Displaying 1 - 36 of 2129 results



Adland comes out in support of Equal Pay Day

Equal Pay Day (April 4) is a movement dedicated to showing how much further into the year a woman, on average, must work to earn what her male counterpart earned the previous year. The day, originated by the National Committee on Pay Equality (NCPE)...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


What does Creativepool's Salary Guide have to do with Wimbledon?

Today sees the start of my favourite time of year: Wimbledon fortnight. And with Andy Murray defending his title and the intrigue surrounding his appointment of 2006 Ladies Champion, Amélie Mauresmo, there's a lot to be excited about. What does...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


The UK Busts the Gender Pay Gap Wide Open

Thousands of employers will publish their gender pay gap figures for the first time from today (April 6), helping break the glass ceiling and create a more modern workforce. The UK is one of the first countries in the world to require gender pay gap...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


WPP CEO survives shareholder revolt over excessive pay

WPP CEO, Sir Martin Sorrell has survived yet another revolt against his gigantic salary and bonus package, after over a quarter of the advertising giant's shareholders failed to back it at the company's annual general meeting yesterday, which took...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


McCann and Mastercard offer free London travel with Android Pay

Whilst the public transport system in London is amongst the best in the world (anyone who says otherwise is obviously deluded or has obviously never been to New York), it can prove pretty pricey. Mastercard are betting on this with their latest...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

Impero chief urges gender pay action

The founder and director of independent creative agency Impero has urged the industry to fix its gender pay gap problem by saying there are no excuses for inequality. Michael Scantlebury said it’s all well and good for agencies to publish...

Posted by: Ryan Watson


Identity theft. Is Apple Pay the answer?

As technology continues to be a growing part of our lives, we are so quick to register so much information into our smartphones and tablet without reading the small print or even reviews for that matter. We are constantly wary of identity theft. Is...

Posted by: Digital Recruitment Company


We’ll pay you the princely sum of £EXP,OSU.RE

You may have seen this picture below doing the rounds on Facebook last week. And if you did and you’re a creative, you may well have chortled knowingly. Because the sad fact is, most creatives I know have experienced this at some point in their...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Do marketers need to pay attention to Elon Musk's xAI? #FutureMonth

Elon Musk's new AI company, xAI, wants to position itself as the ultimate alternative to ChatGPT, which Musk has accused of being a mouthpiece for the "woke" agenda. Of course, that’s the kind of thing we’ve all become quietly accustomed...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Why marketers should pay more attention to creativity

There has been much focus on attention in the digital ad industry in the past few years, ever since advertisers realised that viewability wasn’t up to scratch as a metric. While the preoccupation with attention has definitely helped to drive an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


DDB Stockholm let gamers pay for gaming time with dirty underwear

Getting teenagers to help out around the house and do their chords has proven increasingly difficult with this more technologically in-tune generation, and the constant access to games, social media and digital entertainment doesn’t make it any...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Agency v freelance. Better pay, better work or better life?

Years back it was said that creative people that chose to go freelance were either too old to be considered for full-time employment or simply not good enough to cut it in a top agency. In those days, I’m going back to the 80’s here, the...

Posted by: Creativepool


Behind the Idea: Spamming your boss for equality

9 out of 10 men believe that men and women should take time out to care for their family, whereas only 2% of parents take this up. The Shared Parental Leave policy introduced by the Government is complicated and often only offers men statutory pay,...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


#EachForEqual: What International Women’s Day Means to Photographers

See what #EachForEqual means to these photographers as they prepare for International Women’s Day 2020, and learn ways you can add gender diversity to your own portfolio. The theme for International Women’s Day 2020 on Sunday, March 8th...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Ultimate and Comprehensive Guide to Freelance Tax

In 2015, nearly 40% of the UK’s self-employed workforce did not file their taxes by the HMRC deadline. That accounts for over 890,000 freelancers in the UK, who all faced a £100 late fee. The mere thought of taxes is often nightmare fuel...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


The Agency Workers Directive (AWD)

October 11th 2011 may seem like a very long way away right now, but it marks a landmark date that affects every business that recruits freelance workers through a recruitment agency or business Most of you that are reading this article will have not...

Posted by: Creativepool


Victoria 'Posh Spice' Beckham endorses Spice Girls spoof Project Everyone

In September 2016, World Leaders will mark the first anniversary of the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals; a plan to end poverty, fix climate change and address inequalities over the next 15 years. Issues like quality education, an end to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Ads of the Week

BETC Paris - CANAL The French TV networks CANAL+ and CANALSAT recently united their forces in order to become one giant television destination: CANAL. To celebrate this holy union, the new entity asked BETC Paris to create a spectacular commercial...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Adland shows off its true colours for Pride London

Adland has really got stuck in for Pride London this year. We've already covered the wonderful official “Love Happens Here” campaign by WCRS, but that was only the tip of the rainbow. Here, we've gathered a few of the more interesting...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Account Wins of the Week

R/GA - PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers)/Guinness R/GA has won the PwC (PricewaterhouseCoopers) agency review. The agency beat out incumbent Deutsch, Huge and other unnamed agencies to win what we’ve learned is a per-project assignment for the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Super Bowl 51: Every Ad We Have So Far

The New England Patriots will clash with the Atlanta Falcons at Super Bowl 51 this coming Sunday, February 5th, but we're not interested in any of that. No. We're only interested in what happens between the plays. As is usually the case, brands are...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The power of sport in brand activism

Throughout history, athletes have operated in the sphere of public good. From Mohammad Ali resisting the Vietnam War draft, Billie Jean King playing the now infamous 'Battle of the Sexes' match to promote women’s equality, or Colin Kaepernick...

Posted by: Brandpie


The Partners help rewrite the code of gender equality

Global children’s charity Theirworld has launched an ambitious campaign, created by The Partners in collaboration with other WPP agencies Kantar Added Value, Kantar Futures, MEC and VML, to expose the hidden values and behavioural codes of gender...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Cannes Lions 2016: Monday's Top Highlights

As part of our continuing coverage of the 2016 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity as official partner, we'll be bringing you the daily highlights from the festival. Ogilvy & Mather take Glass Lion and Two Grand Prix On the third day of the Cannes...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can I use George Orwell's legacy in my works?

Every time politics gets into the frame, it is tempting to resort to one of the first world-recognised writers of dystopian fiction, George Orwell, to pay a much heartfelt tribute to such a great master of English literature. Well, as of January...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 Ads of the Week

TMW Unlimited - Lynx TMW Unlimited has created a candid digital campaign for Lynx about what it means to be a man in 2017. The “Men In Progress” campaign comprises nine videos featuring a cross-section of British men talking honestly...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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