Displaying 1 - 36 of 9447 results



VCCP and Asda introduce the 'Asda Chick' for their Easter campaign

To capitalise on this year's Easter buzz, VCCP have introduced a new mascot for supermarket brand Asda, in the shape of a (quite literally) 'funky chick' with a few rather audacious moves up his sleeves (or lack thereof). The latest iteration of the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When is the best time to Tweet?

The information superhighway is so jam packed full of tweets it makes your brain hurt just trying to comprehend it. So how do you ensure that your business/company is tweeting in an optimum way to ensure it goes out at the right time and in the right...

Posted by: Jessica Hazel


Do you really need to send that tweet? #PossiblyNot

For about five or six years, I have blogged for Creativepool. During that time, I’ve written 254 blogs, most of which I hope have been either interesting or amusing, informative or insightful. Some will have been more of one than the other, of...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Kellogg's opens the first 'Tweet Shop'

Kellogg's has opened what it is calling the "World's First Tweet Shop". This fantastic idea by Kellogg's is opening in London today to launch the new range of Special K Cracker Crisps. Wonderfully simple, tweet with the hashtag #TweetShop and get...

Posted by: Creativepool


Kellogg's first Tweet Shop

Kellogg's has opened what it is calling the "World's First Tweet Shop". This fantastic idea by Kellogg's is opening in London today to launch the new range of Special K Cracker Crisps. Wonderfully simple, tweet with the hashtag #TweetShop and get...

Posted by: Creativepool


Sainsbury’s schedules tweet for wrong day as followers react

A Sainbury's Twitter admin named Daniel published a tweet early on Friday morning that was meant to go out on Saturday causing a barrage of amusing responses from the supermarket chain's followers. "Morning folks! It's Saturday, which for me is fry...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Strife is tweet - a top ten of Twitter scandals

1. Social sausage Anthony Weiner (oh the irony!) denied everything and blamed hackers (they always do), when a photo of his genitals was tweeted from his account and sent to a woman in Seattle. The problem was that Weiner, at the time, was one of...

Posted by: Creativepool


Thank you, U2...for giving us something to moan about on Twitter

Looking down my Twitter feed, it seems to me that the 140-character-loving public has forgotten something. They've forgotten how to be interesting. That includes me, incidentally, before you go and tweet something rude @Ashley_Morrison in response. I...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Something extraordinary has happened...

Something extraordinary has happened to me. Not a new brand of tea bag I rather like, but something properly extraordinary. As you'll know, almost a week ago, armed men stormed the offices of the French magazine Charlie Hebdo; shooting and killing...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


From simple visions to Something Big - #CompanySpotlight

Some of the best agencies and pieces of creative work in this industry are often born out of simplicity and clarity of vision. The story of Something Big, one of the Top 20 communications agencies on Creativepool, isn't much different in that...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Can creativity be taught or is it something we are born with?

Creativity has got to be one of the most important skills in the world today. Take a look at any recruitment ad in the corporate world and you’ll see how much the skill is in demand. Right now all kinds of companies are looking for...

Posted by: Creativepool


Discover a little something in your next Uber

In partnership with our friends at Uber and SUITCASE Magazine, we are launching #BackseatArt across six UK cities to showcase local artists. This week, cars in London, Manchester, Leeds, Sheffield, Birmingham and Newcastle will contain limited...

Posted by: Creativepool


Something to offend everyone – Hope to Nope at the Design Museum

“Something to offend everyone” – that’s how the curator describes Hope to Nope: Graphics and Politics 2008-18, a new exhibition at the Design Museum looking at how people have used creativity to react to political upheaval over the past...

Posted by: Stephen ONeill


Something for nothing

by Ashley Morrison. I never thought I’d say it, but I have some sympathy with guests on the Jeremy Kyle Show. Not that I sit around watching daytime TV all day, of course. Well, apart from a triple-bill of Frasier to get me going in the...

Posted by: Creativepool


What are you, autarkic or something?

