes [fairly often in fact] agencies will hire in freelancers to free-up the in-house design team so they can...

Posted by: Creativepool


Interview Questions For Advertising Creatives

If you're prepping for an upcoming interview in the creative advertising field (specifically to become an Art Director or a Copywriter), this video just might be for you. The contents of this video contain questions I've asked in interviews over the...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


Inspiration for Advertising Week Europe

Karmarama has used inspirational quotes from influential people such as director Richard Curtis and TV chef Jamie Oliver as a basis for a new print and poster campaign that aims to raise awareness of this year's Advertising Week Europe. The work...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Tough truths for advertising in 2015.

Ah! There you are. I trust the festivities were kind to you? But now, here's 2015 in all its fresh-faced glory. Swollen with potential and pitfalls, what will this new year bring? Frankly, I have no idea - but I do know there are a few troublesome...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


A Brief History of AI in Advertising #HistoryMonth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our daily lives and it’s happened in a surprisingly slow and incestuous way. While many of us might have only become aware of its influence in recent months, the groundwork has been...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Top 25 mind-blowing advertising facts you should know today

Did you think you knew everything about advertising? These top 25 historical facts about the ad industry will surprise you. It is History Month here at Creativepool, which is the perfect opportunity for us to be reminded that there is always...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Will advertising succumb to UX?

Digital, digital, digital. Among the many things this pandemic has shown, the need to develop a digital presence took centre stage and demonstrated how some brands have probably been clinging onto their real-life, physical origins for one year too...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Best Advertising Campaigns of 2020

10 of the best marketing and advertising campaigns from 2020. A global pandemic wasn’t enough to stop the advertising industry. In fact, I dare argue this was one of the most poignant, engaging and compelling years for advertising ever. We...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Is an Internet Without Advertising Possible?

What does your digital utopia look like? Can the internet be governed? Or do we have to fundamentally change how it works? I believe that the internet would benefit greatly from having all advertising removed. It feels weird to think about that....

Posted by: Studio Black Tomato

Should brands invest in VR advertising?

Successful virtual reality projects from publishers like The New York Times have paved the way for sponsorship opportunities, product placement and interspersed immersive ads. However, according to Anna Bager of the Interactive Advertising Bureau...

Posted by: Magnopus


Book Review: The Secret of Successful Advertising?

I must admit to being slightly addicted to books about how people are persuaded to buy things. Yet the very preponderance of such books indicates that there are very many competing opinions and theories of 'How we decide’ (also the title of one...

Posted by: Steve Osborne


Advertising Week Europe and Gravity Road get RUDE for 2017

Gravity Road have launched a new campaign for Advertising Week Europe, the continent’s largest annual gathering of ad tech, advertising, creative, entertainment, marketing and media industry leaders. The multi-media campaign will support the annual...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Commercial radio enjoys biggest advertising revenue figures in 2016

Commercial radio is celebrating a record-breaking year for advertising revenue, boosted by increased investment in the medium by online retailers. Figures from Radiocentre, the industry body for UK commercial radio, reveal that commercial radio took...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MEC asks you to 'Brave Your Bias' at Advertising Week New York

MEC has launched a global industry-wide initiative to celebrate difference and raise more visibility of inclusion as a critical business imperative. Debuting at New York’s Advertising Week, “Brave Your Bias” implores people to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Lord Alan Sugar at FOM15 On Advertising

Though he might be more famous as an icy television personality these days thanks to his annual appearance on BBC One's The Apprentice as a stereotypical curmudgeon doling out advice to an increasingly infuriating batch of guileless narcissists...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Job Description: Advertising Account Executive

Advertising Account Executives are usually employed by advertising agencies. Over two-thirds of advertising staff are based in London, but there are employers in cities across the country. Agencies vary in size. Almost half employ fewer than 20...

Posted by: Creativepool

Job Description: Advertising Account Planner

Advertising account planners set the communication strategy for advertising campaigns. They establish the goals and objectives, target audience, message and tone in which the campaign should be delivered. Planners define how a particular strategy...

Posted by: Creativepool


Intrude out. Where now for disruptive advertising?

Disruption has always been key to the advertising model. Very few people opt to be exposed to marketing messages, therefore effective advertising has traditionally intruded into the content the audience has chosen to consume - a TV show, a magazine...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


In defense of advertising.

When it comes to voicing an opinion, I don't tend towards coyness (regular readers may not be surprised to learn this). For instance, I more than happy to reveal that my political views broadly fall into the left-of-centre, liberal camp . Although,...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Are Parody Ads the Laziest Form of Advertising? #MarketingMonth

If sarcasm is the lowest form of with then parody surely can’t be fair behind. Parody is a well-tried and tested form of humour used in everything from comedy sketch shows to major motion pictures. It’s an artistic form in and of itself,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A Brief History of Diversity in Advertising #DiversityMonth

Adland has not always been known as the bastion of diversity and inclusion it is today… mostly. Indeed, we only have to cast our minds back to the halcyon days of the Mad Men and the regrettable ads that now seem as outdated as blackface and...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The importance of representation in advertising #DiversityMonth

The broader societal call for diversity and inclusion is an echo that’s been resounding across adland for a while now and, given the way advertising has always acted as society’s mirror, it’s a call that can no longer be ignored if...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


6 Great Hollywood Directors Who Started in Advertising #MediaMonth

When we think of Hollywood directors, we often envision them immersed in the world of film from the get-go. Directors like Quentin Tarantino and Christopher Nolan appear to have been born to entertain us with epic movies that push the boundaries of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Dream Hacking: The Dystopian Future of Advertising? #FutureMonth

In a world where our homes are filled with smart devices that listen to our every word and our phones have essentially become extensions of ourselves, sleep has been one of the last sanctuaries free from the clutches of advertisers. However, this...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


The Coronation of King Charles III in Advertising #Top10

Regardless of your opinions on the British Monarchy, it’s undeniable that the coronation of King Charles III was something of a historic event and something that deserved chronicling and (of course) parodying. With that in mind, I’ve...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


How to Get a Job in Advertising

There is a lot of competition in the advertising industry. If you want to make a living as a marketing professional, whether as a graphic designer, copywriter, creative director, or something else entirely, you'll need a lot of practice, natural...

Posted by: Creativepool Partner

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