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Displaying 1 - 36 of 38 results



Why are ads for video games so dishonest?

I don't know about you, but I don't play video games. I'd argue that they're a bit childish, but I like plenty of childish things: Bagpuss, Thunderbirds, The Muppets - I think they're all terrific, so that's not the problem. No, I think it's a...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Froyo Revolution

In providing a healthy alternative to ice cream, frozen yoghurt sells itself. While the US has been indulging in froyo for decades, the UK is currently experiencing a market explosion with new shops popping up on high streets across the country. But...

Posted by: bluemarlin


If you were on a precipice, maybe you should just let go

Last week, I posted one of my most successful blogs this year. "Top 10 worst corporate phrases" was for all you folk out there who hate ugly jargon such as “reach out”, “touch base” and “push the envelope”. You...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Have you seen the latest anti-gay petition?

What have we learned from this LGBT+ History Month? It just so happens that Cadbury decides to release a brilliant ad, called Golden Goobilee, where the brand showcases several ways of enjoying their gooey and delicious Creme Eggs. It just so...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Stanford the Flying Pig: Up, Up and Away!

Liz Carlston had written a book. She wanted to self-publish it on Amazon but needed to make her book different from everybody else’s. Children’s books all look the same nowadays: arty-farty and scratchy. Loose creations that look more...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Opinions on The Oscars 2017: A Social Media Monopoly?

The Oscars are, whilst almost as large a televisual draw as that 'other' big event in February, largely free from the burden of expectation when it comes to advertising. The fact is that nobody really talks about the ad breaks of the Academy Awards,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


UK Election 2015 in advertising

Today (7 May 2015) marks the commencement of the first UK general election in five years, and by necessity, it looks to be perhaps the most closely fought election battle in recent history. With 7 leaders fighting for your vote this time around, it's...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Training courses: just a day of your life that you won't get back?

It's Monday morning. Email hell beckons. I've got my Creativepool blog to write but I do also need to try and whittle down the daily glut of Groupons, StumbleUpons, Voucherclouds, More Groupons, and LinkedIn's “congratulate Billy-Bob on his new...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Time for new Apple products. But is all the fuss justified?

Of all the things Apple do well, creating a hullabaloo is one of the best. Despite ongoing wars and Scotland's bid for independence, the launch of a new product still performed well in the news agenda on Tuesday. Live from Cupertino, the world's...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


No entry. Isn't it time for an alternative to passwords?

That which was designed to save us, is spoiling our lives. Which is a fancy way of saying that passwords have become a terrible pain in the elbow. About fifteen years ago, when most of us began our connection to the sprawling internet beast, we only...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Very telly. The best of 2014's new TV shows.

As the Christmas schedule proved, telly in 2013 was a very hit and miss affair. On the one hand, we had the hilarious glory of 'Gogglebox'; on the other, the clunky scripts of Matt Smith's last days in 'Doctor Who'. Still, we're a week into a new...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Opinions - A losing battle. Where now for bank advertising?

by Magnus Shaw When a kitchen is infested with cockroaches, the little beasts do their unpalatable work quite happily while the room is dark.But turn on a light and they scatter chaotically in all directions, scared and confused. There are many...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Skip this. Why online broadcast ads are a disaster.

by Magnus Shaw Hello. And welcome to the Creativep ... LOUD MUSIC, SHOUTING, SOUND EFFECTS ... ool blog. I thought it would be useful to dis ... POP SONG, KIDS GIGGLING, CORNY JINGLE ... cuss how advertisers are handling broadcast ads on the inter...

Posted by: Creativepool

State of Grace. Beware - careless tweets cost careers.

Twitter can be a bear pit. As a repository for anything that crosses one's mind, it tends to attract rebuttals, rejections, replies and refutations like an old sweet attracts pocket fluff. However, with a bit of luck, a judicious following policy and...

Posted by: Creativepool


You have one billion Farmville gift requests. Accept or ignore?

