Displaying 1 - 36 of 2761 results



Building Culture: 8 things to look out for

Barely a day goes by without the word 'culture' featuring heavily in my conversations. It’s become a sort of catch-all phrase and having a ‘great’ one is something lots of agencies can be fiercely proud and protective of - and rightly so. It's...

Posted by: Character Creative


What a beauty salon can teach you about politics

A weekly roundup of the most important news from the advertising awards world ADC*E The Art Directors Club of Europe honored “We Are The Superhumans” for Channel 4 by 4Creative with a Creative Distinction Award. The prize was created...

Posted by: TheNextGag


Rebrand Roundup: From Politics to Chocolate, or both

Design Army - Harper Macaw Ahead of this year's heavily publicised and unprecedentedly divisive US presidential election, the creative gurus at Design Army are encouraging American citizens to chose their chocolate bars based on their political...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


When Branding, Politics & Capitalism Collide

We live in a dangerously divided world where politics, branding, and capitalism continue to collide. Fueled by social media’s immediacy, vast reach, and influence, and a society stoked by activism, we’ve never been more socially...

Posted by: Lysle Wickersham


A Right Honourable Christmas? When design meets politics

There are few things more cringe-worthy than politicians trying to be any of the following: hip, funny, down with da yoof, normal, John Travolta. I had to add number five because I'm still haunted by images of John "Two Jags" Prescott bopping away at...

Posted by: Ashley Morrison


Behind the Idea: Bringing politics home for the BBC

With the 2019 general election fast approaching in the UK, the BBC has launched a promo for its coverage leading up to 12 December. Created by BBC Creative, the film puts the power in voters’ hands by showing a diverse range of families across...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Office: Re-imagined in an age of hybrid work

As hybrid work continues to evolve, IT decision makers (ITDMs) and management teams are finding new ways to bring people together- both inside and outside the office - to communicate, collaborate and create together. With the ability to go into the...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brave New Office: the Future of Work sounds... scary

'Keep safe, mate.' I think I’ve heard this more in the past few months than in all the years I spent in London. It feels like a new salute, something you are compelled to say in our email sign-offs or opening lines. I’ve even seen a topic...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Out of sight. What became of the virtual office?

by Magnus Shaw. Working in an ad agency in Fleet Street in 1995, I was called into a first-floor office to be shown something very impressive - an email account. Visually it was quite modest, just some browser windows with names and messages in...

Posted by: Creativepool


How coworking is disrupting office culture

Technology has played an important role in challenging the traditional concept of ‘work’. The internet, as well as the mobility enabled by laptops and smartphones, has created a nomadic workforce. Partly as a result of this shift, the...

Posted by: Canvas8


Unlocking human stories with Synoptic Office | #CompanySpotlight

Synoptic Office is an award-winning design consultancy working globally with leading cultural, civic, and business organizations to communicate ideas, build experiences, and cultivate new audiences. Designers Caspar Lam and YuJune Park originally...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


7 uplifting workplace trends that will define your return to the office

Crazy as it sounds, 2022 is around the corner and with it, a new age for the future of work. As Covid restrictions get lifted and people get their full round of vaccines, workers will be expected to return to the office at least a few days per week....

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


MassiveMusic Lands in Japan with Opening of Tokyo Office

International music agency MassiveMusic has extended its global reach with the opening of a new office in Tokyo, as the worldwide network officially lands in Japan. Deciding that “the sun should never set on MassiveMusic,” the opening of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How our office disco loo boosted business performance

A view from Mike Cullis... I’m a big believer that a workplace should both reflect and inspire the spirit of a business because it has such a fundamental impact on teams of people, quality of work and, ultimately, success and profitability. Soul...

Posted by: Persuasion Communications


Soul office given a musical artistic makeover by Leopard's Lunch

Soul has commissioned London artist Kate Philipson, aka Leopard’s Lunch, to create a series of striking murals to decorate the agency’s office interior. The artwork, entitled “Bubbling with Creativity, Oozing with Soul,” has a bold, pop art...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creative Direct Marketing Group (CDMG) opens new office

Last week the California-based direct response advertising agency announces expansion by their new office in Nashville, Tennessee. The Creative Direct Marketing Group (CDMG) is a full-service direct response and digital advertising agency with...

Posted by: Creativepool


BETC Paris transforms derelict warehouse into gorgeous office space

BETC has taken a huge derelict flour and grain warehouse on the banks of the Canal de l'Ourcq in Paris and transformed it into a bold new office block boasting a large roof garden and plant-filled courtyards. The 20,000-square-metre Les Magasins...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Facebook designs the world's largest open plan office with Gehry

Facebook has begun the process of moving its 2,800 members of staff into the company's elaborate new office space in Palo Alto, California, which founder Mark Zuckerberg has been designed as the “Largest open floor plan in the world.” The...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Gort Scott transform 1960s Walthamstow office block into creative hub

The London-based architectural studio Gort Scott has converted a rundown office block in the city's Walthamstow area into a hub for local creatives, featuring co-working spaces, maker studios and even a bakery cafe. Walthamstow Central Parade was...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


MediaCom change attitudes toward office working

In a media industry first, MediaCom has announced the launch of Project Blend; a unique talent management initiative that shies away from the traditional media industry approach to working. Rather than focusing on the amount of hours workers spend at...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Always pin your ideas to your office wall

When I first started out, I was always encouraged to pin my ideas to my office wall. I used an A3 layout pad and a fat black Pentel marker and just scribbled down whatever came into my head. Once I thought that I had something, I’d draw a...

Posted by: Creativepool


Attitude in the ad agency: How to avoid becoming the office a**hole

Besides me saying the word 'positivity' a million times, this video is a quick rant on attitude in the advertising environment. It's vastly important and sometimes we forget how good we have it between late nights and tight deadlines. Staying...

Posted by: Kevin Forister


The Office for Creative Research: Understanding Big Data

For the average Jane, the term Big Data is almost impossible to comprehend - or at least, it is to me. I’m well aware that data cloaks and polices every aspect of our lives and that my search histories, numerous email inboxes, online bank...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


10 unusual things you'll find in a Google office...

Okay, we know their tax-paying record is a bit wobbly. And they caved in to the Chinese censors way too easily. And they're keeping a troubling amount of data on us all. But don't you fancy working for Google - even if it's just for a week or two....

Posted by: Magnus Shaw


How cool is your office?

It's a well known fact that some agencies spend huge chunks of their hard earned money turning lifeless commercial spaces into bastions of creativity. These interiors provide insight as to the breadth and depth of their thinking and creative...

Posted by: Creativepool


Make Democracy More Democratic with Sway

An alternative democracy app is being launched ahead of the US Presidential Election. “Democracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner” says James Bovard. How many of us agree? With over...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Power Of Crowdsourcing

The Internet is a prime place to gather people together. Sometimes you don’t necessarily need a group of trolls coming together to slam the Yeezy Boost, or unendingly comment on the blue-black-gold-white dress debate. You might wonder why these...

Posted by: Jade French


The Green Party say "Take That"

Regardless of your political affiliation, you'd be hard pressed to deny that this year's political race has been a bit of a farce thus far. With so many warring (and jarring) personalities vying for public attention in a staggeringly negative media...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Can blogs change an opinion?

Blogs can do many things. They can inform, entertain and sometimes educate. They can be a useful and more creative platform for someone to write more freely than when they begrudgingly trudge through the corporate work they might have to do for their...

Posted by: Creativepool

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