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MIA teams up with H&M to encourage us to recycle our garments

Kicking off the first annual World Recycle Week on April 18, the goal of the “Rewear It” campaign, is to collect 1,000 Tons of used clothing at H&M stores worldwide, and keep them out of landfills by recycling them. It's rare indeed for...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Brand Case Study: H&M need to #REWORKIT

Back in April, H&M hosted World Recycle Week, an initiative designed to promote sustainability in fashion and to ‘Close The Loop’ on the thousands of items of clothing that are cast aside on landfill every year. But whilst the campaign...

Posted by: Kate Lewin


Is it a bird? Is it a plane?... Or is it a talking recyclable carton?

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Or is it a creative use of animation, with a serious message behind it? The innovative, animated series ‘The Carton Campaigners’ has hit the mark when it comes to explaining why sustainable packaging is key to...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


How can we *truly* make a difference for the industry?

A chat with the authors of Sustainable Marketing, published by Bloomsbury Business Some time ago, we worked on a piece about greenwashing and the harm it can do to the industry on the short and longer term. Too many organisations are still making...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Porky polls: people lie in surveys, so how do you get to the facts?

There aren’t many studies examining how frequently people lie. It is lunacy to assume that respondents will truthfully answer questions about how truthful they are. Neither is it socially desirable to brand yourself a liar - even in an...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creating Sustainable Brands: a Feature with Friends of the Earth

We’ve all witnessed the push to sustainability in the past decade. What were once talks in the realm of the ‘nice to have’ or some barely formed concerns about the health of our planet have now transformed into sheer fear for some...

Posted by: Antonino Lupo


Festive Sustainability: Dreaming of a Green Christmas

Christmas is a time for giving and family celebrations. Yet, it can be a time of excess and over-indulgence - from gifting to greeting cards and glitter - we question if the glamour is worth the garbage. Figures show that the festive season...

Posted by: SGK


North London Waste Authority urge millennials to Save Our Stuff

The North London Waste Authority has announced the launch of “Save Our Stuff,” a digital TV advertising campaign aimed at getting Millennials to recycle more and “not throw away useful stuff”. Created by advertising and...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


What makes a remote multimedia motion agency tick? #CompanySpotlight

A creative, concept driven animation studio specialising in multimedia motion for all digital mediums, from interactive web to full commercial campaigns. Ticktockrobot is a completely remote operation with bags of potential. We caught up with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


The Brands Pushing Back Against Fast Fashion #SustainabilityMonth

Fashion has always been anathema to me. You could diplomatically refer to my wardrobe as “functional” and I’m unlikely to spend more than a few fleeting seconds deciding what to wear in the morning. I do, however, understand the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


PR campaigns exposed - The good the bad and the ugly truth

The old adage goes that there’s no such thing as bad publicity - but this is a very old saying, and its originators failed to live to see the year 2023. That’s probably a good thing, as the last 12 short months could have spelt the...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns


Make business green again - Going green without greenwashing

Two-thirds of businesses in the UK have no kind of plan for sustainable operations. This is hardly a surprising statistic - in the current economic climate, enterprises across all industries are looking to reduce their outgoings and avoid any kind of...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Make to Treasure - A Conversation with ex-Timberland Steve Salt

Make to Treasure is an attitude. Simply put, the idea any brand-related promotional tool we produce should add value, so we need to make it last. Promotional materials that belong in a brand’s ID should add texture, weight (metaphorically and...

Posted by: Heather Golding


Empowering electric dreams with Hyundai and IONIQ - #BehindTheIdea

After the release of Hyundai's electric vehicle, IONIQ, the brand wished to make a bold statement to show the power of electric and how it can empower people to become the change they want to see in the world. The result of their partnership with...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial

Inside the life of a NBC News Producer – #MemberSpotlight

From Tokyo to London and a career in journalism, you can tell that Simeon Paterson has travelled far and wide. Perhaps that's even where his passion for journalism comes from - and we wouldn't be surprised. Journalism is an art, and it can be a...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Creating the Planet's Great Reset with Iris

Picture the blank page, staring at you right before a new drawing, story or project. Scary, isn't it? The big blank page can be daunting. It is up to creatives to fill it with all the amazing ideas we are known and paid for, driving change with our...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


50% of creative freelancers won't survive more than 3 months

Being one of the world's largest creative communities, Creativepool is in a unique position to understand how the creative industry is struggling in self-isolation for the Coronavirus lockdown. We had the power to make a difference by asking about...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Why aren't brands doing enough for the environment?

It's no secret that the planet is suffering. Aside from Brexit, it's been the biggest thing affecting the news agenda for the past few years and coverage is only set to increase. But if the decay and gradual demise of our world is so important, why...

Posted by: Creativepool Editorial


Top 10 tips for new designers

A year or so ago I was invited to do a talk at Shillington. I wasn't sure what to say and wanted to make sure it was actually useful, rather than just showing some pretty pictures. So, I had a think about what would've been useful to me when I first...

Posted by: Mark Richardson


Top 20 Ads of 2017

With digital arguably superseding traditional TV advertising as the most relevant and cost-effective way-forward for the industry this year, it's surprising that we actually enjoyed such a banner year for great, 30-90 second creative content. Of...

Posted by: Benjamin Hiorns

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