Am Reading Orlando Figes magnum opus ‘A People's Tragedy’ (our bookshelves are a groaning legacy of leftovers, now the children have all left and left behind piles of stuff they’ve no room for - but it does leave a treasure trove of random...

Posted by: Richard


Pool Party London 2016 was something special!

On the hottest day in September since 1911 - last night, Wednesday 14th September, Creativepool’s private Pool Party London kicked off in Shoreditch with partners Creative Translation, Visualise, Jelly London, Profiles Creative, MassiveMusic...

Posted by: Creativepool


Here's a little tease of something pretty massive...

We all love to have a sneaky peek inside our friend's house. A big thank you to our friends at Ground Control & Massive Music for collaborating with us on it, but we'll tell you a bit more next week. Stay hyped for the launch on Thursday the 12th...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Tweeting for crisps.

by Magnus Shaw Special K eternally pitched as a "healthy" food, it's now at the centre of an "eat this and wear smaller jeans" campaign. It must be going well, because a line of Special K snacks has been launched named "Cracker Crisps." It's no...

Posted by: Creativepool


Opinions - Doing bird. Should Twitter be policed?

by Magnus Shaw In the early hours of this morning Dorset police arrested a 17-year-old boy. It's alleged he sent a tweet to Olympic diver Tom Daly which read "You let your dad down I hope you know that." Daly had finished fourth in the Men's...

Posted by: Creativepool


Keep Track Of Your Wish List With Twitter

November is the busiest marketing month and Amazon is giving its customers another tool to keep track of all the goodies that will be filling up their online shopping baskets. Yesterday Amazon introduced #AmazonWishList, allowing customers to add...

Posted by: Creativepool


The O2 becomes the world's largest 3D light projection

On Thursday night (February 15), the O2 in Greenwich was transformed into a spectacular canvas for the world's largest ever light projection. In honour of the upcoming Rugby World Cup, O2; the England Rugby teams official partners, created a series...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


NiceBot turns the other cheek on Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is a very modern, but very serious problem, which is especially rife on Twitter. Indeed, online bullying is more prevalent today than it’s ever been before, with Twitter alone registering something mean, cruel or hurtful posted...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Agency of the Week: Publicis

Publicis Conseil launch digital Renault F1 campaign Publicis Conseil & Renault have released a bold new digital campaign, which will lead to some lucky fans having their names printed on the Renault F1 car at the next Grand Prix. The idea behind the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


VCCP packs a real punch!

I don't get boxing. I'll admit it. The idea of watching two (admittedly skilled and highly athletic) men bash seven shades of shit out of each other for the amusement of a baying crowd is simply not my idea of a good time. I do, however, get...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


After all these years, I still don't 'get' Facebook.

Do you remember when Tony Blair said he couldn't use a computer? I do, because it infuriated me. At the time, he was leader of one the world's largest economies and democracies, and there he was, smirking gleefully about the fact that he couldn't...

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


Do influencers have a responsibility to be 100% authentic?

When an eagle-eyed Twitter user noticed an influencer posting images with identical cloud formations, he wasted no time in calling out her ‘spooky’ behaviour. Matt Navarra’s tweet (below) about Martina Saravia got 35k likes....

Posted by: Aaron Brooks

Creative Branding: What's It Good For?

A brand is the visual, emotional, rational, and even cultural image that people associate with a product or with a company. Brands are more important at this period in time than any time in the past century. Brands bring together psychology and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


New Churchill dog divides opinion online

A new ad for insurance company Churchill has been met with mixed emotions from fans on social media as they responded to a makeover of mascot Churchill the Dog. The 30-second spot sees the new version of the iconic canine character riding a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Waitrose issues apology over 'racist' Easter packaging

UK reatailer Waitrose has issued an apology after receiving customer complaints about a trio of chocolate ducklings being sold in its stores. The set of ducks included three types of chocolate that were labelled as crispy, fluffy and ugly, with the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

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