Do you know what Farmville is? If not, lucky you. I do, unfortunately. Long story short, it's a Facebook application where you can tend to your own virtual farm: buying crops, animals, outbuildings...and last year you could even buy fireworks for New...

Posted by: Creativepool


Taking the Bulla Co by the horns | #CompanySpotlight

Bulla Co is an early-stage Gen Z influencer agency who have recently closed their six-figure pre-seed round. It’s been an exciting time for Bulla Co, as they’ve had a year of significant transformations and expansions. These upcoming...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can brands handle woke capitalism?

So 2020 was the year in which we saw brands moving increasingly closer to their consumers, in an attempt to show an understanding and humanity in the wake of the Coronavirus crisis. However, this was but the culmination of a long path which global...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creativity and Adaptation in Mihaly Sipos

Is there a magic formula to remain inspired and motivated? Every once in a while you do get that random bunch of online gurus trying to sell you the ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO REMAIN ENDLESSLY INSPIRED™, but creativity simply doesn't work that way....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Focal Point: Eric Yahnker's Pop Culture Pencilling

Eric Yahnker is all about intricate pencil work, pop culture puns and a serious approach to his work. He doesn’t make it easy to dismiss his work as pastiche, mainly because his finger is superbly on the pulse of contemporary society. Whether...

Posted by: Jade French


Is social media making bullying acceptable?

It could be argued we might all benefit from a little digital detox, and TV presenter Sue Perkins has announced she's going to be spending some time away from Twitter. Unfortunately this isn't a lifestyle choice. She's actually been forced off the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The Week In Advertising

THINK! - Drug Drive Paranoia No-one should underestimate the challenge of creating a decent public information film. Selling your audience tasty ice-cream is a walk in the park when compared with the task of changing people's lifestyle choices....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


The BAFTAs: the award goes to...the dinner jacket

So, it looks we have a winner in the Eton versus Harrow battle. Yes, Eddie Redmayne toddled off with the BAFTA for Best Actor last night, leaving Benedict Cumberbatch with a more enigmatic expression of stiff-upper-lippedness than ever. Oh, sure, I...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Well done you! Why the Halifax campaign is so insulting.

Nobody likes being patronised. Even small infants boil with fury when some dough-faced adult leers into their pushchair and makes 'woo-woo' noises at them. Probably. I think being patronised takes us back to school, when we were bound by the...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


'Let's Go Home'. Those inexcusable movie cliches named and shamed.

I don't know whether it's because I'm a writer, but when I watch a movie, the script and screenplay always take my attention. A great concept with a terrible script can really spoil things; likewise a thumping good screenplay can lift an average...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


What a spectacle. Why most people will never wear Google Glass.

Right now, the SXSW music festival is in full flow in Austin Texas. What's more, I believe Creativepool's glorious leader Mike Tomes is there, doing his funky thing. Anyway, following the event on Twitter, I noticed someone reporting a bearded fellow...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Use and abuse. Can we really make the internet a safer place?

Yesterday was 'Internet Safety Day'. Which pretty much proves the pointlessness of things having days dedicated to them. Unless the internet was substantially and provably safer for the entirety of 11th February 2014, or yesterday marked the point...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


What the Blip? Is Independent Plus a media platform too far?

Ever get the feeling this whole digital hoopla is just being made up as we go along? Starting to suspect 'boffins' are just slinging out new widgets for a hungry world to scoop up and guzzle down, like mongrel hounds being thrown scotch eggs? Welcome...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Coming soon… an interview with Creativepool MD, Michael Tomes

by Ashley Morrison. Cue fanfare! Cue fireworks! Cue lots of awards! For those of you who are longstanding members of the Creativepool network, you’ll notice that the website has been completely reinvented. They flicked the switch earlier this...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Carr trouble. Why bad news needn't be taxing.

by Magnus Shaw Jimmy Carr is recording an episode of the sweary panel show 'Eight Out Of Ten Cats' tonight. A week ago, that news would be no more intriguing than discovering your train has a filthy lavatory. But a week is a long time in a troubled...

Posted by: Creativepool

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