Displaying 1 - 36 of 9446 results



The Bump launches revolutionary new charity registry program

Multi-platform pregnancy and parenting brand, The Bump, recently announced the launch of a unique new Charity Registry Program, which will be integrated across all of its digital platforms, including their Bump Pregnancy and Bump Baby smartphone...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


McCann Manchester's new Haunt (the prize that goes bump in the night)

As prizes go, having your own pub built is quite a nice thing to win. But so it was when McCann Manchester was voted global agency of the year across all of McCann Worldgroup. Having won the award this year, the Manchester-based communications...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Waste Away: Eco answers to the throwaway crisis

Our first problem; The Earth’s population will reach almost 10 billion by 2050 and, if that prediction proves true, it means that we’ll need to double the amount of crops grown in order to feed the mouths of the many. Astonishingly, we...

Posted by: Sophie Summers


Spotlight - Colette Alexandros - Illustrator

- View Colette's Creativepool profile "Always carry your artwork with you. Whether it is a business card or even your artwork on your phone, as you never know who you might bump into." How long have you been a Freelancer for? 2 years. Describe...

Posted by: Creativepool


10 client red flags every freelance creative should be aware of

With the hustle of the growing gig economy, freelancing has become the go-to avenue for many professionals. It’s that enticing dance between work-life balance and chasing one's passion. But every dance has its missteps, and freelancing is no...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Google Search, AI and how SEO will be affected

Google is more than the little engine that could. With Google announcing their new AI generative search tool, how should your approach to SEO change? SEO managers across the globe are already very aware of how their approach to SEO is constantly...

Posted by: Think


Creative and Production Teams: What’s Your Relationship Style?

No, this isn’t an article for Tinder. It is, however, important to think about whether you’d swipe right on a relationship with your creative or production colleagues. How much time do you dedicate to thinking about your working...

Posted by: We Are Amnet


How much should I charge as a freelance web designer?

Are you visually creative, and tempted to work remotely for yourself? And do you have a brain that’s equal parts creative and mathematic? Do you also consider yourself something of a natural touch when it comes to design work? Then you might be...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The V&A explores the transformative power of creativity | #BehindTheIdea 

Back in April, the V&A Museum launched a campaign created by adam&eveDDB to champion the belief that creativity is what makes us human. The campaign promoted the V&A’s permanent collection and encouraged the public to explore the abundance of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector's challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins that have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Blockchain: Solving the media and advertising sector’s challenges

There are over 6,500 different cryptocurrencies, all varying in size of market capitalisation, which have different followings and trading volumes. Some of these are meme coins which have a supporting business model flimsier than a house of cards....

Posted by: The PR Boutique



WARNING: CONTAINS OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE* *Unless you don’t get offended by words like ‘fuck’. In which case, the warning should read: contains language. “Daddy, when are you going to teach me how to cut with a sharp knife and...

Posted by: Matt Batten


Running a small animation studio through a pandemic - #CompanySpotlight

Young, cosy, born and developed through hardship and great creative passion - animation studio Kino Bino has just the perfect story of what is hopefully set to be a successful animation studio in the United Kingdom. Kino Bino was founded in 2019...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Behind the life of a video editing contractor - #MemberSpotlight

If you thought getting into the film industry was a bit challenging, wait until you hear the story of Joshua Teicher. In the mid-'90s, before the era of the Internet took place and at the dawn of the information age, Joshua fell in love with cinema...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Member Spotlight - Growing gracefully with Woven’s Mark Bower

Mark Bower has watched 'digital marketing' come of age over the last 20 years and admits it's been a wild ride. A lot has happened. But he’s convinced we are, even now, just getting started. This week, in the midst of a global meltdown, we...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


So, you've won an award...

Do industry awards just prey on pride? You don’t remember entering. You barely even remember the piece of work that’s been nominated. And you’ve certainly never heard of the Copywriting Republic Annual Presentation who are behind...

Posted by: Ant O'Neill


Creative Opinions: GDPR

This week, on May 25, data protection rules across Europe will undergo the biggest change in the last two decades. It's a change two years in the making. In April 2016, after years of negotiations and legal tussling, officials agreed upon the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Creativity: an ode to joy, not a song to drudgery

Imagine if Ludwig van Beethoven were around today. With so many distractions and crazy growing technology, would he be as musically creative as when he was only surrounded by his imagination, piano keys and silence? The truth is… it’s...

Posted by: Andy Bolter


Accenture help delegates find new ways to connect at Cannes Lions 2017

The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity has announced new networking opportunities to enhance the Festival experience for its global attendees. Cannes Lions has joined forces with Accenture Interactive as its official Connections...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Future-proof Furniture Designed to Solve Tech-related Daily Dilemmas

A vanity table optimised specifically for selfies and a rug that helps you avoid walking into walls while VR gaming were among the objects presented at this year's Milan Design Week by Singaporean designer Olivia Lee. They all formed part of her...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Hires of the Week

Hoot Comedy Tom Bazeley, (second from left) former CEO of M&C Saatchi, is rejoining the world of production and IP to become chief executive of Hoot Comedy, a comedy production company he helped set up five years ago. He will rejoin Hoot Comedy this...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Ads of the Week

F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi - D&AD Next Awards With only one week remaining for photographers and filmmakers to enter 2017’s D&AD Next Awards, F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi have released a new series of stop motion animations as the centre-piece of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Anna Kendrick awakens her force for Star Wars Battlefront

As the world readies itself for the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, the first in a sequel trilogy set in a galaxy far, far away, gamers are feeling the force for the new Star Wars: Battlefront game. The game will be officially available on...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Week in Tech

This man grew an ear on his arm An Australian performance artist who simply goes by the name “Stelarc” (like “Madonna” or “Adele,” but with zero mainstream appeal) has grown an artificial ear on his arm. He...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Experience a music festival as the Festival Buddy Robot

In my youth (I'm approaching 30 so feel I've just about earned the right to use that phrase) I would typically spend almost every weekend during the summer at a music festival. Sometimes knee-deep in mud and excrement whilst gleefully nodding along...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


A living staircase opens in London

Generally speaking, staircases are more about the destination than the journey, little more than a convenient way of getting from A to B. London-based designer Paul Cocksedge, however, was inspired by the concept of taking a simple spiral staircase...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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